Desperate Gap

"What? Destroy Fishman Island?" Tiger, who had always been calm and steady, panicked for the first time.

He is not afraid of death, and people who are so scared of death will not make a big mess to free slaves in the Holy Land.

But what he fears is implicating Fishman Island because of his actions.

If it was not impossible to refuse everyone's kindness, he did not intend to set up this Sun Pirates.

The adventurer and traveler who travels around the world, that's what he has always defined about himself.

"I'm sorry, Tiger-san, but that's the way it is!" Longinus sighed.

"Destroying Fishman Island? That's not true, is it?" The surrounding Fishman muttered, looking lost in thought.

"Damn it, I've obviously tried to sever my ties with Fishman Island! Why, the end still ... wait," Tiger said, his eyes abruptly brightened, "you mean, as long as I die, the government will not ... "

"Big brother Tiger, shut up!" For the first time, Jimbei "aggressive" to Tiger, "if you have to sacrifice for us to live, I would rather die now!"

Surrounding Fishman has also reacted.

"Yes! Chief! We're not the kind of cowards who are afraid to die!"

"If you really want to die, the big deal is that everyone dies together!"

"Do you still not understand the point?" Longinus shook his head and said, "You are willing to die for Tiger-san, but what about Fishman Island? Is everyone on Fishman Island also willing to die with Tiger-san?"

"The truth is that you are not qualified to make such decisions in place of the entire Fishman Island!"

Longinus said each sentence, the surrounding fishman's faces would pale a minute, and in the end, almost the entire Fishman shakeup.

However, there are still Fishman pirates who are holding their own and saying, "We have five million fishman on Fishman Island, do you think it's that easy to be destroyed?"

"That's right, don't think we'll be intimidated by you!"

"Is that so?" Longinus sighed lightly, and then an invisible aura radiated out in all directions with him as the center.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The Fishman on the pirate ship instantly fell a piece, with Longinus intentionally controlling the pressure, they did not faint but were suppressed by the powerful aura so that they could not get up.

"Damn, it's this demonic art again!" The part of the Fishman thrown back from the warship cursed through gritted teeth.

"Why can't we get up? Is it the Devil Fruit?" That Fishman desperately fighting against the invisible aura do not know that they think they are fighting with the air!

Of all the Fishman, only Tiger and Jimbei could barely remain unaffected, but that didn't stop them from being horrified.

"Could this be, the legendary Haoshoku Haki?" Tiger asked with a grave face, "With this kind of aura, who the hell are you?"

In the end, he was caught as a slave soon after going to sea, he escaped and began to plan the slave liberation operation, for the situation of the ocean does not have more understanding than Jimbei and them.

Otherwise, he should be able to determine the identity of the other party by Haoshoku alone.

"Bastard, what did you do to them?" Jimbei's approach was more straightforward, taking up a Fishman karate stance and rushing forward, "Gosenmaigawara Seiken!"


The mighty fist force that is enough to break five thousand tiles in one blow is easily grasped in the hand's white palm.

"This, how is it possible?" Jimbei used all his strength to pull his fist out, but the other side's palm is like a deep-sea whirlpool to suck him firmly.

Such a result is not a surprise.

For most people, "Knight of the Sea" may be equally mighty out of the sea, but those people, never including Longinus.

That Fishman who was lying on the deck did not believe in looking at this scene, and their second-best boss after the big brother Tiger, Jimbei, was trounced!

Longinus just grabbed Jimbei's fist with one hand while sincerely saying, "Just now is only one tenth of my Haoshoku Haki. Let's put it this way, even if you have five million fishman, but the maximum that can resist my aura is not more than five hundred. As for the remaining five hundred fishman, unless they all have the strength of Jimbei-san, it would not take me too long to defeat them."

"That is to say, if I want, I can destroy Fishman Island by myself! And there are plenty of people of my rank in the marine and government!"

"By now, you should know ..." sighed Longinus, "how foolish it is to think that the power of Fishman Island alone can hold off the government!"

"Are you kidding? Just a tenth of the power?"

"Five hundred Boss Jimbei, how is it possible?"

"Could it be that we fishman are the inferior race?"

In a Fishman crowd with shock, pain, despair, and suspicion of the occasion, a Fishman shadow suddenly leaped out of the sea behind Longinus.

"Inferior humans are only worthy of living under the shadow of fishman, so die now!" Arlong roared with most significant agitation, and his mighty fist stuck on the back of Longinus.

"Look out, Vice Admiral Longinus!" It was the soldiers on the warship shouting.

"Ah! It's Brother Arlong!" It was the sound of surprise from a group of Fishman.

The surrounding time seems to have frozen, or shocked or happy look frozen in the people's faces.

Then an earth-shattering scream erupted.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Arlong fell to his knees with both legs, grabbed his right wrist with his left hand, and wailed and screamed in pain.

The crowd could see, his right hand was limp and slumped like the finger bones were all crushed.


A group of Fishman swallowed hard, the marine, in the end, is what monster, sneak attack of the evil dragon brother, in turn, was countered by the recoil force to be seriously injured.

"See, it's not my fault!" Longinus said helplessly, shrugging his shoulders as he let go of Jimbei.

As for the manipulation of Busoshoku Haki to counter-attack such things, he had no idea whatsoever.

"Longinus?" Tiger then recalled the alarming voices of those marines just now and asked with wide eyes, "You're the marine Longinus who killed BIG-MOM?"

"What's the problem?" Longinus smiled.

"No wonder, no wonder his strength is so strong!" Jimbei's heart is horrified, as a member of the Ryugu Kingdom of Neptune's Army, he naturally knows that the monster who has been coveting Fishman Island has such a strong power.

Longinus, who was able to defeat her, is undoubtedly even more powerful!

"Even a character like you is coming out for this! Should I say it's an honor for me?" The corners of Tiger's mouth were bitter, then he shouted, "Everyone, as you can see, with your power, even with the addition of Fishman Island's power, there is absolutely no way you can hold off the threat of the World Government."

"At this point, there's really no need for you guys to stick around for me, a man who is bound to die." With that, Tiger looked to Longinus, "Vice Admiral Longinus, if I turn myself in, can you let them go?"

"Boss, no!"

"Chief, this is ..."

Who knows, Tiger yelled in a strong, angry voice, "What, do you all want me to die with no regrets?"

"I ..." Even Jimbei resisted crying, legs down on his knees, fists hammering furiously on the deck, with an unwilling scream in his throat, "Ahhhhhhhhh!"

The rest of the Fishman also have tears in their eyes.

"I can guarantee that they will all leave safely!"

"I can trust you!"

PS: Start to say blue boa, a bunch of people spit, after saying shine lion, a bunch of people spits, yesterday set the white sheep, in turn, a bunch of people said it is not as good as blue boa and shine lion. I am convinced, regardless of that, do not care, no matter what, keep going like this, and you guys did not abandon that, I have to leave this book (• ̥ ́ ˍ • ̀ू). Those who think it is a toxic point to abandon the book, I can only say sorry (by the way, today lost contact, it is not because of this matter was reported it ('-ω ก ̀)). And, no forced this kind of thing is not difficult to solve, I will follow up through some descriptions, so that this title becomes connotative and temperament up.

Published in Qidian, June 19, 2019