The Great Warrior Longinus (2/3)

Never look at Basaka so easily solved by Longinus; his strength to the Marine Headquarters can also have an elite Vice Admiral level.

It's just a pity that the giants are all too single-minded in their fighting style, relying entirely on the crushing of physical talent.

Once pinned down, there is little chance of a turnaround.

Perhaps, this is also the limitation that the world has made to the giant race.

Just rely on pure physical strength can have this kind of strength, if they can also use Geppo, can also be skilled in the use of shoku Haki, then the Giants will be strong to what extent can not imagine.

Such giants are not unknown.

In Longinus' observation, that Giant King was such a strong man!

As for Prince Loki, he is barely a half.

"Finally, it's my turn!" Prince Loki exclaimed with excitement, stepped forward, and looked with burning eyes at the dwarf who was only a tenth of his height, "Mighty warrior, please be sure to bring out your strongest power to duel with me!"

Even in this generally more than ten meters tall giant race, Prince Loki that thirty meters of body size are still a little too tall.

Standing in front of Longinus, it is like a vast mountain range that is unreachable.


Almost as soon as the words fell, both of them threw punches at the same time.

If Loki is to magnify Longinus ten times, then the comparison into the volume is a thousand times the difference.

When their fists clash together, this thousandfold gap becomes even more apparent!

"It's the power of Busoshoku Haki!" Longinus rubbed his somewhat inflamed fist; this was the first time he had met a giant who used Busoshoku Haki in today's duel.

It's not that giants can't learn Haki; it's just that for them, the increase in Haki is far less pronounced than hammering power.

A giant, as long as you eat well and sleep well, after reaching adulthood, you will naturally have the power of the Rear Admiral level of the Headquarters.

But to cultivate Busoshoku Haki to the Headquarters' Rear Admiral level, which took full time and energy, allowing them to reach a higher level in pure power.

Therefore, for the giants who admire power by nature, few people will develop Busoshoku.

Longinus' fist flared up, while Loki had it even worse.

His Busoshoku Haki is far more than the other side, but the quality is too much different.

The collision moment was like a sharp nail piercing his finger bone, making him nearly cry out in pain.

"Hiss! You're really good, other than Father, you're the only one who hit me so painfully!" Prince Loki giggled for a while, got all fours, learning from the gorilla and slapping wildly at the ground with both hands.

And Longinus did not dodge, just come back and fight hard with each other.

In this scene, like beating the mouse, the mouse is also returned with a hammer; it looks a little funny and ridiculous in turn.

"This guy is not as stupid as he looks, knowing that he can't compete with me on the quality of his Haki, he covered all of his Busoshoku Haki on his fist." Longinus only felt like his fist had penetrated several layers of steel plates, and the power that fell on Loki's body was all that it left.

But Prince Loki does not think so; he only knows that his Busoshoku Haki condensed into the "gloves" can not block the other party's attack.

If this continues, he is going to be completely down.

As a giant prince, he naturally cannot tolerate being forced to fall on the defensive side.

"Your power is really strong, in order to win this battle, I can only give it my best." Prince Loki reminded with a rugged look, "You must be careful next!"

"This is the most powerful 'gun' of the Giant Warriors from Elbaf, the Gungnir!"

His fist raised high, as if a beam-like thick arm with knotted muscles, like a hideous giant python wrapped around the arm, and lurid milky white fluctuations surrounded the fist.

Just watching, I can guess this punch will be if landed the effect will be earth-shattering.

"The Gun of Elbaf?" Longinus naturally would not be stupid enough to use his own Lance of Longinus to fight him, or even, that is, this group of giant warriors might misunderstand the shockwave form of Busoshoku Haki.

So he just detonated the flowing Busoshoku Haki in his own body.

The moment the powerful energy bursts in the heart area, with the physical quality of Longinus, the ear, mouth, and nose can not let blood seep out.

However, with the corresponding, the explosion generated powerful kinetic energy. The body was replaced with a new engine, allowing Longinus to feel that every cell of the body is spewing energy.

He needed a breakthrough, a breakthrough that would allow him to vent all the energy raging in his body.

Therefore, in a crowd of giants shocked gaze, Longinus's body suddenly disappeared, the next moment has appeared under the heavy fist of Prince Loki.

The moment the two fists collided, even the surrounding air showed different degrees of distortion, and immediately, a shocking torrent of energy to the center of the two people swept in all directions.

The turbulent and violent airflow made the eyes of a group of giants a little open, but they still vaguely saw that their prince first stumbled, and then his whole body sent flying into the air by the rising punch.

He sent a 30-meter-tall giant flying into the air; this scene is naturally incomparable shock, even these giant warriors are dumbfounded until their prince smashed to the ground, causing a strong "earthquake" when they suddenly awakened.

"Prince Loki has used Haki, and he was still defeated?"

"Is he really a human? This kind of power, even the legendary Demon Berserker wouldn't have it, right?"

"He must be a warrior favored by the God of Elbaf!"

"The Great Warrior Longinus! The Great Warrior Longinus!"

The giants around were chanting wildly. Longinus had defeated Prince Loki, who had used the Gun of Elbaf, in the most violent way, head-on, undoubtedly making the hot blood flowing in their bodies boil ultimately.

"Ahahahaha!" The Giant King exclaimed in excitement, "It's been a long time since I've seen such a powerful warrior!"

"Your Majesty ..." reminded the old giant with a panicked look, "Prince Loki is only seriously wounded already! We hurriedly send guards to put the murderer ..."

"Seriously injured? That means he won't die?"

"Er ... with Prince Loki's physique is naturally not to that point."

"Since he won't die, don't get in the way here." The Giant King impatiently pushed the old giant aside and shouted, following the example of the other giants, "Great Warrior Longinus! Great Warrior Longinus!"

The old giant couldn't help but stare in disbelief; Is Prince Loki, your son? It is not pick up from the trash can, right?