Dragon: Meow Meow Meow?

Mariejois, Room of Authority.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Even with the connotation of Gorosei, when they learned of the vicious incident on the Sabaody Archipelago, they still could not restrain the impulse to smash things.

"Nine dead Celestial Dragons, what a good thing!" The bearded Gorosei said with a gloomy face, "Since when has the world lost its fear of God?"

"This is an extremely evil event that has not occurred in the past hundred ... or even eight hundred years ...," the blond Gorosei roared. " Not to catch the man behind... Where is the prestige of the government till the culprit is arrested and sentenced to death? What is the prestige of the government?"

"Calm down, the information from the marine side you should also have read it ..." curly hair Gorosei said with a cold face, "to Kuzan's strength will actually be beaten within just a few minutes to seriously injured near death. The actual fact is that not many people are able to do it."

"Snakewood on CP0's side is not weak, but the final result is that he was sliced into pieces." The Gorosei holding swords then said, "There are really not many people who can have this kind of sword skill."

"People who come and go without a trace, who have extremely strong sword skills, and who have great hatred for the government ..." said the long-haired Gorosei, "Could it be Shiki?"

"Maybe it's the remnants of Roger's Pirates, don't forget, there are not a few swordsmen on that ship of his."

"There's also Hawkeye and Red Swordsman, who have risen to fame in recent years, and they're both extremely difficult to deal with."

"Perhaps also count the samurai of the Wano Country. Some of those who submitted to Kaido, and some who fled to the outside world."

Dang! Dang! Boom!

"Come in."

"Honorable Gorosei, this is the latest information from the Marine Headquarters." The CP0 who came in delivered the information and then withdrew knowingly.

There were five copies of the intelligence, and one of Gorosei took one copy and flipped through it.

It is the information explained after Kuzan's recovery.

Half time.

The voice of the blond Gorosei suppressing his anger sounded steep, "Surprisingly, it's really that madman Red Swordsman, killing the Celestial Dragons, what good will this do him anyway?"

"Looking at what he has done since he left the sea, he has done nothing but free slaves and challenge the strong." Another Gorosei said, "Maybe his intention is to anger the government in order to challenge more powerful people."

"No, you guys look down." Curly Gorosei said with a stony face, "In addition to him there is another person also wearing a mask, they, even claim to come from the same organization."

"And the purpose of this organization is ... to unmask the world!"

The air fell abruptly silent.

After a long time, someone said, "Interesting. After Roger's Pirates and O'Hara, finally someone else wants to touch the realm of God?"

"Unmasking this world?" The blonde Gorosei said indifferently, "Do they really know what that means?"

"And don't underestimate them, according to Kuzan, both of them are not weaker than him, if there are more monsters like them in this so-called 'mask', then it is indeed considered a big trouble!"

"And the other masked man mentioned that Apophis is not just a person ..." said the bearded Gorosei, "Is that their name or philosophy for this force?"

"Apophis? Apophis? The gods of destruction?" The blonde Gorosei laughed Judiciously, "How bold they are! To express their ambition in their name!"

"Speaking of which, don't you guys think ..." said the long-haired Gorosei with narrowed eyes, "that this so-called 'mask' appeared too coincidentally?"

"Coincidentally enough to withdraw our attention completely from the newborn revolutionary army!"

"You mean ..." said the Gorosei holding swords, "that this is actually a Revolutionary Army operation?"

"It's just a possibility. After all, the two are too similar in philosophy."

Curly Gorosei continued, "I even suspect that Dragon is worried that the concept of the revolutionary army is too radical to be accepted by the world, which is why he threw out this simplified version of the mask idea to test the waters."

"This is too big to be suppressed, so let's make Dragon's revolutionary army responsible for it!" The blond Gorosei said sorrowfully, "Make sure to highlight the damage they have done to the order in this incident, as long as the world 'recognizes' him for what he is, his idea of freedom and equality is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Right." The bearded Gorosei nodded with deep understanding, "But that madman Red Swordsman can't let him get away with it either, grab the search and by the way, raise his bounty to one billion."


A few days later, a piece of explosive news spread across the sea.

The revolutionary army's senior cadres, the Red Swordsman Apophis, set off a riot in the Sabaody Archipelago so that countless people buried, among them, even nine world nobles unfortunately killed.

The World Government strongly condemns such terrorist incidents.

Of course, another version circulating in the community is.

Red Swordsman Apophis led his masked squad to free the imprisoned slaves on the Sabaody Archipelago, and even, he killed nine of the world's ugliest scum.

People who have suffered persecution by the Celestial Dragons have expressed their joy.

No matter which version it is, it has made the Red Swordsman's reputation and his 1 billion berries bounty very popular.

In addition to the Red Swordsman, Apophis once again has a resounding name - The Dragon Slayer Swordsman!


Baltigo, Island of White Soil.

"Chief, so the famous Crimson Swordsman is also one of our people? It's really too impressive!"

"Even dared to kill the Celestial Dragons, and killed nine at once! Dragon Slayer Swordsman is really worthy of being a senior cadre of our revolutionary army!"

"No wonder the chief has been asking us to hold back, it turns out he has planned everything long ago!"

At the meeting, the newcomers who had just joined the Revolutionary Army spoke one by one with excitement and aspirations for a better tomorrow.

"Dragon, you are too mean!" Okama King quietly sidled up and whispered, "I can't believe you didn't even tell me about this kind of action!"

Dragon, who was sitting at the top, said with a numb face, "Would you believe me if I said I didn't know any Red Swordsman at all?"

"I believe, I believe still can't I?" Okama King said with a sultry face.


The Grand Line, on a small boat shaped like a coffin.

"Challenge more powerful people by angering the World Government? How about I try killing a few Celestial Dragons too?" Hawkeye grabbed the newspaper and whispered.


New World, in a dilapidated villa;

"Fuffuffuffu! It's so interesting!" Doflamingo crossed his legs and said happily, "Those idiots in the World Government would never think that someone would dare to take on the Celestial Dragons!"

"The man with a bounty of one billion, the Red Swordsman, is really a terrifying monster!" Diamante exclaimed.

"Anyway, thanks a lot for him!" Doflamingo laughed, "For once, there will finally be no annoying guys to bother us!"

PS: It seems that a lot of students said that the plot does not feel, may indeed be some dragging it, next I will speed up, as soon as possible to end the younger sister the mainline (• ̥ ́ ˍ • ̀ू).