The Restless Sabaody (1/3)

Marine Headquarters, Marineford.

In the Fleet Admiral's office;

Sengoku reported, "... Fleet Admiral Kong, that's roughly what happened."

"Slaves riot in Sabaody?" Kong said with a disgusted face, "I've known for a long time that sooner or later something would happen to that kind of place."

"But why did it have to be at this juncture? On the Dragon side ..."

"In fact, this is good, if the rumors of Dragon are true ..." said Sengoku deep breath, "that for this world is no less than a big earthquake, use this thing to divert attention is also good. "

"I always thought that Garp is the big trouble, did not expect, Dragon is the real big trouble ah! This family of theirs is really ..." Kong sighed, and then said with a straight face, "The incident on the Sabaody Archipelago also can not be ignored, not handled properly, it is likely to make the prestige of the Marine and the government fall to the bottom."

"Especially the one who freed all the slaves, was it out of good will or was it an ulterior motive?"

"Let's talk about that later, let's just send someone to settle this incident first." Sengoku said.

"You're right, indeed we should settle this incident first before discussing the issues behind it." Kong looked serious and asked, "Who do you think would be better to send to suppress the riot?"

"There are not many people capable of handling this incident, and the only one of those people who still stays in the headquarters is actually Kuzan." Sengoku said back.

"Kuzan? Good ... too," Kong nodded, "Let him go and cool down the restless Sabaody."


On the Sabaody Archipelago.

The two Boa sisters who came back from danger could not come to hug and cry with Hancock; they left behind by their elder sister, "Old man, how did you come back so soon? Where is Lord Apophis?"

"That something Celestial Dragon attended the banquet to go, to save them both naturally soon." Rayleigh's voice came from under the ghost mask, "As for young brother Apophis, you do not have to worry, as long as he wants to leave the island, no one can stop him."

"Speaking of which, young Swordsman is really crazy ah!" Shakky also heartfelt admiration said, "freed all the slaves in the Sabaody not to mention, but also intends to make a move on the Celestial Dragons, just by this boldness on the sea no one can catch up with him!"

"Mm-hmm!" Hancock nodded his little head hard and inexplicably felt that the older woman was also much more agreeable.

Even the two Boa sisters, who left out in the cold, said with infinite fascination, "We were able to persevere these two years all because of the legend of Lord Apophis, and I never thought that we would really be saved in the end because of him."

Rayleigh listened to the side with a depressed face, so there is nothing to do with him?

"Lord Apophis, but ..." said, Hancock suddenly tightened his body, "Huh? How come it suddenly became much colder?"

"Wait, what's that all about?" Boa Marigold looked at the fire burning in the distance was instantly frozen and could not help but exclaim, "The flames ... flames are frozen!"

"Has grown to this point?" Rayleigh can't help but sigh, "when the kid who followed behind Garp has also been able to take charge of his own!"

"The one who came should be the famous monster Vice Admiral in the Marine Headquarters, 'Aokiji' Kuzan." Shakky said squarely, "It seems that the actions of Apophis Junior have not yet reached the ears of the Marine and the government, otherwise, he would not be the only one who came."

"Just him alone is also troublesome!" Rayleigh sighed, "Shakky, you can send them to the Woman Island first."

"I understand, you take care of yourself."


Sabaody Archipelago, on Grove 15.

Due to the lawless zone's existence, the grove 1-29 was undoubtedly the hardest hit by the slave riots.

"Kill! Burn! There is no such thing as a pure place in this world!"

"Let the world feel the pain and suffering!"

"Everyone watch out, a marine is coming!"

"Bullshit justice! They didn't come when we were captured, and now, instead, they show up!"

The light of the fire mapped out a thin and fierce face, standing opposite them to the marine forces to some hesitant tramp.

"Vice Admiral Kuzan, should we make a move on them?" A Commodore asked hesitantly.

"What a trouble, and this night still will not let people sleep!" Kuzan pushed the blindfold to the forehead, sighing and looking around, "Pity is not a reason to do evil, this situation, it is better to let them calm down first!"

"Ice Age!"

Kara! Kara!

The ice kept spreading in all directions with Kuzan as the centre, and in just an instant, it turned the 15th grove into a world of ice and snow.

It sealed even the blazing fire in the ice sculpture.

Seeing this, those slaves who lost in hatred also came to their senses with a shiver.

It's not right!

They escaped with great difficulty, shouldn't they leave this evil cave as soon as possible? How can they be provoked to think of killing and setting a fire?

But now, it seems to be too late!

Just as it filled them with despair, they heard the Marine across the street, who looked like he hadn't woken up, say, "The Marines are here to suppress the riot, so if you're awake, get out of our way and go to the next place."

"Wait, he means ..." the group of slaves stared incredulously, "he doesn't stop us from escaping as long as we don't make a mess?"

"Still not moving, are you planning to continue the riot?"

"No, no, no, we're leaving ..." The slaves quickly retreated to either side, "Uncle Marine, thank you!"

"Uncle?" The corners of Kuzan's eyes jumped wildly, "Do I look that old?"

"Ahem." The Commodore following him said persuasively, "Nothing of the sort, Vice Admiral Kuzan, you just seem more mature."

Kuzan: "????"

Just then, a boom attracted the attention of both men.

"What a big snake, is it a zoan ability user?" The Commodore looked into the distance and was horrified at the colossal python peeking out from the collapsed palace.

"That direction ..." Kuzan, on the other hand, said with a grave face, "is where we came from."

"But we shouldn't have such a lavish palace in the Marine Corps... Wait," the Commodore said, abruptly awakened, "that direction is Grove 62!"

"That's the residence of the ... Celestial Dragons!"

"So, this time it's really troublesome!" Kuzan sighed, "You guys hold on to suppress the riot and urgently call the headquarters to report what happened, I'll go over to make the rescue first."

"Yes!" The Commodore naturally did not doubt Kuzan's strength and immediately ordered, "Everyone follow me!"

"That big snake is the chief of CP0's agency in Sabaody, right? I can't believe it was beaten so badly!" Kuzan was not as relaxed as the Commodore thought, but instead stood sternly, "It seems that the one who dares to attack the Celestial Dragons is really no simple character."

Just as Kuzan ran faster in the direction he came from; a harsh slash came from his flank.


The ice shield shattered and ice crystal fragments flew all over the sky.

"Sorry, I can't let you pass now." Rayleigh, wearing a ghost face mask, appeared in front of Kuzan at the right time.

"Ghost face mask? And this kind of overpowering swordplay ..." Kuzan asked with a straight face, "Could it be that you are the one with the Red Swordsman Apophis?"