Adding Fuel to the Fire

Marine Headquarters, on the training grounds.

The dynamic newcomers are sweating with enthusiasm, flanked by a group of five with whips in hand.

"It's wonderful, I never thought we'd have this day as instructors," Les was overcome with emotion, "Just looking at them, you can remember those two youthful years!"

"Idiot!" Herbert pricked to, "That's because, in Zephyr-sensei's opinion, the five of us combined only topped the instructor one."

"Isn't that the logical thing to do?" Les shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, "Besides, the trend of having cadets as instructors was originally started by Longinus-senpai, and doesn't the fact that we can also serve as instructors speak to the great success of this teaching model?"

"Speaking of which, we'll be going on expeditions to various branches soon, have you guys figured out where you're going?" Strawberry asked.

"New World, G5 Branch!" Doberman said succinctly.

"Tsk, that's a real blood and flesh grinder," Dalmatian said, "The war of domination that swept the New World two years ago broke out in those waters, ah!"

"Hey, I'm planning on hanging out with Longinus-senpai then anyway." Les said proudly, "I'll make a deal on this, and none of you are going to steal it from me."

"Only if the instructor is given the rank of Admiral." Dalmatian frowned slightly, "I admit that the instructor is worthy of that status in both strength and merit, not even Commodore and Rear Admiral, but the rank of Vice Admiral is by no means excessive."

"But the instructor was always too young, and after the end of this year, he's only seventeen, I guess. You know, even Vice Admiral Kuzan, who broke the promotion record, was only promoted to the rank of Commodore at the age of twenty-one!"

"Aren't all the so-called records set by men, namely Vice Admiral Kuzan, who broke the records of his predecessors?"

Les continued, "Besides, Vice Admiral Kuzan was nineteen years old when he joined the Headquarters, so doesn't it seem perfectly normal for Longinus-senpai to be promoted to the rank of Admiral in comparison?"

"That seems to be a bit of a ...," said Dalmatian, his eyes widening sharply.

"Well? What's wrong with you?" Les asked with some confusion.

"A monster flying in the sky, no way, how could such a creature appear?" Dalmatian pointed behind him and yelled maniacally.

"What's the big deal about flying, fuss." Les scowled in his mind and turned his head, shouting at once, "I ka-oh, what kind of monster is this? Eagle Lion? And how did the size get so big?"

"Idiot! It's called a Griffin!" Herbert sputtered before stroking his chin and whispering, "Isn't this supposed to be a fictional fantasy creature? How could it really exist in the real world?"

As an Ability user, Dalmecia quickly thought of a possibility, "I know, it's an Ability user, it must be a Zoan Ability User that ate the Griffin Fruit!"

"Zoan Ability User?" Strawberry chimed in, "It is indeed a possibility."

"Wait, there's someone on that eagle lion!" Still holding on to his scream, Les then cheered, "I see it, it's Longinus-senpai!"

"Instructor indeed." Herbert nodded.

"If I'm not mistaken, that shouldn't be any ability, but a true legendary creature griffin." Doberman said quietly.

Several people looked curiously at Doberman, wondering why he was so sure.

"As you should know, I was planning to go to the New World to fight in the war, so I've paying attention to those pirates for a while, but I've learned a remarkable piece of information."

Doberman put it succinctly, "World attempted an alliance with the BIG-MOM, and the Red Hair Pirates, in an attempt to sabotage the operation, landed on the island where World was located three days ago and attacked."

"I'm not sure how it ended after that, because the intelligence was interrupted when it got there. However, it was mentioned that the gift given by World in alliance with BIG-MOM was a griffin!"

"There really are creatures like griffin!" Dalmatian exclaimed before questioning, "But that doesn't mean that the griffin the instructor is riding is the one you mentioned, does it?"

"Didn't you guys just notice? In the hands of the instructor is the head of the great pirate World!" Doberman said, taking a deep breath.

"World? Is that World, the World Destroyer? World, the great pirate who once fought Roger and Whitebeard?" Strawberry asked incredulously.

"Wait, I've heard other seniors mention that their graduation test is to capture or kill a pirate captain alone, and the instructor, he seems to be sailing alone this time, right?" Dalmatian suddenly mentioned.

"In other words, the instructor that he was, aimed himself directly towards the great pirates of the previous era, even picking over the entire World Pirates all by himself!" Herbert took a deep breath, growing more and more in awe.

"Compared to the so-called Griffin, this is the real big news!" Several people could only feel the passionate blood boiling in their chests.


This turmoil in the Headquarters Department soon reached the ears of the top brass.

"A griffin? World?" In the fleet admiral's office, Kong was appalled and asked, "When did this happen?"

"Just now, Longinus returned to the headquarters on a griffin, making many people even think that what he was riding was actually an ability user that ate the Griffin fruit." Sengoku said, somewhat amused.

"What did you call me here for, I was waiting to borrow a griffin for fun." Garp impatiently said as he pulled out his nostrils.

"Calling you here just saves you from messing up." Sengoku had seen clearly by now that it was merely impossible to get Garp to give any constructive offer.

"Does that mean I'm that kind of person?" Garp said with a glare.

"Well, let's all cut to the chase." Kong rounded up, then asked, "So, World really was killed by Longinus in his own nest?"

"It's like that."

"It's a bit of a surprise, but all in all ..." chimed Kong, stroking his M-beard, "It's not surprising, it really isn't too hard to take on a half crippled World with the strength of Longinus he has."

"Fleet Admiral Kong, you're wrong about that." Sengoku shook his head, "According to the latest information that came back, World, however, burst into proper combat by burning his life out, and the battle between the two even brought that island to near destruction."

"I didn't know that guy World had that kind of courage! But his body shouldn't be able to sustain for long." Kong nodded and said, "If I'm not wrong, that little guy, he should have picked up a bargain, right?"

"Hahahahaha! Fleet Admiral Kong you sure guessed wrong again!" Garp burst out laughing very unashamedly, "That kid has inherited my old name, Hero, how could he possibly back down from a pirate?"

While Kong hangs on to press down the grumpy inner rage of blasting Garp, Sengoku spits out, "What does it matter to you if Longinus is a disciple of Zephyr?"

"Haha! Who is famous and likes to put a name on me, no matter how good or bad it is." Garp was pleased with himself.

Both Sengoku and Kong were somewhat speechless, and indeed, Garp was their Marine's strongest backstabber.

When you can't find someone to vent to, don't hesitate to take out the black pot and throw it at Garp.

"Watch yourself, don't walk down the road and let someone beat you up!"

"Haha! Who can ...," said Garp, suddenly thinking that it would be hard for him to defend himself in case that Zephyr guy was playing black stick behind his back.

So, should you make the first move?

They were slightly relieved to see Garp finally in "deep thought".

"Fleet Admiral Kong, my idea is to spread this matter proactively. The effects of that war two years ago have worn off, the crisis planted by Roger's words before his death is even more brewing, and we need to deter the increasingly rampant pirate scourge situation with an even more shocking event."

"Like this?" Kong asked with some hesitation, "But wouldn't that be the same as putting Longinus on fire and scorching him?"

"It's never easy to become a hero." Sengoku said but remembered the cost of Zephyr becoming a hero and sighed in his heart, then said squarely, "To grow into a true giants tree, it's even more necessary to have the determination and courage to be a one-sided berserker!"

"What's more, with Longinus' strength, it's not easy to find a few people on this sea who can pose a threat to him."

"Indeed, he's only as good as Kuzan, Sakazuki and the others!" Kong nodded, "Then do as you wish!"