Famous Pirate Yasopp (4/5)

The beasts of the pirate world are not just beasts. The "human mimic" on the island of Kuraigana, who caused a lot of trouble for Zoro, and the creatures on the island of Rusukaina, who have the average "Mink strength", show that even the beasts of the forest in the pirate world have terrifying powers.

And this Precious Beast Island is precisely that.

If it wasn't for the three pirate groups' strong presence, those beasts were the uncrowned kings of this Precious Beast Island.


A tremendous noise erupted, walking beasts ran, and birds screamed.

In the forest, a vast rhinoceros embedded in the ground, on all fours, bull's-eyes staring up at him, was hammered unconscious by a punch from Longinus standing over him.

"It's not even dead? It seems that all the creatures on this island really are not simple." Longinus whispered.

Although it was just a light punch, with his current strength, even the Giants would have a hard time taking his casual punch intact, and the fact that this rhino was only injured but not killed was already enough to turn people's heads.

"An ordinary rhino can have this kind of strength, and a grypgon as the king of the forest would only be stronger, so it seems that World hasn't fallen so completely."

Just then, there was the sound of tapping palms in the canopy.


"Really worthy of a marine hero, Captain Longinus, this brute bull chased me for quite some time before, but I didn't think it could even catch a punch from you, Captain."

Looking in the voice's direction, a sniper with a sniper rifle on his back, dressed as a punk, was standing on a tree trunk, clapping his hands.

Naturally, this man, Longinus, is no stranger to the world of pirates, and he is Yasopp, the most successful bastard in the world of pirates.

"The talented sniper of the Red Hair Pirates, Yasopp." Longinus said in a deep voice, "Counting that time three years ago, this must be the second time we've met!"

Now it was Yasopp's turn to shrink his pupils and say, slightly surprised, "Does Captain even know me? I mean, three years ago, I don't think I would have been worth Captain's attention, right?"

"But your Captain Akagami is different, and as the most vocal of the new age pirates, who also has the aura of a Pirate King's crew, I naturally can't ignore him."

Longinus went on to explain, "And it was because of that attention that I found out that someone who vowed to join the Marine three years ago turned out to be a New World Great Pirate."

Thinking back to Shanks' terrible performance three years ago, Yasopp could only accost him with a laugh, "It's because the sea is calling him, of course."

Longinus said without comment, "Since I was concerned about Akagami, it was only natural that you and Benn Beckman, who were with him at the time, came into my line of sight one after another."

"That would be a real honor," Yasopp smiled.

"This is not a good thing, because ..." said Longinus, squinting, "Being in my sight means being in my hunting range, and as a pirate, you just swaggered in front of my eyes Is it too much to take my marine status seriously?"

Seeing that Longinus had changed his calm attitude and his eyes were stern and fierce as if he was a ferocious tiger who was choosing people to devour, Yasopp couldn't help but seep out cold sweat.

His Kenbunshoku Haki was strong, but because of that, he had a deep appreciation of just how strong the monster below was!

If the other side was just a deep, dark pond before, then now it was a sea that had raised a monstrous storm.

This kind of power and oppression he had only experienced when Shanks was in an extreme rage.

"Hey, hey, that Beckman guy isn't going to get it wrong, is he? In a fight, I'm not sure I can escape from such a monster." Yasopp tried to dispel the fear within him, shook his sweaty hands, and forced himself to speak in a calm tone of voice :

"Captain Longinus, please don't misunderstand, I come with the goodwill of the Red Hair Pirates."

"A pirate's goodwill? Don't you find that kind of talk a little ridiculous?"

"The fact that I, a sniper, appeared before you without reservation, Captain, doesn't show the sincerity of our Red Hair Pirates?"

"And yes, so tell me about it."

"Position identity aside, for the purposes of this matter, the enemy of the enemy is a friend." Yasopp tried to remember what Beckman had told him and calmly retold it.

"Captain you are indeed very strong, but the enemy is not weak, it should be barely enough just to deal with the World Pirates, and if you add the BIG MOM Pirates, one person alone will never be able to do it."

"I think you're going to need a right-hand man, Captain."

"Why do you think I must be aiming for the World Pirates and not your Red Hair Pirates?" Longinus said indifferently, "After all, the potential of your Captain Akagami Shanks is nowhere near that of an antique like World."

Hearing what Longinus said, Yasopp swallowed and thought to himself, "That Beckman guy didn't guess wrong, did he?"

Out of absolute trust in Beckman, Yasopp still tried to remain calm, "Because, choosing Waldo as a target is the best choice for you, Captain."

"Both the World Pirates and the BIG MOM Pirates have a lot of hatred for you, Captain, and the possibility of cooperation is almost zero. In other words, if you, Captain, want to take on our Red Hair Pirates, you won't be able to find an ally."

Yasopp proudly said, "And we Red Hair Pirates are not the same as the Ward Pirates, perhaps, Captain, you can single-handedly overthrow the World Pirates, but the same thing will never happen to us Red Hair Pirates."

"I'm sure you'll know the difference better than I do, Captain Longinus."

"So if you're not going to go back empty-handed, Captain, the best thing you can do is work with us."

"Good point." Longinus nodded in praise.

"Where Where?"

"Beckman taught you that by heart for quite a while, didn't he?"

"That's right, I've memorized several ...", Yasopp complained sadly, his face stiffening sharply.

Longinus shook his head and sighed, "I've long heard that Beckman of the Red Hair Pirates is a first-rate clever man, and now it seems so, but if it wasn't so difficult, I'd love to target you!"

"A ship that brings together a strong man like Akagami, a resourceful man like Beckman, and a ...e ... well known pirate like yourself, you are actually far more of a threat than World! "

Yasopp was listening with a stern face, worried that Longinus would get violent and angry, but after hearing the description of him later, he couldn't help but growl in a grumpy rage, "What the hell is a famous pirate, explain it to me, asshole!"

Good sense told him that the marine across the street was not someone he could deal with him.

So, despite his anger, Yasopp had to try to keep smiling.

"You go back and tell Beckman that we just chose the same enemy at the right time." Longinus waved his hand and left without looking back, "So don't ever think we're collaborators."