Griffin (2/5)

On the other side, the vast passenger ship.

"I didn't expect to run into Akagami here, but why would he be looking for World?" Longinus thought slightly happily.

Longinus was well aware that people like Akagami would rarely kill someone for their so-called position, as long as it didn't piss him off.

But Benn Beckman is different; smart people have always been ruthless and smart pirates even more so.

If he did get caught, there was a good chance he'd abandon ship, wasn't it?

After all, Red Hair Pirates are not the same as World Pirates.

He dared to pick on the World Pirates by himself, but only to bully the fact that there were no threats under World at all.

But there were plenty of strong men under Akagami, and even if he hadn't grown to his peak, his threat level was never comparable to World's.

Of course, that's just thinking in the worst possible direction.

The current Red Hair Pirates were not yet the future Yonko Pirates, and their main enemy should be the other pirates, not him, the Marine.

"And that thought that just crossed Charles' mind, there was mention of World attempting to work with BIG MOM using the King of Shipping, Ummett, as a bridge."

Encircling his arms, Longinus sat on the fence and pondered, "I didn't receive similar information before I sailed, so is this an unexpected change of heart?"

He was going to single-handedly enter the enemy camp this time and kill World alone to establish his authority and spread the name of Longinus across the sea.

After all, fame is inherently a hidden resource.

The greater the fame and prestige, the easier it would be to advance in rank, and the less resistance there would be to what they had to do in the future.

The Marine's future stalwarts, such as Momousagi and Tokikake, such as the Momonga and Onigumo, will most likely support him unconditionally.

But those in the Marine's upper echelons with a hammering effect, such as Akainu, Aokiji, and Garp with Sengoku, need a lot more groundwork to gain their unconditional support.

So, he needed to establish his prestige with a victory to find no different voice in the Marine.

In short, it's about raising expectations.

After twenty years of raising prestige, he first took Fleet Admiral and then usurped the government.

"It's just that if there's a BIG MOM Pirates involved, it's not going to be easy to go straight at them again like before."

Longinus thought so, walking towards a certain young man with a slightly darker look.

Charles is not in a good mood now, and he even has dark thoughts of killing everyone on the ship to prevent his poor performance from being revealed.

"Captain Charles."

"Who is it?" A deep call from behind him made Charles look back impatiently.

The man standing behind him, dressed in an adventurer's outfit, was simple and fresh and angular. Still, those eyes, which seemed to reveal an absolute authority, made him couldn't help but lower his tone and say, "Is there ... something wrong?"

"I've heard that World-sama intends to make an alliance with the BIG MOM Pirates through you?" Longinus lowered his voice and asked in the tone of an underground party connector.

"How do you know?" Charles asked without getting out of his mouth but quickly felt terrible about changing his words, "Not ... I mean, where did you hear that rumor?"

"It is true that I was keeping a wait-and-see attitude towards such rumors, but the sudden appearance of the Red Hair Pirates and the move to sink the Grand Fleet under the World Pirates have forced me to reconsider the veracity of the rumors." Longinus narrowed his eyes and whispered.

"Damn, there's that damn Akagami again." Charles whispered a curse before calming down and saying, "What do you want to know?"

"I would like to know some specifics, such as how World-sama gained the support of the BIG MOM Pirates, so that it is also convenient for me to present a gift that will satisfy both parties."

"Ohhhhh, so you want to follow World-sama as well!" Charles was slightly relieved that the guy had such scary eyes, screwing around and being a speculator like him.

"That's natural, after all, if World-sama obtains the support of the BIG MOM Pirates, he could very well become the fourth ruler of the New World."

Longinus asked probingly, "Except, hasn't the BIG MOM Pirates always had a close relationship with Beast Pirates? Can World-sama really enlist the support of BIG MOM?"

Perhaps the crisis was averted, but Charles relaxed instead, changing his gloomy face and smiling as he explained :

"The union between the Big MOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates was nothing more than a desperate attempt to deal with the siege of other pirates in the New World. After that war two years ago, the elimination of the threat from the outside world, coupled with some unpleasant things that happened during that war, caused the relationship between BIG MOM and Kaido to fall off the ice."

"If the people down there hadn't been a little more restrained, the two sides would have just fought."

"Oh! It turns out that BIG MOM and Kaido have long been seemingly separated!" Although this sort of thing was no secret to Longinus, he pretended to have a sudden realization to match the other man.

Charles nodded to himself, "As for how to get support, you've heard a bit about the BIG MOM preference, haven't you?"

"A penchant for sweets?"

"Sweets are, of course, BIG MOM's biggest passion, but aside from that, she's most passionate about rare gifts of all kinds, and the rarer the gift, the more likely it is to please her."

Longinus nodded. Indeed, BIG MOM was essentially an overgrown child, like that wedding in the future path, and it was clear that all those gifts were nothing to her, but she just loved the thrill of opening a box.

"And this time, World-sama is planning to use a fantasy creature as a gift in exchange for BIG MOM's support."

"Fantasy creatures?" Longinus's eyes widened slightly, and even he was quite curious about that statement.

"Have you heard that BIG MOM once acquired a valuable class of collectibles and took pride in them, showing them off to her friends many times?" Charles said mysteriously, "That one is still only a specimen, and what Lord Waldo captured is a living fantasy creature, a combination of two powerful creatures that are said to dominate the earth and sky, alas the griffin!"

"It's a griffin!" Longinus wasn't too surprised in his mind, and in this light and strange world of pirates, there was no need to be too surprised by the appearance of any peculiar and odd creatures.

There have been legends of flying dragons in Wano. There is no conclusive answer as to whether Kaido is a human who has eaten the fruit of a divine dragon or a divine dragon who has eaten the fruit from everyone.

In Longinus' view, it is the latter that is more likely.

According to this world's so-called destiny, doesn't it seem logical that Zoro, who has inherited the will of the Dragon Swordsman, should behead the head of the divine dragon?

Since even divine dragons would appear, a creature like a griffin wouldn't be so unacceptable.

Thinking about this, a hint of oddness appeared on Longinus' face, "Beckman may indeed be planning to break up World's alliance with BIG MOM, but Akagami, he's not going for the griffin in World's hands, is he?"

"He himself is as much a dreamer and adventurer as Straw Hat, and Akagami's longing for the griffin can be seen in his weapons, after all, his famous sword Gryphon means exactly what the griffin means!"