Always Follow Captain Felix!

With Dragon unable to return to the headquarters, Longinus' replacement stretched from two months to six months.

Of course, this half-year hadn't been in vain. And apart from making this session's newcomers into a barrel of iron, he had spent more time asking Zephyr-sensei for advice on the training of Busoshoku Haki, finally advancing Busoshoku to a level that barely matched his strength.

The gains from that upheaval in Impel Down had also been fully consolidated and settled. While soul strengthening couldn't bring any substantial enhancements, there were still many hidden advantages.

For example, the kind of pressure on the Gryphon frame is easily achieved by Longinus, and while it can't be a group stun like Haoshoku, the single deterrent is instead stronger.

In a sense, it was somewhat similar to Hawkeye's sword stance that could make enemies lose their will to resist just by looking at them.

Besides, the strengthening of the soul has led to some new insights into Kenbunshoku Haki that Longinus has a bottleneck, and it may not be long before it touches the higher realms.

The last point is the significant increase in the level of Seimei Kikan. Longinus is now even able to change life forms for a short time, such as temporarily transforming his body into a biological structure that can adapt to the deep-sea environment. Although not for long yet, the general direction has been found him.

Although each item was not too large an increase in strength, the bits and pieces added up to a stage change in power.

In Longinus' opinion, at this stage, he should be on the same level as Katakuri, who was in complete control of the Fruit Awakening. Even without the advantage of the sea's geographical location, he was confident that he would fight Katakuri again.

Standing at the port of Marineford, Longinus said to himself quietly, "It's Apophis' turn to debut again next, but it's best to leave a half a month's gap in between. And while I don't think anyone will notice the connection between the two, there's nothing wrong with being careful."

"As for this half of the month, it's just in time to go finish the finishing touches."


The first half of the Grand Line, on an unknown island.

Night falls, bonfires are lit, and everywhere there is pirates' sound cheering and laughing and cursing.

"We, the Night Pirates, are invincible in these waters, bastards, tell me, who is this all because of?"

"It was because of the great Captain Fisk!"

"Long live Captain Fisk, forever after the great Captain Fisk!"

The man sitting at the top of the table was indifferent to this. But the pirates did not dare to stop their flattery.

Their Captain is powerful and mysterious, but the most peculiar thing about him is that he's moody. People are often killed outright by the furious Captain for saying the wrong something. They don't even know it was that word that touched that sensitive nerve in Captain Fisk.

That's why they choose this safest way to avoid risk.

After all, there is nothing wrong with kissing someone's ass, right?

Seeing no reaction from Fisk, the atmosphere around the campfire grew more and more heated instead.

"Captain Fisk is the most powerful man I've ever seen, and even Roger and Shiki are only worthy of kneeling at the Captain's feet."

"What's a pirate king? Captain Fisk is the man who's going to be king of the world!"

"Both the Pirate King and the King of the World require powerful forces, and in my opinion, Captain Fisk is perfectly capable of Impel Down ..."


The last pirate to speak managed to touch the mine, and his head exploded like a ripe watermelon. Blood and brains splattered the pirate's face next to him. Still, he didn't even dare to dry and wipe away, only lowered his head in fear, fearing that his eyes were irritated by the Captain's attention.

Everyone was silent, all the while pondering in their minds which word had violated the Captain's taboo.

"Well? Why the sudden quiet? Is it because I'm not as welcome as a guest?" A bantering greeting broke the dead silence and relieved the pirates around the campfire.

Who is this outsider who has suddenly entered? They didn't know. They didn't intend to see. They just had to understand that this was a great man who would help them share the Captain's wrath!

No one noticed that the pirate captain, who had been hidden in his black coat, couldn't stop his body from trembling after hearing that familiar voice.

The pirates turned their grateful eyes to the startling figure that emerged from the lost night, their faces suddenly grim.

"Did I read that, right? The Marine, and he's the only Marine?"

"Presumably, the marine was shipwrecked and stranded on this island."

"Tsk, this Marine is quite good looking. I'm a bit reluctant to kill him. If sold into the hands of those nobles, there will be a lot of fat women feeling ... towards him."


A headless corpse fell in a heap, seemingly enraged by the words, except that no one saw how the Marine had moved his hand.

However, this did not frighten the group of pirates but rather stirred up the ferocity in their hearts.

"Kid, you've got some guts, a man who still dares to be violent. Do you think all pirates would be afraid of your marine status?"

"Count yourself unlucky, we're the strongest band of Night Pirates in these waters, and our captain is even offering a bounty of 50 million berries for the sea pirate Dark Fisk ..."

Just as the pirates were boasting, trying to see the look of fear on each other's faces, a rude shout cut them off.

"That's enough, all of you shut up!"

"Is this the impotent rage of fear after it has reached its height? I once killed those people are also and you ... "spoke to the grim pirate smile, suddenly found something not quite right, just that voice ... seems to come from behind ah?

Not only him, but the surrounding pirates are also found something not quite right, turned to look, only to see the future king of the world, who they regarded as "punching Roger and kicking Sengoku", is staring at the opposite Marine.

"What, don't you know any old friends? Captain Felix!" The Marine in the coat of justice chuckled lightly.

"You sure did come specifically for me!" Felix's heart sank to the bottom.

"Felix? Is he talking about... Captain Fisk?" The surrounding pirate head is a little downtime. Is this not the legendary anonymity?

But if you're going to change your name, can't you change it a little more radically?

"Wait, Felix?" A pirate suddenly exclaimed aloud, "I remember, the great pirate who offered a bounty of eighty million berries, the captain of the Black Corsairs of Pirates, isn't his name Felix too?"

"What? Is the Captain's actual bounty higher than 50 million berries? It's amazing, no wonder even Red Hat Uzi, who has a bounty of 57 million berries on his head, is no match for the Captain!"

"But wasn't Felix the Great Pirate put into Impel Down two years ago ..." the pirate who spoke abruptly covered his mouth. He now finally understood how that pirate died before?

To stay alive, he quickly remedied the situation, "Captain Felix escaped from Impel Down the same way Shiki the Golden Lion did. It's a myth, a legend within a legend!"

"Yes, yes, always follow Captain Felix!"