Shadow Currents

New World, G5 Branch.

A large group of marines had gathered around, a break in their shift.

"Three battles fought in half a month. It seems that this headquarters is determined to eradicate the Whitebeard Pirates this time!"

"But it's true that the Whitebeard Pirates are strong, and they were able to hold out for so long against Vice-Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Sakazuki's attacks!"

"I've heard that it's mainly because Kaido's Beasts Pirates have split up some of our headquarters' war effort."

"The other sea pirates seem to be on the move as well. In case those pirates unite, it's a pretty heavy blow to our Marine!"

"Don't worry, haven't you heard the phrase? It's never Marine that kills the most pirates. It's the pirates that kill the most! Besides, we have a super-powerful new star like Ensign Longinus on the Marine side, in addition to Vice Admiral Sakazuki and the others!"

"Ensign Longinus is my idol! Powerful and handsome and so gentle, not at all cold like Vice Admiral Sakazuki!"

"... You're a guy!"

"I wonder how Ensign Longinus trained! Younger than me, but already not much less powerful than Vice Admiral!"

"You don't want to know ..."

"You even know? Tell me about it!"

"I heard that ... Ensign Longinus' powerful strength resulted from being beaten up by Vice-Admiral Garp, and I had a glimpse of it from afar. It was so miserable that I couldn't believe that the monster with perfectly disfigured features could be the handsome and elegant Ensign Longinus!"

"If those crazy female soldiers knew that their beloved god had been beaten to be disfigured by Vice-Admiral Garp, yikes, I can't even imagine how badly that scene would turn out!"

"Heh ... heh ...," the soldier who questioned him laughed dryly twice, "I think Ensign Longinus seems quite alright, not at all like you said he would be! "

"Supposedly, it was restored with Seimei Kikan. I don't understand ..."

"That ... Excuse me ..." as the group of soldiers were talking about the world, a cold greeting suddenly came from behind them.

"Sir!" The soldiers' group hurriedly saluted when they saw the coat of justice that the person behind them was wearing. They knew very well that the one who was allowed to wear the coat of justice like this was at least of the rank of Ensign.

"I just wanted to ask if you know where Ensign Longinus is?" That person who was asking the question was a valiant swordswoman, and behind her was a creepy looking uncle.

"Huh? Uh-oh!" The soldier first blushed a little at the attention before busily pointing, "Go three kilometers in this direction, then turn left and go straight to the end where there is a mansion with a dog's head on it, that's where Vice-Admiral Garp lives. Ensign Longinus should be there now."

"Thanks! We won't disturb you any longer!" The beautiful swordsman nodded her head lightly before walking in the direction the soldier pointed.

The soldier who watched them leave sniffled and said, "Gentlemen, I think I'm in love!"

"Go get some sleep and dream of everything!"


"That's a famous monster in this headquarters, Death Sword Princess Gion, not to mention that there are many suitors. And there are even rumors that she has a huge crush on Ensign Longinus, so if you think you can compare yourself to Ensign Longinus, you can go ahead and chase your love instead."

"... Zack!"


"This is an iron fist that contains the old man's deep love, so be sure to catch it!" In the courtyard, Garp came rushing in with a fist about the size of a sandbag.

"Iron Fist - Armed!" Longinus' dark right fist blossomed with a creamy white light, reflecting like the dawn of darkness and light mixed.


Both men were suppressing their power, trying not to cause damage to their surroundings, and Longinus was likewise being punched away into the wall.

"To be able to combine Iron Fist and armed colors so quickly, it seems that the teachings of the old man were effective!" Garp nodded to himself.

"Whew! Vice-Admiral Garp has fought with Whitebeard for so long, and yet he still maintains such an abundance of strength." Longinus skillfully used his Seimei Kikan to remove the bruises on his face. Although Garp's teachings were brutal, for someone like him who believed in the supremacy of strength, as long as he could see his progress, physical pain was nothing.

"Hahaha! As long as you can always maintain a youthful and energetic mind, you can last as long as I do!" Garp pressed his dog cap and laughed.

"That's enough for today. Try to conserve your energy in case of a raid by Kaido's stupid dragon."


Longinus moves his body and walks out of the doghouse in no rush.


"Boss Longinus!"

As soon as he walked out the door, Longinus saw two familiar figures waiting there.

"What are you two doing here too? Has the battle become this heated?" Longinus frowned as he asked.

Gion's beautiful eyes widened, and she said with a very disgruntled puff of her cheeks, "We're also very strong, okay!"

"Yes, you guys are almost at the level of Rear-Admiral of the headquarters, so if you deal with it carefully, you'll have no problem defending yourselves on the battlefield." It struck Longinus that this kind of strength was considered to be a backbone.

Although such words were against the rules coming from a captain, Gion and Tokikake both listened with a serious look. They both knew very well that they might be monsters with superior strength in the eyes of ordinary people. Still, in their own opinion, only the marine captain in front of them was in the same year as they could be called a real monster.


The Moby Dick.

"Pops, it's been cleared up. The ones who did it were the BIG-MOM pirates." A hint of anger also appeared in Marco's lazy eyes, since when could anyone step on them?

"That crazy woman from Charlotte?" Whitebeard asked in a low voice.

"Those who did it also said that the attack on Fishman's Island was a spontaneous action on their part and was not intentionally directed by BIG-MOM."

"Gurara-ra-ra! That's strange, didn't anyone tell them that it was my son's place and that the flag planted on that island is called Whitebeard?"

"That guy was honest, though, he said that the BIG-MOM was going to take over Fishman's Island after you died, and they're making a claim." Marco's voice was low, and his anger was contained, as if he were a volcano before it erupted.

"Gurara-ra-ra! That crazy bitch Charlotte is doing a good job! So soon, you're already plotting the death of my son." Whitebeard laughed aloud, but everyone on the ship knew it was a sign of his rage to the extreme.

"Pops! Let's go teach the BIG-MOM Pirates a lesson so they can see who is the king of the New World!" Jozu was the first to jump in and say.

"Yes! Pops." Vista also spoke up, "If we don't fight back, the others will think we're afraid of Big-Mom!"

Even Marco joined in, saying, "Even with the Marine watching, we can't be humiliated."

"Of course, it is. Tolerance is a shame for pirates!" Whitebeard waved a big hand, "Go show those bastards who are in charge of the New World!"


Simultaneously, similar events were unfolding among the major pirate groups, with undercurrents on all sides, and an even more significant storm was brewing in the already chaotic new world.