Whitebeard Pirates Attack

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Hahahahaha! Nice work! It seems that you haven't fallen behind in your training of the Iron Fist so that I can rest assured." Garp put away his sandbag-sized fist and patted the shoulders of the bruised Longinus in front of him, chirping.

"Thank you, Vice Admiral Garp, for the advice!" Longinus said casually, seemingly not caring at all about his new Buddha look.

Longinus was well aware that the day was coming sooner or later after the last time he had surprised Garp with a panda eye.

What's more, Garp wasn't lying. The deep "love" in the iron fist made him use his faith to a new level.

We have to say that Garp is a classic example of stick education, but if you can endure it, the rewards can grow fast.

"Ensign Longinus has worked hard, and not many of us can afford to be taught by Vice-Admiral Garp!" It's hard to imagine how Dragon could have survived this miserable situation after only one day of training.

No wonder he rarely came to camp then. Who else would have been embarrassed with that big bump on his head!

Kuzan and Sakazuki also cast the same mournful look. Dragon is so strong. He must have suffered too much "love" that he shouldn't have suffered at his age!

The corners of Dragon's mouth twitched, almost having trouble maintaining his cold-hearted manliness, and would the three idiots believe him if he said that he hadn't suffered such a miserable encounter with Longinus back then either?

"Not good, not good, Vice-Admiral Garp, Vice-Admiral Dragon ..." a marine captain rushed through the door in such a hurry that his breath stopped at first sight of Longinus, almost thinking it was Admiral Sengoku in disguise.

"Ahem, what's going on?" Garp asked properly.

"Uh-oh!" Only then did the Captain come back to his senses, and all the envy in his heart for Longinus switched to sympathy and celebration, "It's ... it's the Whitebeard Pirates coming over!"

"Hahahahaha! That Whitebeard guy isn't the character to take a beating and not fight back, he was just attacked by one of us yesterday, and he's going to return it so soon today." Garp laughed loudly and commanded, "Come on; let's go out and take a look."

Sakazuki and the others looked solemn as they followed behind Garp, and as long as they had seen Whitebeard's devastating attacks, it was hard for them to be as casual and spontaneous as Garp.

"Whitebeard Pirates ..." is not even a little bit excited with Longinus' heart, whether now or twenty years from now, that is nothing less than the pinnacle of existence, and a figure he hopes to challenge and surpass.

"Ensign Longinus, you ..." the Captain who passed on the message took a cryptic look at the massive bum on Longinus's head, and the meaning in his eyes was unmistakable. You'd better not go out in this outfit that affects morale.

"Well, hold on a second," Longinus said, and then he urged his Seimei Kikan ability to remove the large bumps on his head one by one, all the while being glad that Vice-Admiral Garp's Iron Fist of Love was only prolonging the pain.

The Captain on the other side of the table was also twitching. Why are you so skilled? How many beatings did he take from Vice Admiral Garp?


G5 branch, at base port.

The Moby Dick, whose head was decorated as a whale, was anchored quietly in the sea, and behind it were ships of all kinds and sizes, ships belonging to a group of followers of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard, with naginata in hand, is standing on the front of the Moby Dick, the Captain's coat covered in his back preying on the sea breeze.

"Hey! Garp, I have received the gift you gave me yesterday, and today it's my turn to give you the big gift, ah!"

"Whitebeard, isn't the best gift of all, yourself?"

"Gura-ra-ra! If you want my life, it's up to you to take it, Garp!"


Whitebeard's torso stood upright, and his right hand smashed into the air as if space was shattering. The atmosphere appeared with countless visible cracks. The momentum quickly spread to the surface of the sea, stirring up monstrous waves hundreds of meters high, seemingly drowning the G5 branch directly.

"Gulp!" Those officers of the marine who came with Sakazuki's fleet and didn't have time to participate in that battle yesterday, looking at this terrifying scene that seemed like the end of the world, all swallowed hard. They muttered to themselves, "Is that Whitebeard guy human?"

"Ice Age!"

Kuzan leaped into the air, and the cold tide surged, so intense was it that it completely froze the natural disaster level wave.

Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!

The ice was still spreading, and in the end, it went so far as to completely freeze the sea as far as the eye could see, imprisoning even the massive fleet of Whitebeard Pirates by ice.

"Live ... survived, long live Vice Admiral Kuzan!"

"It's shocking! Vice Admiral Kuzan is worthy of the mighty power of battle with the name of the monster!"

"Now that you've managed to freeze the sea, I should say, is it worthy of being Aokiji?" Longinus was also slightly impressed, a strength that was still much stronger than he was at this stage.

"Not bad for a kid playing with ice!" Even when Whitebeard saw this scene, he couldn't help but exclaim.

"A ra ra ra! You're a messed up old man!"

"Whitebeard, since you dare to take the initiative to start a war, you should have the awareness to die here! Ryusei Kazan!" Sakazuki leaped into the air with a shout, and a meteor shower of lava chunks came crashing down.

"Isn't that fire a little too fancy to be trying to light candles on a birthday cake, lava kid!" Whitebeard's eyes glazed over, this attack was nothing to him, but it was nothing less than a devastating disaster to the other pirates.

"Naginata Rasetsu!"

The naginata swung fiercely, and the terrifying vibratory force that was triggered actually from the blade erased the magma from its roots. By the time it landed on the ice, it was no different from ordinary fallen rock.

"Oh, yoooo! It's so scary as a monster!" Borsalino raised his right hand and tapped out his index finger, tilting his mouth and saying, "It's just too scary to be the enemy of such a monster!"

"But it's a bit embarrassing for me not to do something when those two guys are doing it, so why don't you guys just forget about it?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you ignoring us completely? A battle between kings against kings doesn't allow you to interfere, asshole!" The pineapple-headed bird-man, covered in green flames, leaped into the air, surprisingly kicking away the waves of light that were shot at Whitebeard.

"Oh yo yo, the Whitebeard Pirates are all monsters!"

"How much further from the world's best? Dragon's Claw!" Dragon squeezed his right hand into a dragon claw stance and lunged at Whitebeard.

"Marco is right. You marines are so blind. You won't be allowed to cross the path to the King until you defeat me!" Half of Jozu's body is transformed into a diamond, blocking a powerful strike from Dragon.

"Hahahahaha! Whitebeard, let me, an old friend, say hello to you, Genkotsu Satellite!" Garp went so far as to find a ship-sized cannonball from nowhere to hold up in his hand and throw it violently.

"Gura-ra-ra! That's enough of this nonsense attempt at probing, Garp!" Whitebeard's naginata swung, and the vibratory force erupted, crushing the cannonball directly into powder and fading into the blowing cold wind.