Do What You Want Mihawk

The center of the duke's city had been destroyed, with traces left behind after the decapitation everywhere. The rigid and sturdy houses seemed worse than a piece of tofu before the eyes of the escaping sword energy.

In the center of the battlefield, only two shadows could see by people moving at high speed, colliding from time to time with fierce sparks, the flying swords tearing furrows in the ground, outlining the land into a crisscrossing chessboard shape.

The battle between the pirates and the minks had ended, not by being shaken by the fight between those two, but the fact aftermath of war could hang over them at any moment if they were not vigilant and alert.

"Just kidding, right? Are all the new guys so strong these days? I'll admit that Apophis grew in strength, and at least defeated Don Chinjao and that kind of sea pirate, but where did that man with eyes as sharp as a hawk come from, and he was able to fight Apophis to a standstill!"

"That guy's name is Dracule Mihawk, also a newcomer who hasn't been in the New World for long, but he's nobody. He's the one who defeated the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' fifth team, Flower Sword Vista, on Misty Island earlier!"

"It's terrifying. I never thought that swordsmanship could grow to this level. I'm a bit remorseful that I didn't go ahead and practice swordsmanship back then. Otherwise, this ocean might have had another swordsman who grew in strength!"

"Have a dream and go back to where we were."

Listening to the talk of the crowd around him, no matter how reluctant he was, Kin'emon could only admit that the sword skills of those two during the battle were just not too far apart from them and the Legendary Swordsman of Wano Country!

"According to Wanda and the others, Apophis and the swordsman named Mihawk shouldn't have been fighting for very long, but they were already both badly wounded, complete with a fight to the death!"

Nekomamushi's eyes were able to follow the trajectory of the two men's battle and were able to see the many wounds on their bodies, and scrupulously asked, "Is there a never-ending hatred between these two?"

Raizo dodged and shook his head, "We haven't been out to sea long, and we don't know much about the outside world."

Kin'emon, on the other hand, took a deep breath and said, "Obviously, after fighting for so long, Apophis still managed to burst out with such terrifying strength, and if I want to kill him, I'll have to turn my back on my samurai's honor and faith."

"After all, as a sinful vassal, I have long been unqualified to talk about that. And the only way to wash away the shame is with the blood of my enemies and my head!"

"Kin'emon, you are planning to"

Kin'emon's eyesight was formidable, "I'm heavily wounded and have only one blow to strike. The only way to violently kill him is to wait until the other party fights that swordsman to the point of exhaustion!"

"Even if my attack doesn't work, the swordsman on the other side must not let this opportunity go, and as long as I can avenge Momonosuke-sama's death, it doesn't matter who killed the deceased Apophis anymore!"


Right now, Apophis, who was in the middle of the battle, had forgotten everything around him and only had Mihawk's presence in his eyes.

It had to say that Mihawk was certainly not the strongest opponent he had ever met, but it was the strongest swordsman he had ever met, but in his early twenties, his swordsmanship was already above all others.

If his strength were at full power, he would have the confidence to suppress his opponent, but he was still slightly weaker than Mihawk in pure swordsmanship.

The good news is that Mihawk doesn't have the world's most robust black blade yet, and the upper hand in weaponry has allowed Apophis to get back in the game.

"What a bizarre weapon, the degree of sharpness of the blade is certainly only above that of an ordinary O Wazamono, but the smell that is present can bewitch the mind, worthy of being a legendary demon blade!" Mihawk swung his blade across the room, the macro cutting wave cutting all the buildings along the way to pieces.

"For you, it doesn't work!" Apophis said succinctly, swinging his sword to shatter the cutting wave and then bringing a stream of light to his feet, leaping into the air and falling swiftly.

"This sword of yours isn't far behind the most famous demon blade, the first generation of the Ghost Chel." Mihawk lifted the great sword across his chest violently upwards, blocking his opponent's jumping cleave, and the terrifying energy was transferred to the ground, cracks spreading rapidly in all directions like a spider's web.

The greatsword picked up, and Mihawk slashed hard at Apophis, who picked up into the air, with a harsh roar of air.

Apophis cut out with a crimson sword blade and landed firmly on the ground with a light step in midair.

Then, the moment they stepped on the ground, their figures dissipated once again, colliding quickly in the blasted dust fog.

Changing the narrative about the game in that world, the swordsman is the attribute of high attack, high sensitivity, and low defense, like Apophis and Mihawk's stats, are not weak but can go back the monster level. But compared to their super-strong attacks, the defense brought by the stats is somewhat inadequate again.

Every collision is like a dance on the tip of a knife. The crisis of death is lingering. The physical exertion is secondary, but the tremendous pressure of energy can be overwhelming.

Thus, a fight like that which lasted for days and nights might be practical for those with abilities and strong physical skills, but for top-level swordsmen, a few minutes would already be enough to tell the winner from the loser.

"It's the first time I've met someone as strong as you since I went to sea!" Mihawk jumped out of the battle ring and slashed downwards with his greatsword, surprisingly splitting the duke's city center in two.

"So do I." Apophis rushed upward against the chopping wave, as if it were a stubborn rock in a river, diverting the solidified chopping wave directly.

"A strong man should use the manners of a strong man," Mihawk said, Busoshoku Haki and the blade perfected and fused, but it was like reforming the broadsword in his hand into a black sword from its roots.

The "Black Blade" didn't look sharp, nor did it have a brutal edge, but it was as thick and reliable as the earth, and when it danced toward Apophis, there was even a low roar of thunder and wind, as if even the atmosphere couldn't encounter the terrible pressure.

"Can all swords be turned into black swords?" Apophis' mind marveled at his opponent's use of Busoshoku Haki, but his hands' movement was not slow.

Blood-colored coat fluttering, concentrated to the sword blade, making the Seven Stars Sword look as if it forged of blood, Busoshoku Haki wrapped around it, evil in the growth of a trace of heaviness.


Amid the airwaves, the soil fell like rain, and the blood blade and the black blade were in a ten-letter stalemate.

At this time, amidst the dust and mud rain, a few figures suddenly leaped in, each with a look of determination, rushing towards Apophis like a desperate man.

The violent raid was by the trio from Kin'emon, a blow that burned their lives and broke the balance between Apophis and Mihawk, even if it couldn't do any damage to Apophis.

However, the sight they saw at the last moment of their lives was of blood blades and black knives slashing at them in unison.

Kin'emon, until the moment of death, dared not trust, did not you fight before without ceasing to die? How come they're helping each other in the blink of an eye? Is this fight a trap set against them?

The crowd in the distance was also stunned as if they hadn't recovered from this succession of changes.

"Mihawk, you," asked Nekomamushi in a state of shock and rage.

"This is a battle between us, and anyone who dares interfere is an enemy," Mihawk explained succinctly.

"Still fighting?" Apophis asked casually.

"Forget it. Those guys have damaged the interest in the contest. Let's wait until the next time!" Mihawk sharply waved his hand and turned away very smartly.

"Next time, it'll be time to stand at the top of the swordsman's pinnacle!" Apophis, holding a sharp blade in his hand with a scarlet luster shining in his eyes, slowly walked towards Nekomamushi.