Sugar: I Really Found From The Trash X﹏X

During this chaotic group of shrill shouting, Doflamingo is keenly aware of another problem.

"Monet did mention that brother of hers, but she was still young when she was rescued, not to mention her brother's age, and she couldn't figure out how old she was herself."

"But that doesn't mean nothing can be deduced."

"Since Monet would be captured on the slave catcher ship, it means that Apophis should not have much power to resist at that time, which means that he was definitely not too old at that time."

"Shouldn't be more than fifteen years old!" Doflamingo put himself in his place, thinking that he could easily handle a group of slavers when he was fifteen years old, let alone Apophis, who was more substantial than him.

"The bounty of one billion revolutionary army senior cadres of the Red Swordsman, but is a newcomer less than twenty-five years old, if this is to spread out, only a few people will believe it." The color of scorn in the eyes of Doflamingo grew thicker and thicker, "Good thing, he should be considered one of our own now!"

On the other side;

Monet wiped her tears and cried and laughed, "Brother, I never thought I would have the day to be able to see you again."

"Yes! It's been ten years!" The blood color in Apophis' pupils faded slightly, "Not if it's not me ..."

"Brother, I don't blame you." Monet bit her lower lip and said with a complicated expression, "At first I didn't think so, but now I think about it, rumor has it that you killed countless human traffickers and slave owners. And even killed those on the Sabaody Archipelago some time ago, it should all be to find me!"

Apophis nodded slightly.

"Oooh X﹏X! So touching!" Baby-5 cried with a deflated mouth, "With such a loving brother, Monet-san is so happy!"

Senor and others are even more complex, "I did not expect the outside world's rumored to be tyrannical Red Swordsman to have such a tender side."

However, when they think of the traffickers and slavers who died during this decade because of Apophis, they can't help but lament that those unlucky people are too miserable. They are afraid to die; they can't imagine that they were implicated by a few small pirates ten years ago.

Especially the nine Celestial Dragons, the World Nobles, the descendants of God, were killed off for such a trivial matter, it's merely tragic!

"I don't know why, brother, I always feel that you are not quite the same as I remember." Monet tangled for a while but still asked the question.

"There's not going to be a change of heart, is there?" Diamante couldn't help but wail in his heart, "Whether it's your brother or not, let's stabilize him first! Anyway, one more brother you do not lose, with this kind of big brother as a backing, is how many people can not wait for things!"

"People always change." Apophis said indifferently, "I have become an avenger from the moment I knew you were sent on a slave ship!"

"So I was sent away?" Monet whispered in a sullen tone, "I also seem to have some impression that when I was a child, there were many, many bad people who were bullying us!"

The cold image of Apophis in front of him and the gentle and cheerful brother in the vague memory kept overlapping, and Monet said heartily, "Brother, you have changed too much for me!"

"Brother, don't worry." Monet said with a bite of her little tiger teeth, "When I find the place where we used to live, I will kill those bad guys to avenge us!"

There is no weakness or mercy in her heart; it seems that she has learned something right here in Doflamingo ... Apophis thought rather gratefully.

"There's no need. The day you were sent away, I killed the whole village!"

Hearing what Apophis said, is that Trebol and others can not help but a chill surged to the heart ... that year Apophis only a few years old, it is?

"So!" Monet had a relieved look on her face when suddenly, someone tugged on her coat.

"Sister, what about me?" Sugar asked with trepidation, "Is he my brother too?"

"Huh?" Monet awkwardly glanced at the indifferent Apophis, and then looked down at the teary-eyed Sugar, for a moment a little speechless.

"Whoo-hoo X﹏X! I really picked it up from the trash!" Sugar quickly understood and howled.

"Don't cry, be good, I will always be your sister!" Monet said soothingly with her hands at her side.

The gloomy atmosphere in the room was gone after being made so much noise by Sugar.

After knowing that Apophis was "friend, not foe," the Donquixote family members were relieved.

Luckily it was a misunderstanding!

Although this misunderstanding has caused some trouble, like Trebol almost died a few times, they do not dare to go to big brother to settle accounts and tearfully admit their lousy luck.

"Fuffuffuffu!" Doflamingo is also obviously ambitious, forgetting all about the damage that Apophis had caused him, "Since it was a misunderstanding, what is past, let it be past."

"Let's welcome together ..."

"Heh! Sorry ..." Apophis let out a long sigh, interrupting Doflamingo's speech, "I thought about it and thought you'd be better off dead."

The smile of Doflamingo has frozen again. What the hell, how does this guy not play by the rules at all?

You know, I am your benefactor!

I have done a good deed, but I have to be repaid.

Diamante and others are also confused; what is this mysterious development?

A joke to liven things up?

Monet, who was calming Sugar, was also shocked and rushed to Apophis to stop him, "Brother, why is that?"

"The young master and everyone is very nice to me, they are like my family!"

"Could it be because he resents Monet calling me young master and thinks it's degrading to his status?" Doflamingo twitched the corners of his mouth but did not make a sound; he kind of see, this guy's brain circuit is not normal at all.

"Is it because he doesn't want Monet to have other family members? He wants to monopolize Monet's love?" Pica and the others also oozed cold sweat, if that was the case, then didn't Monet's words, in turn, strengthen Apophis' belief?

Apophis' indifferent gaze crossed over Monet and looked at Doflamingo behind him, "You're a Celestial Dragon, right?"

"That's right." Doflamingo was not surprised; in the city, he was in as a child, almost everyone knew his identity; even if they disposed of most of them, there would always be those who slipped through the cracks.

"I also know that you once tried to return to Mariejois, but were rejected by the other Celestial Dragons."

The face of Doflamingo gradually gloomy; he has guessed the reason why the other party must kill him.

"I am an S-class fugitive who killed nine Celestial Dragons. If you use Monet as bait and cooperate with the World Government to kill me ..." Apophis' tone did not rise and fall, so calm that one would think he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. "You might be able to return to Mariejois as a Celestial Dragon."

"Am I right, Donquixote Doflamingo?"

PS: The most likes in the comment section are surprisingly popular with the sand carving generals. Are you guys serious ((` ヘ s´ ・;) ・?