Three Battle Piglet (1/5)

The endless sea, the blue waves rolling, the waves pounding, the distant crescent-shaped harbor gradually reflected in the pupils.

"This is the Marine Headquarters? Is this where Father and Mother once stayed?" Drake, his fists clenched, and his breath quickened, stood at the bow of the ship, and whispered to himself.

"For pirates, it's a Marine Headquarters a thousand times more terrifying than Impel Down! Any little flaw could send me tumbling to pieces! So, you'll have to forget who you are for a while." Vergo, who was also having trouble hiding his emotional turmoil, took a deep breath and tried to hypnotize himself.

"I am Lieutenant Vergo of the Marines, the Vergo who was imprisoned and imprisoned by Doflamingo and thus hates pirates immensely!"

"My chief officer is Captain Longinus of this headquarters, the hero Longinus who is strong and practices justice, and I admire and respect him so much that I chose to join the Marine Corps in order to follow Captain Longinus."

"You're both here until after the headquarters ..." said Longinus walking to the bow of the ship, and as he was saying that, he suddenly found Virgo looking at him with genuine adoration.

"What the hell is this guy up to?" Longinus gave a subtle twitch of his lips, then continued, "You will have two choices when you wait until you reach this headquarters."

"First, I can arrange for you to enter this headquarters for further study, and it's all up to you to work hard to get where you can go from here."

"Secondly, once I have completed my final assessment and decided on a place to serve, you will follow me to open up a new path."

"I'll take the second option!" The two answered almost in unison.

Longinus nodded happily, and after graduating from boot camp, he'll have to get his hands dirty, building his squad.

While Drake still has a long way to go before he can be trained, Vergo is a straightforward player to work with him.

As for the undercover?

In front of his Kenbunshoku that could peer into his mind, no matter how much Vergo tried to conceal it, he could only unwittingly become his counterpart, spilling out information about Doflamingo.

Finally, the warship docked.

When Longinus and his party set foot on headquarters, the soldiers on duty around him quickly recognized him.

Thanks to his legendary deeds and easy-going attitude, his fame and reputation at the grassroots level were even higher than most Vice Admirals. Along the way, almost all the soldiers and officers on patrol would come forward to greet him.

"As expected of sensei, he's just the brightest presence in this headquarters as usual!" Seeing this, Drake thought with a proud tilt of his head.

"It seems Doffy was right, his position in this headquarters is truly extraordinary ... Quickly forget about it, Doflamingo, but my Lieutenant Vergo's enemy." Vergo, on the other hand, took a deep breath and secretly made a note of Longinus's position in this headquarters.

After settling the Drake and Vergo pair into their accommodations, Longinus headed toward the camp.

Before he even stepped into the camp, Longinus heard a flurry of screams from the direction of the training ground.

"Senpai Herbert, Senpai Doberman, Senpai Les, come on!"

"Three seniors, I'm sure you'll be the 'fattest' ever!"

"This is too much! Isn't there anyone cheering for Tokikake-senpai?"

"That's right, although Tokikake-senpai is a bit less ... polite looking, but there's a kind of contrasting cute after the transformation instead!"

"It turns out I'm not the only one who thinks that Tokikake-senpai is a lot cuter after his transformation instead!"

Longinus looked slightly odd. It was, like, the twelfth newcomer?

Is this year's newcomer so skinny?

Soon, Longinus stepped into the training ground.

In the arena, Doberman and his three men are working together to surround Tokikake.

Although Tokikake was strong, Doberman's team worked equally well together, and the battle was momentarily stalemated between attack and defense.

It was important to know that although Tokikake was the weakest of Longinus and the other, the future alternate admiral he could become, his strength had already crossed the deep canyon from vice admiral to admiral.

"Is that a powerful S-rating? To be able to tie with Doberman-senpai and the rest of them with just one person, Tokikake-senpai is just too powerful!"

"Tokikake-senpai is one of only seven S-rank evaluations in the twelve sessions of the boot camp, and his strength is, naturally, beyond our imagination."

"I've heard that Tokikake-senpai was only able to rank third in the tenth session of the boot camp, and I wonder how strong the top two ranked seniors will be?"

"I'm not sure about Gion-senpai, but Longinus-senpai, he's the one who suppressed Impel Down riots in his first year, and then went on to slay the sea pirates who had a bounty of over 500 million in the New World. He's probably so powerful now that we can't comprehend it!"

"Longinus-senpai is not letting anyone live, not to mention the 500 million bounty on a large pirate, I can't even beat a 50 million bounty on a pirate!"

"It's no wonder those instructors always used to make an example of Longinus-senpai and the tenth cadets in class, and said we were the worst class he'd ever taken."

"The tenth was so dazzling that it made the Doberman-senpai and theirs look dim."

As these newcomers were excitedly discussing, one of them was tapped on the shoulder, "Excuse me, how did the four of them get into a fight?"

The person being photographed replied without thinking, "It was Chief Instructor Zephyr who asked the four seniors to fight and gave us ... eh? It looks strange, are you a senior just back from your third year of internship?"

"Yes, just arrived at the headquarters." Longinus said with a nod.

"Great!" The freshman being photographed looked excited as he took out three cards from his bosom and begged, "This senior, please do me a favor, can you ask Tokikake-senpai, Gion-senpai and Longinus-senpai to sign this card of mine?"

"Cards? Signed?" Longinus raised an eyebrow and took the card to look it over.

The Dreaming Tapir Tokikake adds it count, attack 4, blood 12, and at the end of your turn, randomly causes an enemy pirate to fall into chaos.

Death Sword Princess Gion, attack 8, blood 8, gain +2/+2 for each enemy killed.

Pirate Calamity Longinus, Attack 12, Blood 12, War Cry: Destroy all other pirates on the field and discard your Marine card.

"This is ...," asked Longinus taking a deep breath.

He roughly knew who had made it up. Having been in the G2 branch, he'd said something about the rough idea, but now it seemed like Gregory, and the others had made it up;

except that those guys had the nerve to write him in.

It was initially one of the tools he envisioned to expand his reputation, but now, it was still too early.

"It's a very popular dueling game, now with two camps of pirates and marines, and I hear it will be followed up by the addition of government, kingdom, and hunter properties."

At that moment, a freshman next to him sighed, "It's a pity that the senior who developed this game wasn't brave enough to write them in as Fleet Admiral Kong and Admiral Sengoku, otherwise, it would have been very interesting to play Vice Admiral Garp's cards against Admiral Sengoku's cards."