Getting Started

On the battlefield, Whitebeard was a bit confused. He was all prepared for the destruction of the Pirates today and even planned to pull the Marine and BIG-MOM together in the most dangerous moment to create an escape for those sons of his.

However, as he fought, he realized that something was not right. Why was that old bastard Garp's fist soft today? Could it be that he was afraid of performing too well and being seen by that crazy bitch Big-Mom?

Also, those pirate groups are like a deep hatred among each other, each targeting other pirates so that the original thought would be a target of the Whitebeard is a bit lost, that group of bastards is looking down on him?

As for the Beast Pirates that were already about to wiped out, Kaido didn't even have the slightest intention of paying attention. His thoughts were simple, those who couldn't survive were trash, and since they were trash, they weren't qualified to be his Kaido's men.

As such, Kaido still plays the role of shit-stirrer very well. Spitting a dragon's breath at Whitebeard here, flicking a dragon's tail at Garp there, and occasionally turning into a human to give Big-Mom a swat at him, cheerfully resembling an active battlefield husky.

As for BIG-MOM, she was so angry ... that her breast milk pains, bringing helpers like a mad dog, catching and biting whoever, making her not only have to defend the enemy but also have to be careful of allies.

Also, shouldn't the main target of this war be Whitebeard? How come it's her and Kaido now?

And, unlike Kaido, she's not "open-minded". One or two deaths are acceptable, but if her Charlotte family dies, she won't have time to regenerate many "tools" to help her keep her in power.

So the BIG-MOM Pirates who fought the hardest, in the beginning, were surprisingly planning to be the first to exit the stage and turn their spears directly on the alliance of those five pirates.

And while those five pirate alliances were no match for BIG-MOM and Kaido when they joined forces, the pirate alliance nearly had the upper hand if it was just BIG-MOM alone.

Unfortunately, after all, just the alliance, the alliance's slack nature will be exposed, inadvertently attached to the war, once the BIG-MOM pirate group fiercely counterattacks like life, but they crippled BIG-MOM pirate group family.

Soon, seeing the half-defeated Pirate Alliance and the BIG-MOM Pirates withdrawing gradually from the battlefield, Longinus also jumped between the seas of ships, leaping towards the Dragon nearest to him.

"Vice Admiral Dragon, are you going to start doing it next?"

Dragon's eyes filled with apprehension as he looked at Longinus. He knew that Longinus was strong but didn't expect him to be this strong, not counting Garp and their four monster vice admirals, he was even called the substantial strongest in this fleet.

Although his heart lamented, Dragon didn't show it but said in a deep voice, "As you saw just now, once the BIG-MOM pirates fight back to the death, the power that bursts out is too strong. If we press too hard and provoke the ferocity of BIG-MOM, Kaido as well as Whitebeard, we might end up wiping out here instead. So, let's go ahead and take action against those five pirates according to the original plan!"

Longinus nodded, although BIG-MOM and Kaido were still slightly different from Roger and Shiki in their peak state. Their CAO resistance was also far from being comparable to those two, and trying to eradicate these three large pirates at once was like dreaming.

At least, having those five pirate alliances and the small and medium-sized pirate groups that had been caught up in the war as an answer was enough to redeem the adverse effects of the previous myth-busting of Impel Down and to keep the New World safe for a while.

Although Sakazuki will probably be upset for a long time, who cares?

The marine that had notified around the area soon began to withdraw one after another, leaving the Whitebeard Pirates relieved and doubly surprised. What was the marine up? Did you wilt in the heat of the moment?

Surely they wouldn't be foolish enough to run up and stop the marine, and while the war had turned out much better than expected, it was still heavily damaged. The most important thing for Whitebeard Pirates now was to lick their wounds, heal their energy, and wait for the wounds to heal before taking revenge on the bastards who had taken advantage of the fire.

"Whitebeard, will you old man continue to fight? Do you need me to give you some time to recover?" An untamed yell brought Whitebeard back from his disorientation.

Standing in front of him was a man with a big backside haircut, cigar in his mouth, and a black fur coat. However, he was facing Whitebeard with the reputation of being the strongest man in the world, who also looked down on his opponent with a proud, slightly tilted face.

Incidentally, to achieve the feat of looking down, the man who was less than half as tall as Whitebeard also deliberately manipulated the sand to float into the air.

"Now, there's no one to hold me back, and you've chosen the wrong time to do it at this point!"

"I haven't bothered to besiege with the rest of the world. And the honor of being the strongest in the world should pluck by my hand!"

"That's amazingly courageous, but ..." Whitebeard naginata slammed into the deck, "Challenging someone beyond your capabilities can be costly. You don't understand that, do you? Crocodile kid!"

"You're the one who doesn't understand! Whitebeard!" Crocodile laughed and said, "Since Roger the Pirate King spoke those words, a whole new era has dawned, and before the tide of time, old-timers like you should get lost in the trash before it's too late!"

"The future ... will belong to me, O Crocodile! Gurararara!"


Standing at the branch of the route, several Vice Admirals were discussing it.

"The pirate alliance seems to have sensed our movement and is fleeing in separate directions from here." Dragon said as he looked out over the distance.

"They're a little stupid, but they're not idiots after all, and they always notice something's wrong by now," Kuzan said lazily, his whole body looking bored and listless.

"Although those pirate groups are heavily damaged, as long as their captains aren't dead, the pirate groups aren't consider annihilated, and the operation won't be successful. So, to prevent those pirate captains from escaping, we'll split up and make arrests now." Dragon said.

"How awful! Those are monsters with bounties in the hundreds of millions!"

Kuzan ignored Borsalino's shenanigans, "But, Vice Admiral Garp is still dealing with Kaido's pestering, and Sakazuki hasn't given up on his crazy ideas, so we're a little short-handed if it's just the three of us."

"You should also know that the real enemy is not five, but four. In other words, all we're missing is a high-level battle force capable of suppressing the Great Sea Pirates."

"Are you trying to say ... Longinus?" Kuzan frowned slightly, "Although he is indeed powerful, the enemy is not a simple character, and many cadres surround those pirate captains. I'm afraid he is alone ..."

"I'll leave the Queen's Pirates with the most casualties for him to deal with, but other than that, I'll have Gion and Tokikake brought along so that they can at least get out in one piece, even if they don't succeed in the end."