Apophis vs. Donquixote Family

"Dragon? I think it's more like a worm!" Apophis step out, the harsh and oppressive aura overwhelmingly came, making people seem to be in purgatory, surrounded by the wailing of ghosts of injustice everywhere.

Under Haoshoku collision, the void faintly purple and black thunder explosions, with the ground paved with masonry cracked by this almost physical collision.

Even the aftermath of Haoshoku encounter made a group of members of the Donquixote family nearly faint.

"Surprisingly, it's on par with Doffy's Haoshoku, how strong is this man's aura?" Pica screamed in disbelief.

The man he vowed to follow was awakened Haoshoku at the age of eight, the destined king!

"So unbearable, just the aftermath is already unbearable!" Senor clutched his head to death, his forehead soaked with sweat to make his vision a little blurred.

Soon, the situation deviated.

The body of Doflamingo swayed slightly, while Apophis was not even the slightest bit disturbed in his pace.

"Not good, the situation is starting to fall to the side of the Red Swordsman!" Diamante said through gritted teeth.

"Although the strength of the two sides' Haoshoku are about the same, the Red Swordsman is just too despicable to incorporate his own killing intent into his aura." Trebol roared low in anger.

"We can't just watch like this anymore, let's all rush up and finish off the Red Swordsman!"

Naturally, the Donquixote family's people did not mind the siege, and each released a significant move towards Apophis in the field.

"Beta Betton Launcher!"


"Death Enjambre!"

"Punc Bala!"


Either slashing or exploding, a dozen radiant attacks flew towards Apophis in unison.

"You guys, very annoying!" Apophis collected his aura, an immediate step, jumped out of the battle envelope.

He was the last to react, but none of the Donquixote family's attacks fell on his body.

"Where are the people?" Diamante was looking around in confusion when he suddenly heard a bellow from Doflamingo.

"Watch your back."

"What?" Out of absolute trust in Doflamingo, Diamante didn't even have time to turn around before unleashing his ability, "Corrida Glaive!"

However, the steel plate like hardened cloak only blocked the instant time and then directly broken.

And Diamante was also thrown away by the tremendous force as blood gushed wildly from his mouth.

"Lord Diamante, I'll get ... pfft!" Buffalo had planned to use his own Guru Guru no Mi ability to set off a storm to slow down Diamante, however, before the storm could be formed he was knocked off with it.

"Damn, I will not spare anyone who dares to hurt my family!" Doflamingo furiously emitted a column of thread from the palm of his hand, and the ground along the line cut grooves, "Overheat!"

However, Apophis is jumping in the field, incomparably nimble to dodge one attack after another.

"Beta Beta Chain!" Trebol's body secreted a gross liquid that shot towards Apophis, forming a circle in conjunction with Doflamingo's attack.

"Charlestone!" Pica body melted into the earth, from time to time from the ground piercing massive and sharp stone pillars, which if stabbed actually, only to end up with a body directly exploded the result.

"Let's take care of this most disgusting guy first." Apophis surprisingly used the sharp stone pillar pierced by Pica as a springboard, and in a few breaths, he jumped to slash down with a sword over Trebol's head.


The liquid on Trebol's body was chopped away, leaving a terrifying forty-centimetre long wound on the dried and thin body before blasting off.

If it weren't for the silk threads that Doflamingo pulled him at the last minute, he would have ended up with a separate corpse.

"Drop the bummer line!"

Apophis backhanded a sword to cut the thin line coming from behind. The left hand covered with Busoshoku Haki grabbed the stone pillar that appeared nearly simultaneously, pulling it with force, like pulling a carrot, pulled Pica from the earth, grabbed him and slammed wildly to the ground.

The image of the tall Pica being wrestled like a chick in the hands of Apophis was so impactful that it made the rest of the Donquixote family almost forget about their current situation.

"This kind of power, this nigga is a swordsman?" On the other side, Gladius was still immersed in the shock of Pica being hung.

Just at that moment, a blood-coloured sword flash appeared in front of his eyes.

"At this speed, it's impossible to dodge, so try this move of mine!" In a flash of lightning, Gladius had already made his decision, "Fashion Punc!"


The torrential energy flooding out, the ground exploded out of a giant crater a hundred meters in diameter, searing gas waves, even the vegetation in the distance are steamed dry and burnt.

When the aftermath dissipated, Gladius landed heavily in the vast crater.

As an exploding man, he naturally did not blow himself up, although he also lost the ability to fight again in the self-destruction.

An even more embarrassing point is that he is now naked.

It's a good thing that the crowd's focus in the room wasn't on a naked, burnt black man either.

"Is this even okay? What a terrifyingly strong!" Senor looked at the opposite Apophis, who didn't have torn clothes, and his heart sunk to the bottom.

Less than two minutes into the battle, their side has already lost five soldiers, anyone who sees such a bad match will be demoralized.

"As expected of the Red Swordsman! This kind of tactics, really let me open my eyes!" Doflamingo has recovered from the fury at this moment; his mind raced to think of countermeasures.

Although reluctant to admit it, but from the short exchange just now can also see that the other party's strength is indeed above him.

Now, one can only delay as long as possible to think about countermeasures.

"Spare your words for later!" Apophis turned into a blood-coloured light and burst in at great speed.

"Damn, this guy is too cold!" Doflamingo only had time to curse angrily in his heart, his arms swung to the sides, thousands of transparent silk threads shot out from his hands and instantly formed a massive shield in front of his body.

Kumo no Sugaki!

However, with Apophis' tremendous strength and the Seven Star Sword's sharpness, Kumo no Sugaki was barely stiffer than white paper.

One breath, the spider silk breaks;

The long sword in the hand of Apophis cut through the body of Doflamingo without losing momentum, and clicked and broke across the waist.


"Young Master!"

Amid the Don Quixote family's screams, the upper half of Doflamingo's body, which had been thrown into mid-air, suddenly turned into a coil of thin silk threads and shot downward.

"Black Knight - Torikago!"

With the upper half of Doflamingo's body as the centre, he created a small birdcage with a radius of five meters to cover Apophis directly.

Moreover, the birdcage is still shrinking.

"Great, it's the young master's birdcage!" Baby-5, who had been playing the saucer, cheered, "That bastard is dead this time!"

"Cough ... " Trebol also eased up at the moment, "Say, I say, is it finally this guy's turn to taste defeat?"

They all know that the birdcage is Doffy's (the young master) ultimate move.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and escape!" Doflamingo is secretly lucky if the other party just suddenly wandered off, he only too late to replace the counterpart, let alone use the birdcage to trap the other party, "this level of power is impossible to kill him, at most three minutes of time ..."


The next moment, the birdcage exploded.

Doflamingo's expression froze on his face.

"Why ... do you guys always like to judge me by the same standards you use for ordinary people?"

PS: The problem of naming is now more complicated (╯ ° Д °) ╯︵┻━╯︵┻.