First Arrival (3/10)

North Blue, Kingdom of Ivant.

The bustling harbor crowded with people, and there was a flourishing scene.

However, at the moment, the most extensive area of the harbor was closed off, and a large number of marine soldiers still stationed here on guard.

The red carpet spread from the port to the city gate, and there are many beautiful people dressed up in hot and revealing clothes waiting in a line around.

The scene could not help but make the passing public wonder, was this a visit from some great man of the kingdom?

"Captain Cady, do we have to go this far? I've heard that most of the guys from this headquarters are unlikely to stay in a small place like ours for too long, they'll be gone for three to five months at most, and he won't be able to control us afterward anyway, so stall and stall!" The speaker was a marine ensign, but there was something sour in his words.

"Ensign Barlow, you still don't seem to understand the importance of etiquette. Most of the recruits from this department are strong, but their conduct is completely dependent on their preferences. To put it nicely, unmotivated, this kind of person is unmotivated, to put it harshly, just a dullard. So what, you have to let him feel our attitude, feel our sincerity and respect."

Captain Cady twirled his beard and shook his head, "In this case, as long as we do a good job of looking at the surface work some, even if we have what we don't do too well behind, he will just turn a blind eye to the past, after all, reach out and do not fight the smiling face!"

"But what if ... what if the guy coming down here is one of those dull character guys, and seeing this kind of scene might backfire, right?"

"It's not easy to say, when the time comes, push this matter to the Ivant Kingdom and say a few polite words like the royal family has great respect and admiration for the Captain. Even if he's the Captain of this department, he can't control the king of the Affiliate Kingdom, right?"

"Well! Still, Captain Cady thought of everything!"

"Well! That's natural." Captain Cady nodded smugly and then said solemnly, "By the way, when that Headquarters Captain arrives, you can just address me as Master, and remember to mention this matter and the others as well."

"Captain Cady you ..." seeing the other man's anger, Major Barlow quickly spoke up, "Master Cady, you ... made such a huge concession!"

"Hey! It's just a name." Captain Cady shook his head, "In the eyes of those guys down at this headquarters, the rank of a Four Seas branch like ours is a full three ranks below them."

"It would also be quite a problem in case I ran into some narrow-minded brat who thought I wanted to be on the same level as them and got so angry that they specifically sought to find little shoes for us to wear for a year afterward."

"In comparison, it's nothing for me to take a temporary loss."

"Cady on... Master Cady is truly worthy of being the pillar of our 666th branch!" Ensign Barlow was teary-eyed with excitement, of course, but it's hard to say how much of it was genuine.

Just then, the sound of a warship's siren heard in the distance, and it caused a commotion around the port.

"All give me your energy, and with the perfect appearance and warmth, welcome the Special Agent of this Department, Captain Longinus!" Captain Cady yelled.

So, the moment Longinus stepped off the warship, he almost thought he had crossed over when he saw the sight of drums, firecrackers, and red flags flying over the sea of hermits.

Captain Cady was a bit stunned when he saw Longinus. The guy was a bit too young. He was a seaman first class at the other's age!

Just as most of the four seas pirates would know who Roger the Pirate King or Whitebeard Newgate is, but if it were the Beasts of Kaido or BIG MOM Charlotte Linlin, not many people would have heard of them.

The same goes for the marines. Longinus certainly has a good reputation in the Marine Headquarters. Still, for the Marine branch of the four seas, they know at the top of the day that Marine Admiral is Sengoku and the Marine Hero is Garp. Even the Vice-Admiral of the headquarters is not bound to say a few, naturally cannot have much knowledge of a captain of the headquarters like Longinus.

Therefore, the first reaction of Captain Cady to see Longinus is resentful, so young is the Captain; this guy must be the second generation of the legendary military second reaction is to steal joy. This kind of down gold-plated guy is best to fool, may also be able to take this opportunity to hold a sturdy and powerful thigh.

"You must be Captain Longinus, the Headquarters Special Agent? We in the 666th branch were hoping for the stars and the moon, but we've got you!" Captain Cady came forward and took hold of Longinus's right hand and shook it vigorously.

What is this obscure twitch of Longinus's lips?

If he hadn't known that Dragon's revolutionary army hadn't risen yet, he would have thought it was an underground meeting of fellow revolutionaries.

"By the way, I haven't had time to introduce myself, but I am the head of this 666th branch, Wyatt Cady, Captain in rank, and Special Agent Longinus can call me Wyatt or Cady." Captain Cady said humbly.

Ensign Barlow was looking a bit foolish behind him, Captain Cady, where are your knuckles? And that's how you get down on your knees?

"Ahem, Captain Cady." Longinus looked around and pressed his palm down, smiling gently, "It's better to stop such a grand welcome. I'm a bit too much for a captain."

Captain Cady was stunned. The fellow opposite looked so mild! It was not at all like the previous officers who came down from this headquarters, their words looked easygoing, but their bones still revealed a posture of superiority.

"Reluctant to wear the label of luxurious enjoyment, by the looks of him, he still seems to be a second-generation with great ambitions." Captain Cady didn't move a muscle to figure out the other party's thoughts, "However, there is no essential difference between seeking fame and seeking profit. You want a good reputation. I'll help you achieve results, yes."

"Haha! Captain Longinus is right. Those nobles of the Ivant Kingdom are so disgraceful!" Captain Cady resoundingly rebuked before saying with difficulty, "However, it's a kind gesture on their part, especially the Ivant royal family, who are even more longing for this headquarters. And the good news is that the arrival of Captain Longinus will surely satisfy all their good ideas for the Marine Headquarters!"

"Captain Cady is too kind. Let's go back to the branch and talk about what's going on. After all, I'm already sorry to keep you all waiting for me for so long."

"There's no rush, no rush." Captain Cady waved his hand and said with great enthusiasm, "Captain Longinus might as well head with me to the next court dinner, which His Majesty the King has organized especially to welcome the Captain."

"That would be a pleasure."