Longinus vs. Katakuri

Katakuri was indifferent, but his trident was steeply extended, shrieking through the air and stabbing straight at Longinus.

At the same time, his right leg swung violently, like a flinging rubber band, stretching and extending without any warning.

"Rankyaku - Lupus Fall!"

Longinus instantly kicked out dozens of cutting waves, leaping through the air towards Katakuri.


The long legs and cutting strikes collided fiercely, tearing the hull entirely apart. Still, neither of them had any emotions, standing on the ship's shattered wreckage and attacking the other again and again.

"Muso Mochi Hadan!"

Katakuri's right hand turned into a machine gun, using mochi as a bullet, wrapped around Busoshoku Haki, and fired wildly at the debris of the wreckage where Longinus stood. Longinus stopped jumping but sank into the sea.

"The other side isn't an ability user. The battle at sea is in his favor!" Katakuri spread Kenbunshoku Haki continuously but was unable to perceive the presence of Longinus, and his heart sank even more, "A strong man who is proficient in Kenbunshoku Haki? It's still tricky!"

At this moment, Longinus, who was lurking beneath the surface of the sea, was also somewhat depressed. However, he occupied an advantageous location. He lacked the means to manipulate the sea currents, making it challenging to maximize his advantage, and thought to himself, "It seems that there is a need to learn Fishman's Karate and Fishman's Jujutsu."


The underwater attack caused the pieces of wreckage that Katakuri was standing on to disintegrate in an instant. Although Katakuri couldn't have predicted Longinus' attack, he reacted when the wreckage disintegrated, leaping his body towards the other pieces of wreckage while combining Busoshoku Haki with a wild swipe of Mochi towards the sea.

Since he could no longer trust his Kenbunshoku Haki, Katakuri relied on his naked eye to find the other side in the sea.

Sure enough, upon spotting a shadow beneath the surface of the sea, Katakuri crossed his right hand into a pistol pattern and changed from firing furiously to striking with precision.

"Mochi Hadan!"

Longinus was discovered by him and surprisingly charged up against Katakuri's attack with the dual protection of Busoshoku Haki and Tekkai.

"Tekkai - Kenpo!"

Katakuri didn't expect the opponent to be so formidable, and right now, it was too late to dodge, so he turned his right hand into a glutinous mass to wrap the trident and spun forward at great speed to surge ahead.

"Mochi Tsuki!"


Thunderous blasts exploded around the area, and even eardrums directly ruptured at close points, so much so that many of the fighting pirates covered their ears and shrieked in pain.

The storm of unleashed waves strangled the fragments of the wreckage of varying sizes directly into pieces. The sea beneath the two of them seemed to have been detonated by a bomb, creating furiously monstrous waves slapped at nearby ships. Even dark swirling vortexes appeared in the very center of the sea as if they were giant beasts hidden in the ocean, swallowing and absorbing everything around them.

Longinus, who was already sore from being beaten by mochi combined with the Busoshoku Haki, was sunk directly into the sea after resisting his opponent's fierce blow.

And Katakuri wasn't much better, being punched across the room by Longinus and breaking three hulls in a row before being able to stop.

It was a good thing he promptly attached himself to the hull of the fourth ship with the adhesion of his ability, or he might have slipped through the smooth hull into the sea.

Their fierce battle quickly attracted most people's attention, and except for a few battlefields, it was already considered one of the top engagements of the war.

"Scam ... scams people, right? Two new-generation brats are so unbelievably strong already, is it true that we've eliminated by the current of time?"

"Who the hell are those two guys?"

"The monsters of the BIG-MOM pirate group, First Councillor Charlotte Katakuri, and the rising star of the Marine Headquarters, Ensign Longinus. All of you, watch out and never mess with such monsters that we can't fight."

"It's better to stand away from a battle of this level. It's no joke if we get caught up in it."

"Someone even blew big brother Katakuri away!" Smoothie was caught by Gion in a trance and attacked forcefully, and dozens of wounds instantly covered her sexy body, but if she hadn't reacted in time, her head would have been separated from her body by Gion.

"Who gave you the courage to be distracted in front of a swordsman?" Gion lifted her delicate chin slightly and said proudly.

"Huh? Your marine is cold-blooded and ruthless, and although Katakuri nii-chan was blown away by him, that marine captain was just equally badly wounded by big brother, and you didn't even hesitate to pause for a moment." Smoothie scoffed.

"There's only one reason why there would be that kind of distraction, and that's because you don't trust that brother of yours enough." Gion's eyes gleamed with determination, "But I'm different. I believe in Longinus. He will be victorious. There is no way a man of his type would fall here!"

"That's why I can't go slow him down even more."

Smoothie was startled, then smiled, "You're right, in case the distraction is defeated. Instead, it might distract Katakuri nii-chan. Next, I'll fight you with all my might!"

Katakuri leaned against the hull, his eyes as calm as water, not ashamed of anything for having collapsed three ships himself, just absorbed in observing the waters below.

Suddenly, an arrow-like figure burst out of the water, hammering with unrelenting power at Katakuri, who glued to the hull of the ship.

"I knew you wouldn't end up easy, Yanagi Mochi!"

Katakuri's long legs shifted, surprisingly using his fruit ability to split his right leg, flinging out dozens of legs wrapped in Busoshoku Haki to kick at Longinus in an instant.

"Whether it's bullets or the current attack, it's surprising that it can continue to wind after Busoshoku Haki leaves his body. His Kenbunshoku Haki is quite a bit weaker than mine. Still, Busoshoku Haki is far above me." Longinus used Kami-e to flatten himself into a "page", moving through those ferocious attacks. His mind's senses were quite wondrous.

While the future Katakuri is known for developing Kenbunshoku Haki to the extreme, the Busoshoku Haki is also a small rub of the best, just not as stunning as Kenbunshoku.

At the moment, Katakuri was being overpowered by Longinus in terms of Kenbunshoku Haki. Instead, Busoshoku Haki was quite a bit stronger than him, so it was no wonder that Longinus had some subtle thoughts in mind.

Seeing Longinus rampaging through a group of long legs, Katakuri looked indifferent, only to suddenly switch his body from a solid-state to a liquid state, and even those thighs he kicked out instantly liquefied, connecting with his body in liquid threads.

"Zan Giri Mochi!"

Longinus's surrounding thighs liquefied and converged and polymerized at a rapid rate, melting into a giant cocoon before compressing and solidifying towards the interior, imprisoning him.