The Tragic Demotion of Hannyabal (3/3)

If the Marine Headquarters was the nightmare in the minds of all pirates, then Impel Down was the place those pirates didn't even want to talk about in their nightmares.

A reputation more fierce than evil spirits, a punishment more terrible than death, this is the consensus of the sea for Impel Down.

At this moment, this too evil hell is welcoming a special guest.

"Authentication, this is Ensign Longinus, Marine Headquarters Special Agent, authentication approved, come in!"

From the warship, Longinus smiled gently and did not have the slightest fear of the pirates' nightmare of Impel Down, but in his mind, he recalled what Sengoku had told him before he left.

"The escape of Shiki has not only shattered the myth of Impel Down and caused turmoil in the sea, but it has also given hope to those pirates held in Impel Down."

"That's why there have been more escapes in recent times than in the past twenty years combined, and while those escaped pirates have been promptly recaptured, the ill effects have been irreversible. Impel Down side is struggling to hold on on its own and is so exhausted that it can only request support from Marine Headquarters."

"However, the high-level forces in this department have also been stretched to the limit. With even an idle man like Garp being sent out, it was too cumbersome to draw manpower from other branches. I can only try to find suitable candidates from recent years of newcomers in this department."

"So, Admiral Sengoku, are you hoping to have me go to Impel Down for reinforcements?"

"Yes, there are currently not many people in this headquarters who have the strength and means to do so, and you, Longinus, are one of the ones I am most optimistic about that. Moreover, this mission is a challenge, as well as an opportunity for you. If the Impel Down side can recognize your abilities, it will also have extraordinary benefits for your future development."

Longinus strolled, while his mind was lively and open, "Does Admiral Sengoku mean that the promotion of an admiral still involves the manipulation of all sides? Because the authority and responsibility are too great, the various friendly units' opinions can be accounted for in the future. Or is it through this incident that I have been brought into the eyes of Gorosei?"

"Either way, this mission is a rare opportunity for me." Longinus' gaze flickered, "There are some things in the Prison Break ... Riot ... that has to be planned out in a circumstantial manner!"

When he was entering the gates to Impel Down, there were already many people waiting there.

"Welcome to ... my Inferno of Impel!" The monster with a big belly and a Pharaoh's headdress was speaking seriously when he suddenly screamed.

"Ah! Wrong, 'My Prison' is exposing some ambition!"

The man standing next to him with his stomach covered reluctantly introduced himself, "This is Chief Guard Hannyabal of Impel Down, I am Vice Warden Magellan, welcome to the city, Sir."

"I am Ensign Longinus of the Marine Corps. Please take care of me." Longinus replied briefly, while his mind was appalled, "It's surprising that Hannyabal would be Chief Guard."

"Ensign Longinus, please follow me, the Chief Warden is waiting in his office on the fourth floor," Magellan said quite politely, though he was a little pale.

"Please." Longinus followed slowly, and there were occasional cries of pain and despair from the prison along the road.

"Let me out, let me out!"

"Help me, help me, somebody help me?"

"I have endless treasures, get me out of here, and I'll give you all those treasures!"

"Keep them quiet." Magellan's brow furrowed as he instructed the jailer behind him.

"These men haven't been in prison long enough to realize what true desperation is, and they won't have this kind of abundant energy anymore." From the shadows came a cruel man in an aviator's cap with a cigar in his mouth, wiping the blood from his blade.

"Shiryu, you're executing prisoners at random again?" Magellan asked with an evil look on his face.

"Don't talk so badly. I just took care of a few potential threats that could have escaped from prison in passing." Shiryu returned carelessly.

"You ..." Magellan was about to strike, suddenly aware of the presence of an outsider, which put the idea to rest, and introduced him to Longinus, "Ensign Longinus, this is Chief Guard of the prison, Shiryu."

Saying that, he introduced Shiryu again, "Shiryu, this is the Marine Special Agent ..."

"I know, the monster of the marine headquarters, Longinus, but I've heard a lot about him." Shiryu said, looking at Longinus and biting into his cigar and smiled, "I've heard that Ensign Longinus is powerful. If you have time, can you let me experience it?"

"Shiryu, you ..."

"Just kidding, Magellan, don't be so nervous."

Seeing that Shiryu was about to leave, Magellan quickly called him to a halt, "Wait, the Chief Warden is still waiting for us on the fourth floor. While Ensign Longinus has just arrived, it would be convenient for us to get acquainted with each other and also discuss the next response."

"I'm not interested in a boring meeting like that, I've got the time, I might as well go kill a few more people, wrongly speaking, it's only right to take care of a few more death row inmates who might escape."

Seeing that he was being ignored the entire time, Hannyabal said with displeasure, "Shiryu, you're going to make me look bad as Chief Guard."

"Huh?" Shiryu turned to Hannyabal with an icy glare that made him almost weak in the knees, "How much longer do you think you'll be in this position, my waste officer? As the first person to discover Shiki's whereabouts and tell Sakuragi and Kazuki to save his life, your existence has seriously damaged the city's image, and I've heard from the chief that you won't be able to stay in this position much longer. Let the honor be yours!"

After saying that, Shiryu turned to leave.

"I was stunned by Shiki. There was no way I could tell ..." Hannyabal was red-faced in his defense, and suddenly, as if struck by lightning, he stood there dumbly, only to come back to his senses a few moments later, collapsing and shouting. "Demote ... Demote! My Chief Guard, my Chief Warden, my Impel Down, it's all gone, all gone!"

"Hannyabal, calm down!"

"My Chief Warden, my Impel Down..." repeated Hannyabal's frustrating repetition, oblivious to Magellan's reassurances.

"Damn, these two bastards have disgraced the prison!" Magellan cursed in his heart, a smile barely holding the corners of his mouth, "Ensign Longinus, I've made you laugh, let's head to the fourth level of Blazing Hell next."

"The conditions in Impel Down aren't excellent; it's dark and closed and inevitably breeds some violence, which I can completely understand. But I'm sure that Vice Warden Magellan's ability will be able to coordinate all sides." Longinus smiled.

"Haha, I'm not the Chief yet!" Magellan said so with his mouth, but his body was honestly cheerful even with his feet.

"While it is not my place to intervene in such matters, I think that a man of Vice Warden Magellan's strong sense of responsibility must be the best person to run this great prison."

"That is so embarrassing for Ensign Longinus to say, hahaha!"