The Spy

"Uh-huh!" Tiffany looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes lost, and she couldn't help but gasp, "The concubine ... body is just too beautiful, this perfect body, only the concubine alone deserves to have and enjoy!"

"Those stinking men only deserve to lie on the ground and kiss the tip of your concubine's toe!" Tiffany charmed, gently kicking off her boots, her slender feet white, her ankles rounded, her jade toes red, radiating seduction everywhere, "You, on your knees, now!"

"Enough of this nonsense, go to hell!" Longinus completely ignored the tempting scene and dribbled his leg like a knife, kicking out several chopping waves towards Tiffany.

"What kind of ruthless man dares to ignore the charm of a concubine!" Tiffany twisted her body, surprisingly bony, and found the best gaps to dodge those blows.

Perhaps, like a specific sled dog who traded her intelligence for face value, Tiffany has charmed herself up a notch in strength and charm but has sold back her emotional intelligence accordingly.

During the battle with Longinus, she still held the small mirror in her hand, mirroring herself as if she was in love with the mirror.

Longinus had no intention of holding back and took advantage of the other person's gap in the mirror. His Busoshoku Haki hardened fingers pointing out so fast that even the air was poked out, fast and accurate at Tiffany's heart.


Despite protecting her body in time with Busoshoku Haki, the power transferred to her heart still caused Tiffany to spit out blood. What was even more unacceptable was the fact that her obscene amount of breast volume was poked into an airfield by that finger, so much so that her breasts were so large and small that they looked unattractive.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!" Tiffany let out a scream of desperate collapse but finally stopped basking in her glamour in response.

Tiffany's extreme anger mixed with inexplicable fear, and it was the first time she had ever been beaten like this by a man.

In the past, even the most stone-hearted of men would unwittingly stay their hand when faced with her invincible charm.

After all, it's human nature to chase and aspire to beauty.

Even those who were temporarily chemically castrated would always unwittingly converge in power when confronted by her.

And yet, this guy across the street was able to ignore her charms completely. Was he essentially a monster with no feelings or desires?

Here, with fear growing in her heart, Tiffany surprisingly suppressed her anger from gaining the upper hand and turned to flee towards the coast.

Longinus was startled, but he didn't expect the first thing the other side did after dropping the harsh words was to run away, and now he also caught up with her.

Tiffany knew that her heavily injured body was no match for her opponent's speed, so she also had a hard heart and once again expended her physical energy to activate her ability, "Charm Forest!"

Invisible fluctuations emitted out, and the forest seemed to come to life, with various vine branches spreading and blocking Longinus's path.

"Fruit Awakening!" Longinus wasn't too surprised that the other party had that kind of reputation, and it was reasonable to develop an Awakening Level.

But as he said, the awakening also depended on the person. At least, Tiffany's fruit awakening, not to mention her comparison to Sakazuki and the others, was much better than the newly awakened Katakuri.

After all, Tiffany's primary development is support rather than combat.

Tiffany knew that those active forests couldn't stop each other for long, and now she also grabbed the time to escape.

Suddenly, a call filled with surprise rang out.

"Tiffany, you're on this island too!"

Tiffany looked and found ahead of her an equally wretched Cister. Even the black robe he wore all year round was in tatters and seemed to have just escaped a chase. Although it was a little strange, she couldn't care less now why Cister was here.

"Cister, help me stop that Marine together!" Tiffany said she would turn around and try to combine their efforts to "capture" again.

"Yes! I'm here to help you!" Seeing that Tiffany had turned defenseless and ready to fight, the corners of Cister's mouth under his black robe quirked up slightly.

"Fine, I'll be ...," said Tiffany, turning incredulously to look at the sharp blade coming through her chest with difficulty, "for ... why ?"

"Sorry, who called me an undercover agent?" Cister shrugged helplessly, destroying all of his usual gloomy ghostly demeanor.

"Seeing as we've worked together for so long, allow me to reintroduce myself, World Government CP9 membership, code zero three."

Tiffany swayed and fell, leaning against a tree, an injury that wouldn't be considered fatal for someone on her level, but inside she had fallen to the bottom.

"Ensign Longinus, you don't blame me for taking matters into my own hands, do you?" Cister smiled.

"Of course not, for the sake of justice, it's natural not to mix in too much personal heroism, I'm just a little curious ..." Longinus stepped out of the forest with destruction behind him, "With the strength of Sir Cister, it's surprising to me this just CP9?"

"It's not surprising, but if strength were everything, Ensign Longinus would be at least a Vice-Admiral by now, right?"

"Is Cister-san a newcomer like me? Yes, I heard that the Ghost Shadow Pirates entered the New World just after Roger's execution two years ago." Longinus said thoughtfully, "But this credit should be enough for you to enter CP0, right?"

"Maybe!" Cister shrugged, "The government isn't as pure as the Marine, and it's not uncommon to have some idiot in high office."

"Is it okay to tell me such things?" Longinus smiled.

"Although it's only the first meeting, I can see that sooner or later, Ensign Longinus will become a major figure in the Marine, and when that happens, it's always inevitable that you'll have to deal with the government. So, I'm just warning that Ensign Longinus should never think too smartly of certain people in the government. And ..."

Cister said meaningfully, "I think Ensign Longinus is always willing to deal with smart people, and that way, we'll have plenty of opportunities to support each other and work with each other."

"That sounds like a good idea." Longinus was undeterred.

"Jie Jie Jie! Count this as a gift from me to Ensign Longinus today, pretend I never existed, and Ensign Longinus can do what he wants with it." With a smile that any man would understand, Cister quickly drifted away and disappeared into the silent forest.

Hearing what Cister said, a strong desire to live was lit up in Tiffany's eyes instead, "Ensign-sama, would you mind having an extra secretary who can help you build up your forces and search for your men? And ... would be a very competent secretary, oh!"

Tiffany still hadn't given up on her initial idea, even as the desire to have him grew hotter after seeing how powerful Longinus was.

Longinus leaned down and touched his right hand to Tiffany's soft hair, closing his eyes as if he felt something.

Seeing Longinus like this, Tiffany was delighted. Could it be that the brat liked pets?

Thus, Tiffany obediently rubbed against Longinus's palm, purring with pleasure as if she were a cat.

While Tiffany's heart was happy, she heard a long sigh from Longinus, "There don't seem to be many useful memories!"

Tiffany was confused, but before she could make a sound, she had fallen into permanent darkness.

Outside, Longinus stood up and let out a contented sigh, "Although Kenbunshoku Haki didn't read many useful memories, this sinful soul sure is still quite tasty!"