
(Fear of being disliked, say in advance, the content of this chapter is not correct, please do not believe all (• ̥ ́ ˍ • ̀ू))

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" BIG-MOM swayed his fat body and stood on the shoreline, manipulating Homies to raise a massive storm of ocean currents in an attempt to force out Apophis who had disappeared into the sea.

But everyone present knew that unless it was a strong fishman, or a purely physical powerhouse proficient in water, a fierce man like Apophis couldn't force him out by this level of ocean currents.

"That damned bastard, what does he take me for here in the Totto Land?" BIG-MOM roared in anger, all the previous gloating towards the World Government transformed into an extreme rage, "Better pray that I don't see him again, or I will definitely pull his soul out and make the most delicious pastry!"

"Crazy and sensible, this kind of calm madman is undoubtedly an extremely frightening character!" Katakuri did not want to make enemies with such a dangerous character because of a Umit. However, after looking at his old mother in a rage, he still sensibly resisted the urge to dissuade.

"Damn it, my credit!" Stussy slightly depressed exhaled a foul breath, and then changed to an incomparably rugged look, "originally thought it was just a madman like Kaido, but now it seems that he is only more dangerous than we imagined!"

"If they don't fight, this news is not explosive enough!" Morgans secretly thought, "How about a BIG-MOM hate for love, between the two sea pirates have to tell the story?"


On an isolated island;

The swordsman wearing a ghost-faced mask catches a tragic figure coming out of the tide.

"Cough ..." The cold seawater poured into his body, causing Umit's already broken lungs to cough up blood. "Let me go, and I swear I will never get involved in the human trafficking again... ...no, will join you in the slave liberation movement ..."

"Did you provide all those slave catching ships?"

"Slave catcher ship?" Umit was stunned before he scowled and said, "I'm just taking some rent, what those bastards took my ship to do actually I don't know anything about it."

"Where are the lease records for the ships?"

"Lease records?" Unmit's eyes widened, just for this thing, you came to Cake Island to catch me? And stabbed me with a sword?

"Boss, you want this thing to say to me is it, I dare not give?" Umit wanted to cry without tears in the heart spit out.

"Wait, he'd rather anger BIG-MOM than get me out, which means this record must be important to him ..." Umit's eyes rolled in a bone-shaking circle, "can I use this to blackmail him ..."

"Too slow to answer."

"What's too slow?" Umit was puzzled by the thought when he heard a click and was plunged into darkness forever.

"That's a lot of mental activity." Apophis "turned his head" and left.


Oceanus Island, Umit's lair;

Since the news of Umit's abduction by the Red Swordsman, this island has been in chaos.

Everyone knows that the probability of this former emperor of the underground is not coming back. Therefore, those forces under him are eager to join the fight for power and profit.

A line of people.

"Boss Ursus, don't we hurry up and take over the other powers while we can?" The pirate who grabbed the wolfsbane asked.

"Idiot! What's the most important thing in this world?" The slightly fat middle-aged man yelled down fervently, "Money, of course!"

"As long as we have money, what place can't we go?" Ursus said despisingly, "Besides, I don't even want the title of Shipping Magnate if I am given it, who knows if I will be approached by that madman, the Red Swordsman!"

Hearing what Ursus said, his minions nodded in deep understanding, daring to capture their boss's madman in front of the BIG-MOM, it is better not to meet him.

"So where are we going now?"

"Haha! Of course it's Boss Umit's treasure room!"

"But isn't this a library?"

"Stupid!" Ursus walked to a corner of the study and pushed the bookcase, followed by a hidden door, "An illiterate man has so many books here for himself?"

Ka-chow! Ka-chow!

"Haha! Golden cuties, meet your new master ..." Ursus maniacally laughed as he pushed the door inside and abruptly found a tall figure already sitting inside with his back to him.

Instantly, a rage of being covered in green rushed to his heart, "bastard, do you know that this is ..."

The back turned his head.

Ghost face mask! Red pupils!

The pupils even filled with endless killing intent.

"Aaaah!" Ursus let out a girlish cornered scream, "Don't you come any closer."

"Yes ... is the Red Swordsman!" The minions who just stepped into the dark door were also frightened enough by this scene to cry out and flee back.

A blood aura flashed, and Ursus, along with his minions, were all turned into ashes.

Immediately afterwards, another sword maneuver cut out.

The whole dark door with the main building all blown down;

All the nearby forces that were still fighting in their respective firefights looked over.

This look almost gave them a heart attack.

"A lie, right? Why is the Red Swordsman here?"

"Damn it, are you trying to drive them to extinction?"

"Fight with him, we can pile him up even with so many people here!"

"To fight your own fight, this kind of monster, simply not the number of people can solve the problem."

"The other side is the one billion bounty sea pirates, there is no chance of winning, we'd better run away quickly."

However, they still underestimated the damage that a top-level battle force under fire could cause.

In this flurry of the battlefield, tens and even hundreds of meters of slashing madness rampage, almost the entire island will chop into fragmented pieces.

In just twenty minutes, this trade point, which is well known even in the underground world, has been delisted.

"What an unexpected ending! So, that slave catcher ship was actually sunk on its way back to the ship!" Standing in the hell where blood converged, Apophis muttered, "No wonder my search has been fruitless for so many years."

That ship sunk. The year it sunk is only three years old, Daisy's probability is with the slave catcher ship sank together it!

Apophis was not as grief-stricken as he thought.

He is not Aaron, after all, to find Daisy, for him, more can only be considered an obsession.

And now, knowing about Daisy's death happens to be another level of obsession removed for him.

After the obsession removed, his soul will be purer, and his stagnant strength will sublimate.

In a cold heart, the opposite is a good thing.

Of course, before that.

He has one last step to complete in his obsession, and that is revenge!

"I never thought that the fate between us was really set ten years ago." Apophis looked into the distance, the scarlet pupils under his mask filled with boiling killing intent, "Donquixote Doflamingo!"

PS: What, to the protagonist recruitment ... is not, is the collection of Vice-Admiral title, have the idea of the student's trouble to move to the book review area, the top post is (。 ・ ˇ_ˇ ・。 :).