AAA: Testimonials

As the book hits the shelves tomorrow at noon to open the VIP chapter, the author fungus will probably start uploading before 12.30, so don't wait after midnight tonight. Remember to cut. (??ˇ_ˇ??:)

And then, it's all over the place begging for subscriptions, especially for the first chapter. Those of you familiar with the book probably know that first subscriptions are essential for new books. Even though it only costs a few tens of dollars to read a book, I also know that many students are reading dozens or even hundreds of books, and it's hard to get a full subscription. But, it's effortless to give the first order, isn't everyone willing to provide me with even a dime? (???????????)

And then, there's the outbreak. It's roughly ten shifts tomorrow, and then, the book currently has a collection of 22,000, and according to the starting subscription ratio of 10:1 qualified standard, the first subscription of 2,200 to be considered suitable. So what, I set the goal a little lower, get a 44:1 500 first subscription as the minimum standard (if 500 are not there, then I have no face to see anyone, Boing Boing Boing (ㄒoㄒ)), every 100 more first subscription plus one shift, that is, as long as the subscription is standard I have to add 17 more." (oДo*)

The monthly ticket is a good thing, but it's only been ten days, so it's unlikely that it will be on the new book list! ( ̄▼ ̄)

If you are willing to give a dollar or two as a reward, don't spend too much and start an automatic subscription with the money you save. ^0^~

After the most important things are said, the next is something from the heart of the author's fungus, which can skip if you're not interested.^0^~

First of all, I'd like to thank you for the recommendation given by Wakaba. To be honest, the author germ is not very good at communication with people, until now did not open a book group did not add the author group, and the editor much add up to say no more than ten sentences, can give me such a pounce so many recommendations thank you (I am not licking dog, really not, everyone must believe me(??ˇ_ˇ??:))

Then, let's get back to the question of whether the author germs will suddenly be gone. (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

When the last book pounced incredibly miserably, the author fungus said that writing is only my part-time job, so it's hard to free up too many hours in a day to write; but at the same time, writing is my hobby, and I'm more than eager for the recognition.

(Sometimes, criticism can make the author fungus feel bad for a long time, and a compliment can make the author fungus look stupid and laugh for most of the day ( ̄▼ ̄)).

So I'm not a eunuch because of low grades or anything.

If it did come to that, it would only be possible that none of them would want to read my book.

Even if there is one person who will read it, I will keep writing it. (??ˇ_ˇ??:)

Let the author fungus be depressed for a moment.

Because of some significant events around the country from the end of last month to the beginning of this month, the project came up for inspection because the leaders who came up for review sent away one batch after another. They will still be there until May.

The author of the fungus this time did not increase and consumed ten chapters, so the shelves erupt to make this point is the limit of the author fungus.

No offense, folks. (?﹏?)