Do You Guys Want Some?

"Was it Kairoseki that blocked the escape of the fruit power from the body? What an interesting development." Longinus squinted and picked up the devil fruit on the ground, whispering to himself.

"So if I erect a Kairoseki fence around it, the power of the fruit will have to be good and parasitic on the fruit inside the fence? But, what if I don't put any fruit inside the fence?"

Longinus shook his head and smiled, removing the preserved and delicate wooden casket he had prepared before putting the fruit in the casket.

He wouldn't be using the fruit for a while and needed to find a place to put it.

After Kenbunshoku Haki envelops the area and double-checking that there were no survivors, Longinus still had burned the place to the ground.

He, Longinus, is a good solid group.

The boat was driven to the island of New Leaf, 30 nautical miles away.

Once he found a familiar spot, Longinus leaped into the sea with his wooden casket and kept swimming deeper.

Almost a kilometer into the deep sea, the area has long since lost its sunlight, leaving only endless darkness.

It wasn't long before Longinus touched a cave in the endless darkness, the water surging as if some monster was cruising out of it.

It is a centipede magnified thousands of times the sea king class, hideous mouthparts like swinging gates of hell, the sound of thousands of pairs of feet kicking and cruising, but also to the deep seafloor to bring a hint of a mysterious atmosphere.

At this moment, the Giant Centipede Sea King Class also seemed to have sensed that the creature in front of them was not to be messed with and straightened up its upper body, threatening silently.

A splash of blood flashed in the depths of Longinus' eyes, gradually taking over the entire pupil, the savage fury almost curling into substance, causing the seawater to take on a bit of a fishy sweet taste as well.

The familiar and trembling scent of the beast made the giant centipede sea kings crawl at the man's feet as fast as possible, with a small swing of the tail and a hissing sound from the daisy-like muzzle, as if it were a dog welcoming its master home.

Apophis traversed straight across, strolling across the ocean floor and into the cavern beside the giant centipede sea king type.

The ones that could accommodate the sea kings were no longer considered caves, and it might be more appropriate to call them dungeons.

There was no unpleasant odor in the empty cave, and it was clear that the sea-kings guarding the place were always sweeping, not daring to defile the owner's treasure room.

Two long tentacles at the cave entrance reached in and gently swung as if to take credit for themselves.

Apophis pulled away from the surface rock layer, and inside was a large, specially made, corrosion-resistant wooden box.

After placing the Devil Fruit and the Justice Coat in with ease, Apophis once again takes out the mask and dark black trench coat that belong to him.

The face squirmed and shifted into an unfamiliar face, one that was his face in another world, with scarlet, bloodshot pupils, which in turn added a bit more fierceness to the otherwise unimpressive looks.

Put on the mask, put on the windbreaker, and swim up to the surface, leaving the watcher "dog" swinging his body excitedly.


Two months later, the New World, the Kingdom of Thunder, is famous for its frequent thunderstorms.

This country is located on the New World's front lines, so it is often broken into by pirates who have just entered the New World.

But that group of arrogant newcomers often doesn't end well.

Most people in this country know a special kind of sword technique, the Thunder Inducing Sword Technique, which involves drawing down the thunder from the sky by some means. With the toughness of a body that has been struck by lightning for years, recovering from paralysis faster than the enemy and killing them in one fell swoop.

However, this sword technique, also known as Suicide Sword Technique, where one burns oneself to death by drawing thunder, perennially tops the list of domestic causes of death.

Now, in the Thunder Country's Sword Technique Sanctuary, the Roaring Thunder Dojo, many old and new disciples were all getting together to talk nonsense.

"You've heard all about it, haven't you? That man, the man known as the Sword Calamity Nightmare, has had quite a few accomplished swordsmen defeated by his hands, and even quite a few swordsmen brutally killed by him!"

"I've read about it in the papers, and it seems to be the powerful character who caused quite a stir in the first half of the Grand Line, Apophis the Red Swordsman."

"The first half of the Grand Line? That's outdated news. He was seen stepping off the back of some raptor, seemingly leaping over the Red Line to the New World!"

"Leap over the Red Line Continent, ah!" Many of them let out a shout in unison, clearly eager for such a move.

"Don't you realize the seriousness of the problem? That means the Red Swordsman has expanded his challenge to the New World, and we, the Land of Thunder, are already an outpost of those pirates in the New World, so if we were to pick an opponent, who better than Eric-sensei?"

"A lie, right? Would a monster like that come to us?"

"I've heard that no one who offends him ever survives, and those he kills don't even realize they're dead."

"It is said that he was called the Red Swordsman because he killed so many people that even his eyes were stained red with blood!"

"Rumor has it that he is not human at all, but a ghost from the Yellow Springs."

"I mean, what the hell are you guys worried about him? Our pavilion master, the Thunderbolt Swordsman, is a man who can cut off even the thunder from the sky! And the Yellow Springs Ghost and all that, it's even more ridiculous!" The apprentice who spoke waved his hand, looking unconcerned, when suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder, indifferent voices ringing in his ears.

"You know, where is the Thunderbolt Swordsman?"

Somehow, upon hearing this rude request, he subconsciously obeyed and pointed in a direction, saying, "The Pavilion Master should be in the parlor in the center of dojo right now.

It was only after that that the dojo apprentice stroked the back of his head in some embarrassment, "What a rude fellow, I'm glad he met someone with a good temper like me."

He said, but he noticed that the companions he had just been discussing with lowered their heads one by one, and a few of them were even trembling a little, so he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you? Has the weather turned cold? No."

"The man who was just ... standing behind you was wearing a mask." Someone plucked up the courage to whisper in an almost inaudible voice.

"Wearing a mask?" The dojo apprentice was a bit amused, "What's the big deal? Could it be that he's wearing a ghost mask? Scared the hell out of you all?"

However, the other one looked up, looking agitated, and whispered furiously, "Blood pupil! Its Blood Eyes! That man, his eyes, they were red as blood!"

"Blood pupil ..." the apprentice chewed on the words, his calm face becoming more and more distorted, and his speech shivering a bit, "Are you saying that the guy standing behind me just now is Red Swordsman Apophis? "

The others nodded dazedly, all a bit of a sixth wheel.

"Ah!" The apprentice let out a scream as if he were crawling with snakes and rats and ants and removed all his clothes as fast as he could in his life, even his underwear, the contemplative bird swaying in the breeze.

At the sight of this spicy scene, several of the companion girls blushed and spat lowly. And behind the knuckles that covered their faces were eyes that were filled with desire for knowledge.

"What are you doing with your clothes off, you pervert?"

"I've heard that virgin urine can ward off evil spirits. By the way, do you guys want some?"

"Get out!"

The companions around him are speechless. Didn't you swear before that the Yellow Springs ghosts and such were ridiculous?