Death and New Life

New World, on an isolated island.

Dozens of figures slumped across the jungle, each with wounds, with exhaustion written on their faces.

Surprisingly, there are children a few years old and less than a week old baby in this crowd.

They are, none other than the Charlotte family on the run.

"Whew! Hoo!" The most hot-tempered fourth son, Oven, first panted like a brute, then cursed angrily, "The Hundred Colors Pirates, the Wolverine Pirates, the Kukusak Pirates, these trash bastards, when Mom was here, they did not dare to say a word, but now they are suddenly jumping out one by one!"

"All thinking of biting off a piece of meat from us!" The third son, Daifuku, took his time and withdrew the equally exhausted demons back to the divine lamp.

"Smoothie, are you okay?" Amande, the Demon Lady with the bloodline of the Snakeneck Tribe, asked rather coldly.

After Cracker's arrest, Smoothie has been the Charlotte family's second fighting force, and it was she who took most of the attacks in the previous battle.

"I'm okay, just ..." Smoothie naturally knows the character of this sister of hers, at the moment does not care, "Poor Brynne and the girls, only so young to lose their mother."

A few people nearby vaguely twitch the corners of their mouths, although they all miss the shelter of their mothers when it comes to breastfeeding children, forget it!

Maybe one day she'll be sitting on her ass!

"Speaking of which, what exactly is Katakuri-san and that ugly bastard talking about in there?" Galette, whose body was extremely hot, looked towards a cave in the depths.

"I don't know, but ..." Smoothie said with longing, "to make Katakuri-nii so solemn, it may be a decision that can change our current situation!"

The dark, weak and gloomy cave;

BIG-MOM huge body lying in the nourishment module, Katakuri and a guy wearing a ram's horn decoration on his head stood side by side in the nourishment module.

"Katakuri-sama, hurry up and decide, we don't have time to hesitate in our current situation!" The person who spoke was none other than Caesar Clown, the mad scientist who defected from the Science Unit.

"What do you mean, implants?" Katakuri asked in a deep voice.

"Of course, don't you see? Even a wound like a shattered heart can heal itself, this is simply the world's strongest body! With your Kenbunshoku Haki and Fruit Awakening, and with this invincible body, you can definitely create the most powerful monster in the world!"

Caesar laughed more and more proudly, "And I, Dr. Caesar Clown, will become the world's strongest killing weapon manufacturer, shurororororo..."

Katakuri also does not care; this guy looks a bit idiotic, but still more or less useful for them.

"Since the injuries can heal themselves, can Mama, can she still wake up?"

"You should know this answer better than I do, how can a dead person come back to life?" Caesar turned into the gas and flew around like a ghost in front of Katakuri's eyes, " Katakuri-sama, don't you want to guard the Charlotte family? Now, it's your best chance!"

For someone like him, who is extremely afraid of death, he naturally wants to have someone big to cover his back.

And those last two words of his did strike Katakuri.

"I'm sorry, Mama, I need the power to be able to guard my family, even if I have to turn into a monster, I will do it!" Katakuri took a deep breath and said, "Come on!"

"Shurororororo... Katakuri-sama, believe me, you will definitely lead the Charlotte family back to the top!" Caesar excited to the extreme and flew towards the nutrition cabin, open the hatch, which instantly splashed a liquid nutrient ground.


Caesar swallowed hard, holding the drill and hammer in his hands but did not dare to go forward.

The tiger's death is still there, not to mention the BIG-MOM such a sea emperor standing at the top of the sea for decades, even if it is dead, the power emanating from it makes Caesar tremble.

"It's okay, she's just a dead person, and I, the world's greatest scientist, Dr. Caesar Clown!"

Slightly pumped himself up, Caesar only plucked up the courage to drill and hammer towards BIG-MOM's ample chest.

Then, BIG-MOM opened her eyes abruptly.

Four eyes facing each other, a deep look, Caesar moved to snot and tears out.

"Ghosts!" Caesar was screaming.

"Ghost!" BIG-MOM was also screaming.

Then, Caesar has slapped away.

"This is ... Mama's voice?" The people outside the cave were all shaken and looked in the direction of the cave in disbelief.

This nightmarish voice, they absolutely could not have heard wrong!

Then, a group of people all poured in.


Little more than half a day later, BIG-MOM was sitting on the floor happily eating a snack, while Daifuku and the others, stood to the side in shock, somewhat speechless.

Finally, it was Oven who couldn't resist and was the first to break the frozen atmosphere at the moment, "What the hell is going on here? Why, why did Mama, she suddenly come back to life?"

"Could it be that Soru Soru no Mi was actually superior fruit compared to Yomi Yomi no Mi?" Smoothie couldn't help but speculate.

"But why, Mama, she doesn't seem to recognize us?" Opera, for his part, rubbed his head in confusion.

"Katakuri-san, what the hell just happened? And, that guy is okay, right?" Galette pointed to Caesar, who was embedded in the rock wall and crying exceptionally miserably.

Seeing that someone had finally noticed him, Caesar cried and wailed, "Help, help, my body, I can't pull it back together!"

He really couldn't figure out why the monster suddenly came back to life, and even more so, why he was hit by an attack that didn't have Busoshoku Haki attached to it.

"Don't mind him, he was just shocked by the aura." Katakuri slightly explained a sentence then literally ignored Caesar, and then, with a complicated expression, looked at BIG-MOM who was happily eating a cake.

"You, do you want to eat it too?" BIG-MOM noticed Katakuri's gaze and hurriedly shielded the cake, "No way! This is Linlin's cake, and at best, and a little bit of you at most."

"Hiss!" The crowd around them all sucked in a cold breath, what did they see? Their mother would share the food with others!

Is it the end of the world?

"No, you can eat it yourself." Katakuri looked at the cake crumbs that were less than the size of his fingernails and shook his head.

"Well! You said it yourself! Don't go back on your word!" BIG-MOM happily smiled as she took the crumb-covered finger into her mouth as fast as she could.

"Mama, Mama, what the hell is wrong with her?" The crowd almost looked creeped out, this is so out of the ordinary, simply more bizarre and weird than the resurrection.

"If I'm right, Mama is indeed dead!" Katakuri sighed, "The one who appears before you now is Charlotte Linlin!"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about, Katakuri-niichan? Isn't Mama Charlotte Linlin?" The crowd just felt chills all over their bodies; Katakuri-nii is not crazy, right?

"Let me tell you about two changes. First, she doesn't have the same kind of 'steel balloon' physique as Mama, and second, her fruit power has disappeared!"

Published in Qidian, June 16, 2019