You Are The Worst Generation I've Ever Led!

One week later.

Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

"Rear Admiral at the age of nineteen, this record of yours is estimated that no one will be able to break it!" Admiral Sengoku sighed with emotion as he patted Longinus on the shoulder after he gave him his rank.

"I would very much like someone to break this record; the stronger a latecomer is, doesn't it mean that our marine is in a better position to succeed?" Longinus argued with a smile.

"But the truth is the opposite, the generations after you, let alone the rookie who can surpass you, even maintaining the average standard of the boot camp is not an easy task." Sengoku sighed as he covered his forehead.

"This kind of thing couldn't be more normal!" Garp was eating senbei with big bites, "Just like the ones after Sakazuki and the others, apart from Kuzan, there were no outstanding characters."

"Anyway, you also find time to go to the boot camp side." A rare case of Sengoku not arguing with Garp, but towards Longinus said, "Give those little guys a good lesson!"

"Mmm! I will."

"This break, you can travel around to relax; after all, working under Borsalino must not be easy!" Kong jokingly said.

"This, I've already made plans for."

After the ranking ceremony, Longinus followed Garp, "Vice Admiral Garp, there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

"Huh?" Garp froze, then his eyes brightened abruptly, "Oh! You must be trying to experience another of the old man's deep love, right!"

Seeing Garp's sandbag-sized fists all raised, Longinus quickly whispered, "I just met Dragon-senpai this time when I returned!"

"That little bastard?" Garp grunted in a small voice and put down his iron fist, "Come on, come to the old man's place."

Longinus followed some "the old bastard " to his dog's head house.

"Say, what message did that little bastard ask you to bring me?" Garp asked, feeling good about himself.

Longinus, stunned, shook his head and said, "Dragon-senpai did not mention you, so naturally, there is nothing for me to explain."

"What? He doesn't even care about his father; how come I have such an unfilial son!" Garp cursed the sky before scratching his head and asking, "So what do you want from me?"

"I'm here to remind you, Vice Admiral Garp, based on some of Dragon-senpai's next actions," Longinus whispered.

"Eh! He's not going to try to get another Celestial Dragon killed, is he!" Garp said breathlessly, "Although I do not care much, that annoying guy Sengoku probably will come to me again."

"Not really, Dragon-senpai just wants to ...," said Longinus with a smirk, "overthrow the World Government!"

"Not just good, the old man still has a few days of peace ..." Garp is eating senbei, suddenly a mouth of flour all sprayed out, "What do you say? That little bastard wants to overthrow the World Government?"

Even if it is a person like Garp who is not afraid of the world, as usual, is surprised by the words of Longinus.

But soon, he laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes, "Hahaha! He is worthy of being the son of the old man; he still has this kind of ambition; it seems that I underestimated his ambition!"

"Vice-Admiral Garp, so are you ready for all the troubles that come with it?"

"Do not worry." Garp carelessly waved his hand, "those guys in the government are not even close to making a move against me!"

"I'm not referring to this; I'm talking about the one in trouble in the East Blue!"

Garp's expression changed significantly, "You're right, this sort of shameless thing they absolutely can do!"

"No, I have to hurry back to the East Blue." Garp raced toward the house, "Thanks a lot this time."

"It seems that Vice Admiral Garp still attaches great importance to Luffy." Longinus walked out in a leisurely manner, "It's just a pity that the way he expresses his love is ruthless."

"After sending off Vice-Admiral Garp, there are some things that I can do with confidence!"


On the training field, under the hot sun.

A young and tender face is sweating, and from time to time, someone faints and collapses because they are subjected to the world's most scorching power.

There was lava gurgling between the lines of rows, and those trainees had to endure the scorching heat emanating from the lava and had to avoid the spread of the lava carefully.

"Vice Admiral Sakazuki, why don't we let them rest for a while." A Rear Admiral asked as he forced himself to endure the lava scorching close to the erupting volcano.

Sakazuki cold face did not speak, but the scorching hot lava is soundlessly dispersed.

"Whew! Saved!"

"It's terrifying. Is this the power of Logia fruit?"

"Idiot! It's not Logia that's scary; it's Vice Admiral Sakazuki!"

"But the power of Logia is also unquestionable; I heard that we also have the lucky one who got Logia this term!"

"People without power can't even guard themselves; what's the point of protecting justice?" Sakazuki coldly scolded, "Although I only took the time to come to special guidance a few times, I have to say, you are the worst class I have ever led!"

Hearing Sakazuki's unmerciful rebuke, these pink newcomers, who did not yet know his power, were naturally indignant, and one by one, they all grumbled and complained, which made the Commodore and Rear Admiral on the sidelines sweat for them.

"If you guys think that you are still very young and not strong enough, then I can tell you ..." Sakazuki said indifferently, "There is a newcomer named Rob Lucci over at CP9 of the government, who is even younger than all of you. Quite a few, only thirteen years old, has been able to solve a kingdom crisis perfectly."

"Don't always think about such bullshit as the future is still long. All think that fate will favor you, but the reality is that one step slow, every step slow, no one can catch up in the future, but that only is if they pay ten times more effort than now."

"Thirteen years old!" Many newcomers lowered their heads in shame; they were still playing in the mud when they were thirteen.

"If that's not shocking enough, then I'll say another character that you should all have ringed your ears with, Longinus."

"When he was fifteen years old, he was able to suppress the riots of thousands of pirates in the Impel Down. In the war of the New World, he slew the sea pirates with a reward of more than 500 million, and at the age of seventeen, he was able to kill the sea pirate World, who once competed with Roger, Whitebeard, and others!"

Sakazuki looked at the group of newcomers with an oppressive look, "Many of you must be twenty years old already, and he, at the age of nineteen, has already become a Rear Admiral!"

"You see what I said before, if you don't work hard now, you will be a loser in the future." Sakazuski coldly reprimanded, "Putting hope in tomorrow is something only a fool would do!"