How the Godly Stick is Made

Amid dead silence, it was Gan Fall who reacted first, "God's Messenger? Who the hell are you?"

Chief Shandia also followed with a sneer, "God? It's not like our ancestors didn't kill them!"

Longinus ... or the "Messenger of God " is not angry, just a gentle smile, "a big snake is not a god!"

Chief Shandia, who was still disdainful, suddenly changed his face, "How did you know about this?"

"God, is omniscient and omnipotent!" Longinus laughed, "And as a Messenger of God, I can naturally know everything through my God-given authority!"

"Although I do not know where you know the secrets of the Shandia clan, this degree should not be considered omniscient!" Gan Fall did not believe Longinus' magic ... "God" words.

Chief Shandia also reacted and asked in a cold voice, "Could it be that you have been secretly spying on the hidden secrets of our Shandia tribe?"

Shandia's grumpy old brothers are not much good-tempered, hearing the chief's speculation, immediately someone stepped on the ice blade type wyvern towards Longinus in the sky.


Minos stirred up a hurricane that blasted all the Shandian warriors in mid-air into the ground with a mere flap of his wings.

Even the rest of the Shandian warriors and Angel Island guards were blown east and west by the gale and nearly blown away by the wind.

"What a powerful giant beast!" Chief Shandia's heart was stunned, and if he was more scorned than feared by Minos before, now fear prevailed.

Not to mention the mysterious and unpredictable God Messenger, just this giant beast, they together are not enough to fight it.

"Just the mount has such a strong power, it is hard to imagine how strong he would be personally!" Gan Fall's heart was shocked, and at the same time a little envious, why he, sitting on the mount of a "god" is not as good as a "god messenger"?

"Minos, silence."

Hearing the command of Longinus, Minos instantly quiet, and this scene fell in the eyes of both sides, is undoubtedly once again deepened their scruples for this so-called God Messenger.

"Don't get me wrong, I can know this because ..." Longinus continued to fool around, "I have eyes that can see through the fog of time."

"Seeing through the ... fog of time? What does that mean?" Chief Shandia asked in horror.

Although he is not cultured, this does not prevent him from feeling that the other side speaks so gibberish!

"If I'm not wrong, I think he means ..." Gan Fall then said in a deep voice, "He can see the past and foresee the future!"

"What? How can such a thing be humanly possible?" Both camps were in unison in an uproar.

Even if the other side's strength is strong, these warriors' eyes are not untouchable but see through time; it is some test of their ability to bear!

It is also because the information on Skypiea is too closed.

Although they know the Devil Fruit, the understanding of the Devil Fruit is not deep, which is placed in the Blue Sea, most people will be the first time unable to understand the things blamed on the Devil Fruit over.

"Human power is indeed impossible to do, but the word of God ..." Gan Fall took a deep breath and looked at Longinus with eyes filled with a palpitating colour.

"It is because I foresee the fate of your future destruction that I have come to prevent this catastrophe from happening!" Longinus said "compassionately".

Hearing what Longinus said, both camps were whispering.

Longinus' perfect disguise, majestic aura, and mysterious words subconsciously made them believe what the other side said.

"It's still too hard to accept something like foretelling the future." Gan Fall, however, shook his head and said, "How do you convince us that you're not lying to us?"

"It's very simple." Longinus said, eyes slightly closed, and a moment later snapped open his eyes and said, "In one minute and thirty-seven seconds, there will be a giant python launching a surprise attack on the crowd here!"

The corners of Longinus' mouth rose slightly, he could indeed see the future within three minutes, but the arrival of the Master of the Sky was sole because he had made a point of harassing it earlier.

Otherwise, things would not be so coincidental.

"It is surprising that he can be accurate to the second!" Seeing Longinus speak with certainty, even Gan Fall could not help but be shaken, "Could it be that he is not a liar, but a true messenger of the God of Heaven?"

"The huge python ..." Chief Shandia looked puzzled; he naturally knew about that giant snake.

Time drifted by as the crowd held its breath in calculated anticipation.

"One minute thirty-five, one minute thirty-six, one minute thirty ..."


A hissing roar whistling mountains and forests, the vast snake body emerged, but the crowd in the field did not have a trace of fear but was excited to shout.

"It's the Master of the Sky, it's really here!"

"God's Messenger! This is the real God Messenger-sama!"

"Be careful, the Master of the Sky seems to be going berserk!"

When the Master of the Sky was looking for a target to attack, Longinus struck first, silver-white thunder running through the sky, blasting the ground in front of the serpent to smithereens!

"Stand down!"

What appeared in Longinus' hand was naturally not a real thunder, but a manifestation of the power of judgment, just as he had transformed that power into a lance.

There is no way, the lance this kind of thing is not quite in line with the "God Messenger" forced ... temperament.

And this is naturally a remarkable effect, not to mention the Master of the Sky scared back, even many Shandia warriors and Angel Island guards have fallen to the ground in awe.

The fear of thunder can be said to be almost inherent in everyone.

"Stand down!"

Longinus even using Haoshoku Haki, for this large snake of external strength. Naturally, life can not bear weight.

The Master of the Sky sorrowful cry, it sleeps well there to be stabbed in the jugular, so easy to follow the breath to find, not even let it scream a little to drive it away.

It's too bullying snake!

However, a good snake is a good snake when it knows its time.

This time, it endured!

The giant snake comes quickly and goes even faster.

After witnessing this almost miraculous scene, the Shandia warriors and Angel Island guards no longer doubted and fell in worship, calling out fervently with their mouths.

"God's Messenger-sama! God's Messenger-sama!"

"The Messenger of God has come to redeem us!"

Chief Shandia can't help but boast at Gan Fall, he is still nothing, but Gan Fall, the impostor god of the future will not be comfortable!

Longinus gently gesture down with both hands, and the sound disappears instantly.

"Gentlemen, the future I see is ..." said Longinus in a deep voice, "your war and hatred that stretches over four hundred years has finally attracted a demon who will destroy everything you have in fifteen years."

"The Angel Island, the Cloud Hidden Village, and even the Holy Land of Upper Yard beneath your feet will all be destroyed by his hands!"

"The only way to change this established fate is for me to guide you out of this endless revenge!"

PS: In fact, my initial idea is to give Goro Goro no Mi to Monet, but I am now a little worried that you guys say I waste, first asked in advance of everyone's ideas. If there is no opinion, I will come according to the original plan, if they disagree, then help me think of a fruit O (≧ ▽ ≦) O.