Olaf the Giant King

Two days after his arrival in Elbaf, the Giant King did not receive Longinus and John.

However, it's not that the giants are slacking off.

According to them, meeting the guests after the sacred rituals of the tribal assembly is the most proper respect.

In response, Longinus naturally followed the custom.

And these two days also let him see the courage and toughness of the giant warriors.

The most prevalent competitive sport among the giants is wrestling, and their wrestling is not as gentle as the usual sense.

They would draw an open field and place a pointed boundary stone in the center, and the two sides of the game would push each other hard against the stone.

Unless there is an overwhelming victory, both sides of the duel will end up with blood on their faces, whether they win or lose.

And the giants watching the battle around will give an enthusiastic hail to the winner and the loser.

This almost brutal way of competition has cultivated the crazy and tenacious will of the giant warriors.

They will recklessly attack the enemy in battle, forgetting about fatigue and injuries until one of them falls.

Even Longinus had to admit that these giants were stubborn in their perseverance for fighting.

It is no wonder that the government and the Headquarters have always wanted to create an army of giants, such an army if it appears on the battlefield, for the enemy's morale will undoubtedly be a devastating blow.

Over time, two days passed quickly.

The giants of the powerful tribes appeared one after another in the royal court. The vast figures that he could see everywhere made Longinus somewhat alarmed that the total number of giants in this Elbaf only reached more than 10,000.

For other races, 10,000 may be a relatively small figure, but 10,000 people are a terrible and unimaginable force for the giant race.

Like the Marine Headquarters, the giant vice admiral's name may be a little unreal, but the replacement for the Rear Admiral, absolutely no pressure.

In other words, even if only half of these 10,000 giants are considered truly qualified giant warriors, that's still 5,000 Rear Admirals of the Headquarters!

If you consider the possible existence of specific, powerful warfare in the giant race, this force is perhaps even more terrifying!

Longinus can not help but feel, no wonder Elbaf was able to overwhelm the kingdom of peace to become the world's first power, no wonder BIG-MOM is so arrogant as to think that the power of Elbaf will be able to defeat Akagami and Whitebeard.

In the enormous open-air venue, all kinds of giants converged in the forum; some wrestled with each other, some traded weapons, and there were even giants singing loudly and dancing joyfully.

Of course, Longinus never dared to go near the death singers after enjoying the wild singing and cranky dancing of the giants.

Surprisingly to Longinus, these big guys love to hear stories, especially those about heroes' biographical legends.

It made it so that John, who had returned from the outside world, was very popular in the venue.

As for Longinus, he doesn't get much more attention than John at all.

In the case of the rest of the marine soldiers who did not enter the King's court, he was the only one "little human" in the venue, plus Jarul's detailed description of the day that anxious duel, naturally, he also became the focus of several giants.

"Warriors from the sea, let's drink this cup together!" A giant held up a water tank-sized glass of wine and invited.

"Guest from afar, please be sure to accept our gift!" This time it was a slice of small mountain-sized roast meat smashed directly in front of Longinus.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" Longinus is not polite, extremely "generous" eat up.

It's an excellent thing to digest this food in a brief period with his Seimei Kikan. Otherwise, he would have had no choice but to refuse the kindness of these giants!

"Ahahahaha! What a refreshing guest!"

"Yes! It's been a long time since I've met such an interesting guest!"

Just as the venue's atmosphere reached its peak, a large giant almost thirty meters tall stepped into the center, followed by an equally stout but much younger looking giant.

"Warriors of the Giants, let us thank the God of War, Elbaf, for his gift!" The great giant stood to the center and shouted in a booming voice, "Use your fiercest and most passionate battles to obtain the blessing of the God of Elbaf!"

"Valiant and fearless Giant King Olaf ..." The giants were not in the habit of falling or kneeling; they raised their glasses in homage to the King, "You will lead us to bask in the glory of the God of War! "



"Ha ha!" The Giant King laughed, "For the second cup, let us welcome the returned Giant warrior John, and the human warrior Longinus who brought us weapons and wine!"

A group of giants also raised their glasses, "Friends from afar, please be sure to forget your troubles and share the joy of the moment!"



"This third cup, let us ..." the giant King paused for a moment, then said in a daze, "let us thank the sea, it is the gift of the sea that allows us to reproduce and survive!"

A group of giants raised their glasses again, "Thank you Sea Kings for being able to be our food!"

The corners of Longinus' mouth twitched slightly, and he could see that these giants were looking for an excuse to drink the wine he brought all at once.

After giving thanks ten times in a row, the Giant King finally couldn't find an excuse, so he smashed his mouth and said with regret, "Elbaf's most sacred battle ritual now begins!"

"All powerful warriors can take the initiative to stand in the arena and compete for this highest honor that belongs to warriors!"

"The final tournament winner will be chosen from the duels between the four regional ring masters of the arena!"

"Now, let's all cheer for this feast of the brave!"

The Giant King did not say anything about not being able to retreat midway or anything like that. The Giants did not forbid running away, but cowards who gave up fighting would completely ignore even their families.

That's a punishment worse than death.

The moment the Giant King's words fell, it raised waves of cheers in the venue.

Countless giants poured into the venue from the outside world, and even the open-air arena, which was vast and empty, became instantly congested.

Looking from Longinus' point of view, he could even spot many snotty little giants and old giants who had to take two steps to catch their breath also intended to blend in.

Of course, they quickly and mercilessly stopped their actions.

Longinus also no longer hesitates and strides out, "Valiant and fearless King of Giants, may I be allowed to join in?"

"Haha! Of course. The God of War will not reject any true warrior!" The Giant King laughed and added, "But you should know that this competition is a contest of pure physicality, and the restrictions on you humans may be far greater than one might think."

Longinus naturally understood the Giant King's meaning: not to use Devil Fruit, and he can not use even supernatural power such as Haoshoku Haki.

Of course, these do not have much impact on him.