The Banquet of Celestial Dragons

Outside an extremely luxurious palace;

With the arrival of a "person" car, the crowd that had been waiting at the entrance welcomed them quickly.

"Honorable Saint Learsius, several lords are already waiting for your arrival in the inner sanctum." A white-robed, masked CP0 said with incomparable respect.

The fat-headed, slit-eyed St. Learsius nodded "haughtily" and stepped on a carpet of slaves lined up to walk inside the palace.

"Damn, that bastard!"

"Shut up, do you want to get us killed?"

The sound of suppressed crying came from the human carpet.

However, the movements were still noticed by the people who stepped on them.

"Bastard! How dare you have the courage to look directly at this god!" After noticing the person's hateful gaze at his feet, Learsius angrily threw up the tip of his shoe and kicked the "pariah" in the eye.


The "pariah" whose eyes were kicked out was quickly taken away, a process that barely made a disturbance in the minds of the other slaves.

They've been used to it for a long time!

"Lord St. Learsius, I'm so sorry for letting that pariah's blood defile your shoes." Soon some guards prostrated themselves to his feet and wiped the blood off the tips of his shoes with the most humble gesture.

"For the sake of Rosewald, let's forgive your laxity this time!"

Step into the palace.

Military and defensive guards surround it, and in the corners, there are also hidden mighty warriors wearing masks.

Standing in the middle of the party are already eight people, five men and three women, with the common feature of a bubble hood on their heads.

"My friend, Learsius, you've finally arrived!" Rosewald, who could barely make out a bit of nobility and still clutching a cane in his hand, opened his hands and smiled.

"You'll be punished for being late, sweetheart!" The fat lady with the food in her hand laughed "with a trembling smile".

Seeing her expression, even Learsius was a bit overwhelmed and hurriedly took a stand, "Then I'll send everyone special wine as compensation!"

"Looks like we're in luck." Rosewald laughed very facetiously, "Who doesn't know that you, Learcius, are the best artist among us Celestial Dragons at the art of bartending!"

"Ho ho ho! I merely like to find beauty in life." Learcius laughed so hard that the fat of his face wrinkled together.

As Learsius's little fat hand beckoned, his servant sent up a bottle of red wine, and the wine in the bottle seemed to be as gorgeous and beautiful as red onyx.

"My friend, won't you introduce us to your masterpiece?" Rosewald asked, sipping the wine in his glass.

"Don't think poorly of it, it's three months of my hard work!" Learsius fondled the bottle as if he was holding a rare treasure.

"First, the most beautiful virgin is put in the freezer and treasured. Then the purest medicinal solution is used to maintain her life, and after she has expelled all the filthy impurities from her body, then her throat is slit with a knife, and the most essence of blood obtained in this way is the finest Bloody Mary!"

Hearing the morbidly insane words of Liersius, the rest of the Celestial Dragons not only did not have the slightest discomfort but were instead turned on by him, each tasting cup with a pilgrim-like gesture.

"Well! That's really sweet ..." a Celestial Dragon pondered for a moment before deciding to drop the treatments, "... It's good, sweet and tasty!"

"It's so delicious! I must try one when I get back!"

"Smooth and lingering, as if a light were exploding on the tongue!" Rosewald, the only one of the few who had read some books, attached himself to the conversation, "My friend, your pursuit of art is truly admirable to me!"

"No matter." The originally squinty-eyed Learsius smiled so much that even his eyes disappeared. Then sighed, "It's a pity that my most promising ingredient ran away, I was going to wait for her to grow up before brewing my top Bloody Mary!"

"Poor me, I thought so highly of her, that bastard, how could she run away? Sob!" Saying that, he was crying sadly.

"My friend, rest assured that no one can escape the gaze of God." Rosewald gave a reassuring speech, then raised his hands high and said, "Everyone, let's enjoy today's celebration!"


As he gently slapped his palm a few times, the palace floor cracked, and surprisingly, a large hole appeared.

The sound of waves lapping at the bottom of the cave is also heard from time to time.

"Who wants to participate in the fishing game?" Rosewald laughed, "All the fish that are caught can be taken home and kept, here, but there are a few mermaids in here!"

"A mermaid? Rosewald, you're amazing!" One of the Celestial Dragons praised, "I've wanted to raise a few mermaids for a long time!"

"How honorable, Rosewald, even mermaids can make you get them." Another Celestial asked, "But fishing is too boring, is there a bloodier, more suitable for showing our heroic posture game?"

"Of course there is, everyone come with me first." Saint Rosewald led several people to the back hall, and what came into view was an extensive shooting range.

"If you are not interested in fishing, why don't you try the killing contest? There are a total of 100 fugitives in the shooting range, whoever kills the most is the ultimate winner!"

"A killing contest?" Learsius' eyes glowed as he listened, "That sounds interesting!"

"It's true that you're still the best at it, Rosewald!" The pale Celestial Dragon with hollow eye sockets shouted excitedly, "But a hundred of them can't show my valor at all!"

"That's a good one ..." Rosewald asked, turning his head sideways, "Snakewood, how many slaves do we have left?"

"Honorable Saint Rosewald ...," the masked CP0 responded respectfully, "you have one hundred and seventy-three slaves left."

"Go grab a hundred and thirty-seven people off the street to make up three hundred and send them to the firing range." Rosewald gives a big, bold swing of his hand.

"It's one hundred and twenty-seven!" The corners of Snakewood's mouth twitched slightly under his mask; how could he make an arrest?

Grab one hundred and thirty-seven, right, in case it is seen that more people will be accountable, grab one hundred and twenty-seven, right, in case it is seen that fewer people will say that he manipulated the order.

Let's ask again, won't that put Saint Rosewald on the spot?

"Wait, what am I dwelling on this for, it's a wonder they can see it! Looks like I'm infected too!" Snakewood sighed darkly, then quickly responded, "By Your will!"

"Haha! Rosewald, you're just too enthusiastic!"

"Yes! No wonder they say that you Rosewald are the one of us Celestial Dragons who are proud!"

"I'll be happy to see everyone happy!" Rosewald laughed with poor acting skills, "If everyone can vote for me in the next Gorosei campaign, I will definitely bring more benefits for everyone!"

"Gorosei? What's that?"

"It seems to be the highest pinnacle of power among our Celestial Dragons!"

"Power? That sounds like ..."

"Don't go crazy, I heard that the price for becoming a Gorosei is to work three hours a day!"

"What? So terrible!"

See remaining eight Celestial Dragons are looking at themselves with a look like a fool make Rosewald felt tired for a while, and at the same time rose a sense of intellectual superiority.

"These idiots, I, Rosewald, am the man who is going to be the king of the world!"