Pushing the Limits of Longinus

Magellan was startled and asked dumbly, "What do you mean?"

"If we let that pirate go down to the fifth level and cause a riot, who is most responsible?" Longinus asked by way of example.

"Isn't the person in charge of the fifth level ... me?" Magellan awoke with a sudden start, all cold and sweaty for a moment.

"I ask you again, what just happened that attracted the attention of most of us and allowed the pirates mixed in with those guards to escape to the next level logically?"

"It was the fight that almost broke out between Ember and me." Magellan replied mechanically, suddenly waking up like a dream, "You mean, that pirate was simply put out by Ember on purpose just now?"

"Yes, no wonder he was deliberately provocative with his words. He was trying to get our attention away from the battle."

"It's hard to say right now, but he does have the potential," Longinus said conservatively.

"Not possible, it must be him!" Magellan gritted his teeth and said, "He's already dissatisfied with me, and must be trying to use this opportunity to bring me down completely."

"This guy is so deranged that he's willing to start a riot to deal with me, no, I'm going to find him now!"

Seeing Magellan's anger and about to leave, Longinus pulled him back, "Don't be reckless. What good would it do for you to go after him now, this is all just speculation on our part, and without proof, there is no way Chief Warden Jarvis is going to take him down just because of an escaped pirate."

"Hey! Brother Longinus, you should have warned me earlier, if you take that pirate before Ember, you might be able to torture the truth out of him!" Magellan grumbled verbally, but the name for Longinus changed all the time.

"It's no use, even if you take that pirate, you won't get any truth out of him."

"Huh? Why is that? Is it any wonder that guy Ember still has the charisma to make pirates follow him to his death?"

"Nothing to do with charisma or anything, of course, I just saw muddiness and dullness in that pirate's eyes, and if I'm not mistaken, the pirate was just a puppet on a string, and the one who manipulated him into working with the Ember should be someone else."

"What? Someone else is conspiring with Ember?" Magellan was horrified, and for the first time, felt that Impel Down had become strange.

"I've been puzzled from the beginning, it's undeniable that Shiki's escape inspired the pirates, but the successive escaped pirates that have been executed these days should have also terrified a large number of prisoners, so why has the situation of the escape gotten worse instead?"

"Brother Longinus, are you saying that the escaped prisoners are as controlled as the pirate who just escaped?" Magellan now had no more doubt about what Longinus had said and followed his thinking down the line.

"Don't you think it's too coincidental in timing that the pirate who escaped from prison this morning and the one who just showed up? Perhaps the first pirate would have been a false alarm put out by someone in the dark so that you would subconsciously ignore the possibility of a second escaped prisoner in such a short time."

"I guess that the person who manipulated them was trying to get you to focus on the first three levels and make you form qualitative thoughts, which is why you just habitually ignored the pirate named Ivan."

"Of course, another reason is that perhaps the pirates on the fourth and fifth layers are stronger, and that manipulator can't control many puppets, so that's why he uses the first three layers of pirates to test them over and over again."

"Although it's just a guess on my part, it's best if we don't do anything rash until we've come to a conclusion that might alert the enemy."

"Still, you're smart, brother Longinus, like I wouldn't have thought of it at all." Magellan said convincingly, "I'll do what you say I should do!"

"Now then, forget everything I've said before for a moment, and don't let Ember see through it," Longinus said, and strolled past Magellan towards the Director's office.

"Huh? No way, I can't play this one, so why don't I go hide in the bathroom?" Magellan followed suit, asking from the heart.

"It's too late, just play your natural role." Longinus waved his hand, while in his mind, he thought, "If we don't let the other guy get suspicious, how are we going to force him to jump the dog?"

"It's fortunate, I was wondering how to do it, but now with this incident, I just need to make the most of the situation next, even if I end up making a mistake, no one will suspect me."

Seeing Longinus and Magellan walk in together, Shiryu said with narrowed eyes, "When did you two get so close? It's amazing."

"Is it wrong for me to do so when Ensign Longinus is already a valued guest at our Impel Down?" Magellan asked rhetorically.

"I'm glad you're happy." Shiryu lowered the brim of his hat and smiled grimly.

The "Giant" sitting at the top had a stiff grin, "Ensign Longinus, I've heard about what just happened. Thank you very much for your contribution to prison."

Longinus smiled, "It's my part of the job."

"Admiral Sengoku was right. You sure are reliable!"

At that moment, heavy footsteps sounded, and Ember, stained with blood, came through the door.

"Ember, you've already killed someone?" Jarvis asked with a frown.

"Yes!" Ember replied in silence before saying in a dull voice, "This time, it was my lack of supervision."

"This guy did silence that guy!" Magellan clenched his fists, one eye unconsciously glaring at the other.

Jarvis shook his head, "Never mind, the ability Mane Mane no Mi is indeed tricky. It would indeed be difficult for the average person to notice if it weren't for a strong man like Ensign Longinus, who is proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki."

"Proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki? That's rare. I thought only those snipers would choose a skill like Kenbunshoku for escape." Shiryu's mouth was relentless, but his heart was amazed at the ability to see through Mane Mane no Mi at a glance. It wasn't like it was something that a normal Kenbunshoku Haki could do.

"Indeed, can ...," said Ember frowned, there was a sight almost undisguised on him, "What has that idiot been staring at me? Is it already aware of something?"

"Forget all that, I've gathered you together today to come up with a solution that will solve the prison break once and for all," Jarvis said.

"It's not that simple. Kill all the prisoners, and naturally, no one will escape." Shiryu sneered, "The last thing this sea needs is pirates anyway, wouldn't it be perfect to have a purge every once in a while?"

Jarvis twitched the corner of his mouth and went right past him to Hannyabal, asking, "Tell me what you think, if you can afford to take responsibility for the crime ..."

Hearing the words in Chief Warden's mouth, Hannyabal's spirits lifted. Even his big belly was put away, "I think we can create a false story. Since it's because Shiki's escape gave those pirates hope, let's publicize the fact that the courageous and fearless Chief Guard Hannyabal captured Shiki and threw him back into prison. In the meantime, to make the news more credible, I think I should reluctantly put on the Chief Warden's clothes and stroll around the prison a few times ..."

"Do I still have to put on the Vice Warden's clothes to keep you company?" Jarvis said with implied anger.

"Right. It's normal for the former Chief Warden to be demoted for making a poor arrest, or is it 'Vice Warden' you're thinking of." Hannyabal said with delight.

Magellan, on the other hand, had closed his eyes in frustration.

It's hopeless. You're going to die. Goodbye!