Holy Lance? White Sheep?

New World.

The sweet smell of food lingered between the sides of the ship, and the rugged singing reached the sea, making it completely impossible to imagine that the people on board were sailing through a New World known for its dangers.

It is also true that for this world, they are the most dangerous existence.

Named as the seat of the world's strongest man, the Moby Dick is a place more frightening than Impel Down in the eyes of countless people.

At the moment, they are enjoying a joyful feast.

"Ohhhhhhhhh! Brother Teach, come on!" A bearded pirate pompously swayed his fat waist and invited to the side, "Come dance! Come and have a good time!"

"Zehahahahahaha..." the man named Marshall D. Teach's forehead seeped a cold sweat, too popular seems not good, "Older brother Thatch, I still ..."

"Brother Teach, you're not honoring me!" The bearded pirate forcefully persuaded to drink ... persuaded to dance, pulling Teach's brown hand and dancing.

"Thief, thief hahaha, then I'll try to ..." Teach's face steeply stiffened, is it an illusion? How do I feel that the opposite guy's big hand suddenly swipes from his ass?

"Woo! Woo! Brother Teach, you're dancing too rigid!" Jozu, the captain of the third division, cheered from the sidelines.

"Gurararara, this is how to let go of yourself!" Whitebeard laughed, "Family should be ... among themselves."

At that moment, the captain of the tenth division with a watermelon cap on his head hurriedly came.

"Father, father, a big event! A big event that can shake the whole ocean!"

"Curiel, ah!" Whitebeard laughed out loud, "The great event of life? Could it be that bastard Garp finally got taken out by one of their own?"

"Uh ..." Curiel was stunned for a moment before continuing, "it was BIG-MOM was taken out by the Marine Corps!"

The cheerful banquet chilled out almost instantly, and this heavy bomb made them unable to come back to their senses for half a day.

In the end, it was Whitebeard who broke the frozen atmosphere, " That Charlotte fellow was killed? Who did it?"

"Garp? Zephyr? Sengoku? Or all three of them together?"

"Neither, it is the super newcomer Longinus of the Marine Headquarters alone killed the BIG-MOM." At the same time, Curiel handed the newspaper to Whitebeard.

"What? It's him!" The one who couldn't believe it the most was Marco, the guy who was steadily suppressed by him seven years ago who had now left him so far behind?

"That monster, has become even stronger!" Teach also could not help but take a deep breath, recalling the image of being chased seven years ago.

"Zeh?" There was an exclamation of surprise from the contemplative Teach; it was right; it was this guy next to him who had screwed him on the balls of his ass.

"Brother Teach, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that this guy still looks innocent, Teach pressed down the urge to burst out of strength and forced a smile, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Even her heart was shattered? That kid is really powerful!" Whitebeard grasped the newspaper and cursed with laughter, "But, Holy Lance? This bullshit name is really hard to hear!"

"Worthy of that bastard Garp's favorable guy, this title is simply as bad as his 'Iron Fist'!"

"This 'Holy Lance' name seems to be the title given to him by the World Economic News in order to match that final blow, and as for the title given by the Marine Corps as Vice Admiral seems to be White Sheep." Curiel explained.

"Gurararara, even worse!" Whitebeard almost laughed to tears, "This is ordered by Sengoku fellow, right? First, Red Dog (Akainu), Blue Pheasant (Aokiji), Yellow Monkey (Kizaru), and now White Sheep (Hitsujiza)."

"Father, this is not the time to make fun of each other's titles, right?" Vista worried, "Since the Marine Corps has already made a move on BIG-MOM, next, it might be our turn!"

The rest of the pirates also shouted, "Father, you must be careful!"

"What a bunch of silly sons!" Whitebeard laughed and scolded, "Who is the old man? I am the world's strongest Whitebeard!"

"If the Marine dares to come, let them come!"


Wano Country, Onigashima.

"Oooooooooooooo!" Kaido hugged a large wine jar, crying as he drank, "How could you die like this when you obviously hadn't been defeated by me yet! Poor Linlin, though it's all your fault for being too weak!"

"Even BIG-MOM was slaughtered by that guy!" A super big fat guy standing below Kaido laughed, "Now it seems that you can't really be blamed for being beaten and fleeing in a mess!"

"You're lucky to get out alive from that guy! Muhahaha."

Ember, who was fully shrouded in black armor, gave him a stern look, and then, a fist swung out.


The red bean soup spilled all over the floor.

"Aaaahhhhh! You idiot trash punk, I'm going to kill you!" Queen's mind exploded as he fought with Ember.

"Big brothers, you should not fight!" Jack, who was wearing a half mask, was on the sidelines trying to discourage the fight.

"Hey, Jack." Kaido ignored the two men who were fighting together and snapped directly at Jack.

"Boss Kaido."

"Go find the Charlottes for me and bring me back Linlin's Poneglyph, got it?"

"I got it!"


Ten thousand meters deep beneath the Fishman Island, the Sunlight Tree Eve will pass the sunlight on the ground to this underwater world, which looks like a colorful illusionary dream.

In the Ryugu Palace.

"I heard that BIG-MOM demon was taken out! What a relief!" Great Knight of the Sea Neptune said with a relieved expression, "This time, finally, no one will covet our Fishman Island anymore!"

"Yes! That Vice Admiral Holy Lance has indeed done a remarkable thing!" Fisher Tiger, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, said with a sincere face.

"So, that's why you're going to go make that big thing?" Neptune asked in a stern tone.

"It's because on this trip, I've seen too much ugliness and evil!" Tiger clenched his fists and burst out in anger, "I can't take it anymore, I want to save them from hell!"

"Have you considered the consequences of doing so?" Neptune continued to persuade, "Failure, you will suffer the most terrible punishment, and success, you will not be able to return to Fishman Island again!"

"I am well aware of everything I intend to do, but there are some things that someone has to do, just like ..." said Tiger rather admiringly, "that hero of slave liberation, Apophis-sama!"

"But ..."

"Let him do it, sob ..." cried the little one standing beside Neptune's throne in a soft voice.

"Otohime, you ..."

"There is nothing we can do to stop him." Queen Consort Otohime said with teary eyes, "Because, I hear his inner voice is making a great sorrowful cry!"

"..." Tiger's body stiffened abruptly, glanced deeply at Queen Consort Otohime, then bowed his head in thanks, then turned around and walked towards the outside of the palace.

The sun was shining outside, but he could not feel any hint of warmth for a long time.

PS: After thinking about it, in a large number of pheasants, dogs, apes, rabbits, and dolphins, the protagonist is not suitable to be too maverick, the Holy Lance as a popular nickname, the blue boa as the official title, here to thank the "old friends" proposal, and finally adopted his proposed blue boa, so you have a problem to go to him to look for trouble, arrested and beaten ass or whatever \ ( ̄︶ ̄) /. I'm sorry. I'm just kidding. On the one hand, most people are biased towards tigers and dragons; boa should not have been written; on the other hand, it is also because he proposed an interesting homonym, blue boa (dye in blue). To be honest, the protagonist's initial template is the blue one, although limited to the author bacteria pen power, failed to write that feeling, but the more you go on, the closer you should be to that image.

Published in Qidian, June 15, 2019

Translator: In the Chinese text, it should mean "blue boa", but I replaced it with "white sheep", the reason being so that the reader would not be confused and wonder why the first alias MC "blue boa" changed to "white sheep". The reason will be in the following few chapters.