The Tragic Charles (1/5)

Katakuri's eyes narrowed, but he hadn't expected that this loser, which he saw as being obsolete by the times, would still have the determination and courage to take such a desperate gamble.

"What the hell, just be cool and give me an answer," World said impatiently.

"If you want the flag of our BIG MOM Pirates so badly, then just lend it to you." Katakuri said in a deep voice.

"Katakuri nii-san ..." Smoothie was slightly shocked. Was it perfect not to discuss such things with Mama?

"It's taking this kind of thing to bother Mom that really pisses her off, and when have we, the BIG MOM Pirates, ever been afraid of the Marine and the government?" Katakuri said in a cold voice.

World, on the other hand, laughed, "Haha, well, worthy of being that Charlotte guy's most important work of pride, this courageous commitment is really much better than the others."

"World, don't rejoice too soon, what you want to do, it's not enough to have the support of our family alone. Besides, the ruler of the New World is not elected by others, only absolute strength can be recognized by others."

"Don't worry, I've prepared for such things. As for strength, there aren't many in this world who can fight me to a draw."

"Since you have that confidence, I won't say anything more." Katakuri said with his mouth closed, but in his heart, he scowled.

Indeed, not many can fight you to a draw, but those who can beat you might be a handful.

"Haha! Come on, drink, drink!" World shouted excitedly.

When World and Katakuri emerged from their tense state of whispering, the pirates gradually returned to a noisy and lively atmosphere, and Charles seized the moment when Waldo was in a good mood and came forward to greet them:


Waldo turned to look, and after a moment's contemplation, said, "It's you, the kid who was with Ummett last time, Charles right."

Charles was flattered, "I didn't expect World-sama to remember my name, I'm so ... really touched!"

Seeing Charles saying and even wiping tears, World's mouth twitched slightly, "Put this silly nonsense away before it's too late, if there's nothing else you want to say, just get out of here!"

"Yes, yes, I have an important piece of information to report to you." Charles complied.

"Important information? Tell me about it."

"What I'm about to say is information about that marine called Longinus."


Several exclamations rang out in succession, and World looked at the Charlotte family in slight surprise before looking to Charles and asking quietly, "Tell me everything you know."

Seeing this solemn look on World's face, Charles was pleased. This time he had indeed bet on the right treasure!

"World-sama, according to the information I've received, that marine, it seems that he came to the New World alone, although it's not clear what his purpose is, but this is definitely a great opportunity for you to take revenge!"

On the side, Smoothie also whispered, "Katakuri nii-san, it was the same marine who severely injured Noisette ototo-san two years ago!"

"I know, that guy was never a simple person, and I would never believe him if he suddenly appeared in the New World after two years of silence, to say he didn't have some ideas." Katakuri said with a deep breath.

World's brow furrowed. He didn't have much hatred for that Marine. All he had a problem with was being betrayed by his men and frozen for a decade.

Moreover, the scene two years ago when he and the big bird couldn't even join forces to defeat each other had left a profound impression on him, so much so that, deep down, he didn't have many thoughts of making an enemy of it.

But if he did nothing about it, those who did not know thought he was afraid of the Marine, and at this juncture, if the momentum took a big hit, everything that had been done before would have been useless.

"Charles is it? This smart-ass idiot is really going to give me trouble!" World hated it in his heart but kept his face still as he said, "So tell me, where the hell is he now?"

Charles, who was unaware that the big boss was missing him, was still dreaming of being promoted to a cadre. "I may not be able to say it clearly myself, but I'd better let the intelligence officer I sent out explain it to you in detail."

Charles pointed out, seemingly unintentionally, that the next person to come up was his youngest brother, before shouting to a corner of the compound, "Come here, come here, World-sama is asking for you!"

World's eyes followed the direction Charles had shouted, and his pupils contracted sharply.

"World-sama, are you still satisfied with this gift?" Longinus smiles as he gets up from his corner and walks nonchalantly in Waldo's direction.

The noisy pirates around suddenly quieted down. This guy's tone of voice, it isn't very pleasant. Is he trying to provoke World-sama?

"Bastard, is that the proper tone of voice to speak to World-sama?" Charles was first reprimanded in shock and anger, then turned around and said warily, "World-sama, this fellow must have never seen the world and was shocked by your majesty to forget his own identity, it definitely has nothing to do with me!"

"You can do whatever you want with him, hang him by the neck at the firing squad, don't ever give me face."

World looked at him for a moment with strange eyes and sighed grudgingly, "This man, you said before, is one of your men?"

"Used to be, used to be!" Charles stressed with dread, his mind hating someone so much that he would bite him alive.

"So tell me what his name is."

Charles sniffed, beads of sweat seeping out all at once, damn, he'd forgotten to ask the guy's name again.

If he didn't even know the name, wouldn't it mean that he was deceiving World before? But if he made up a name, he would only die worse if it was revealed.

"What to do? What to do?" Just as Charles was anxious as an ant on a hot plate, there was a sudden warm laugh from behind him.

"It's Longinus, my name is Longinus."

"Yes, that's right, his name is Longi ..." Charles was saying with relief, suddenly realizing the meaning of the words, his face stiffened and lost its color, his pupils contracted unconsciously, and even very rudely stabbed the side of Waldo with his arm with a silly grin. "Hey! He said his name was Longinus!"

"I hear you." World said grimly.

"Hic~ah!" Charles screamed and snapped right out of it.

The surrounding pirates are looking at Charles with a silent gaze, and even said World-sama's "sworn enemy" as his subordinates, and even swaggered into the banquet, really taking World-sama's World Destroyer name for foolishness?

I can't save it. I'll die. Goodbye.