Steel Balloon (3/3)

In a deep dark underground abyss, Longinus' entire body was embedded in the rock, as if his body had broken apart, and no place in his body did not hurt.

It is essential to know that he is not one of those who are physically weak fruit ability users or snipers; even if you look at the entire world of pirates, his defense is definitely on the top of the list.

Even so, she punched him into a state of serious injury, which shows how terrifying the punch of BIG-MOM in a rage.

"I don't know if I've blinded one of her eyes, but if this doesn't work, then I don't know what to do!" Longinus mobilized the powerful life force stored within the Seven Star Sword for healing while whispering to himself.

In other people, not to mention the eye, his fist fell even if the dog's head will have to hammer, but replaced with this monster BIG-MOM, he does not have much courage.

"I just didn't expect that even foreseeing the future would have its limitations when dealing with a monster of BIG-MOM's caliber." Longinus moved his body, pulled himself out of the rock formation, and pretended to take out a syringe and inserted it into his right arm, "I did see the image that I hit her in the eye, but I didn't see the future that I was sent flying afterwards."

"It's really strong enough, the Yonko!"

"Even when fighting with BIG-MOM whose ability is restrained for the most part, it's still such a struggle to fight, and the distance between me and the top seems even further than I thought!"

Longinus moved his body, stepped on Geppo, and once again sprinted to the surface.

At this moment, BIG-MOM is still roaring and hissing in anger.

Those children of hers are hiding far away; they don't dare to go near their mother in this state; it's going to kill them!

"I didn't expect Mama to be injured like this, that marine is just too strong!" Smoothie said with a palpitating heart, "It's a good thing we didn't come out alone to find him!"

"Good thing, that monster is finally dead, right?" Oven said in a deep voice, "No one can be punched by a furious Mama and still be alive!"

Katakuri, however, kept his eyes closed and seemed to be sensing something.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shouted, "Watch out, that guy isn't dead!"

"His aura, has become even more powerful!"

"What, not dead?" Just as the Charlotte family crowd was in disbelief, a stream of light rushed towards the still frenzied BIG-MOM with a powerful wave of air.

"Is that the extent of your weapon, BIG-MOM!" Longinus laughed as he charged at the fat lady, "Bone Fist - Shattering Star!"

She had beaten him to a state close to the frustration of running, and it was good that he was fast enough that the average person could not catch his path.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!" BIG-MOM's right eye had swollen a large circle, blood oozed out from the edge of the closed eye, and with this raging and hideous appearance of hers, it was like the devil on earth.

The two fists collided again, and BIG-MOM's fat body stumbled backward, while Longinus flew back faster than he came, once again set in the rock wall.

"The power in this state is even stronger than before by 20%. Is the BIG-MOM in its sane state the weakest form instead?" Longinus moved his muscles and bones, stepped on the rock wall with a leap, and quickly jumped onto the edge of the giant pit.

"Quickly, run!"

"How did this monster fell beside us?"

Many members of the BIG-MOM Pirates happened to be near where Longinus landed and immediately fled in fear.

Longinus did not care about these small characters, just as if he unintentionally took out an injector and inserted it in the right arm again.

"What's that? Is that why He kept fighting after being hit by Mama?" Smoothie exclaimed.

"Maybe it's a high-tech drug from the Marine Headquarters ..." Katakuri grimaced, "I just don't know if this thing has any resistance, if it can be used indefinitely... ... no, even if only three or five times to use is very troublesome!"

"Even the injuries caused by BIG-MOM can quickly recover, it seems that the value of this potion exceeds my imagination!" It was the first time that Doflamingo was able to use the fruit power to repair its organs, and the thought of the unused healing potion also made its eyes enthusiastic, "This is the same as saying that I have another chance to live?"

"From the fight just now, it is true that I am not that guy's opponent, but that does not mean that with two chances I will not be able to beat him!" Doflamingo looked at Katakuri's gaze, steeply enthusiastic, "Since I intend to become Oka Shichibukai, I must have a reputation worthy of this name, so let you, the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family, become my stepping stone!"

Longinus naturally did not know what kind of misunderstanding his pretentious actions had caused someone, and after a little recovery, he rushed up again with his Geppo.

"Kid, I'm going to eat you!"

"Sorry, I don't want to be a snack for your fat ass!"

"Bastard, what did you call me?" BIG-MOM's fat body swayed steeply, and it was Longinus' right leg covered with Busoshoku Haki that kicked her in the knee.

Then, she was held by Longinus in mid-air by his small arms as he spun up.

Then, off comes the hand.

Under the effect of centrifugal force, BIG-MOM smashed headfirst into the ground.

The whistling sound of breaking through the air is a sign that a powerful monster is approaching. BIG-MOM leaped out of the pit, by her soul once again increased a lot, the giant sword Napoleon released a shocking aura fluctuation, facing Longinus and slashing out in one stroke.

"Die for the Mother! Elbaf's Gungnir!"

The Giant's moves are simple and crude, just right for a simple-minded, powerful monster like the BIG-MOM.

Even the power of the giant race in her hands shows the invincibility of the style.

Just the attack brought up the wave of air that can tear the ground, blowing away the forest; this attack hit Longinus head-on, even more, all the way through the thousands of meters of rock before they could stop.

"This kind of power, it is really strong!" Longinus dispersed Busoshoku Haki covered body surface, once again mobilized his life force to repair his injuries, his eyes looked more profound and more in-depth in the darkness, "However, I may have thought of one thing."

"The talent of that steel body of BIG-MOM may not be as mysterious as I thought at first, it's the same talent that I was born with in terms of Haki !"

"Just like me and Princess Otohime, who was born possessing Kenbunshoku Haki with special talents in listening to the mind, BIG-MOM might be someone who was born with the awakening of Busoshoku Haki. And this steel body might be her passive talent brought by that Busoshoku Haki."

"And because Busoshoku Haki is a product under the combination of body and spirit, that's why her talent of steel body temporarily disappears when she is in a state of disorientation."

"If that is the case, the gift of the steel body ..." muttered Longinus, "is there any way to get it?"

Published in Qidian, June 11, 2019