One Punch Man

For this shocking scene, Embers just spat out indifferently with the word, "Idiot!"

Shimotsuki Yasuie and others subconsciously opened their mouths wide; they will not forget the scene where this giant trampled on the mighty samurai of the Wano Country.

The sharp blade of the sword could not even pierce the epidermis of this monster.

Even the most powerful swordsman will be slapped away by that thick tail at will.

But now, the monster is easily held down by the arm.

Could it be that the strength of this Long@%# has completely overridden the Wano?

"Is this the power of the outside sea that proud samurai of Wano can't even compete with a young man in his twenties? Maybe our country is actually too poor and weak to be peaceful for so long." Shimotsuki Yasuie thought with infinite pessimism, "Oden is right, the time has come when Wano Country must be opened!"

"This, this Long#%@'s strength is actually so strong?" The bald daimyo first sucked in a cold breath, then slapped on the shoulder of Kawamatsu, "Why didn't you bastard tell us earlier? Caused me to lose my temper so much just now!"

Kawamatsu: "????"

Amamiya's original focus on another aspect, " Oh, it is over, it is over, the strength is so strong, the appearance is not at all what I thought at first so ordinary, so outstanding man, so why do I feel that Gion is completely suppressed?"

Even Issho has a rare old face slightly red, "Haha, seeing this situation, it seems like I'm the one who was saved!"

"So you know that too!" The little loli stretched her voice and said, "Big~Uncle~."

Just then, there was a strange movement from the ground.

"You bastard give me ..."

Longinus frowned slightly, switched his left hand to hold his head, raised his right fist, and then hit Queen on the head.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

After some physical education, Queen finally quieted down.

Ember flying in the natural, looked at the corners of the eyes jumped wildly, "Sure enough, this guy is still the same as before, looks gentle and easy-going, but his bones are incomparably berserk!"

"Just watch him get cleaned up by me? This fat guy, well, at least he's your companion, right?" Longinus sat directly on top of Queen's head and looked up into mid-air.

"Don't confuse me with such a senseless beast." Ember said coldly, "If you want to kill him, feel free to do so."

"How indifferent! Not bad for someone who came out of that place!" Longinus sighed.

"Stronger is better than weak, this is the law of survival in this world, a loser like him is only worthy of being swept into the garbage." Ember took a deep look at Longinus and turned away, "One last word, don't ever think that boss Kaido will be defeated by you like BIG-MOM the idiot who only knows how to have children."

"He's, like, the strongest creature in the world!"

Seeing Ember leave without any delay at all, the little loli puffed up and said, "This coward is just relying on the fact that he can fly fast."

"He is indeed timid enough!" Issho said with deep feeling, "With the advantage of air control, he obviously only needs to harass and sneak attack a few times to slow down our escape completely, but he still didn't do it."

"What kind of person are you, little brother, who can make him scare and wary to this extent?"

"Hmph! Brother Vice Admiral is the most powerful man in the world!" The little loli said proudly.

"Which is not as exaggerated as you make it sound?" Longinus laughed tearfully and patted her little head.

"Then just add one of them." The little loli said resentfully.

"Anyway, just know that brother Vice Admiral is super, super awesome. And what about you, what are you?"

"I'm just a blind guy who likes to gamble a few games and occasionally work part time as a vagabond." Issho said cheerfully, "You guys can just call me Issho."

"Issho? That name does suit you well."

Longinus asked curiously, "The fugitive who assassinated Kurozumi Orochi was you, wasn't it?"

"What a shame! Before and after the assassination four times, not to mention the final ambush by the enemy, it seems that I am really only suitable to be a blind man." Issho laughed at himself.

"Assassinating Orochi? Could it be that you are a member of the Resistance, Honourable Issho?" Kawamatsu exclaimed.

"To your disappointment, I've always been just alone." Issho said rather sentimentally, "Speaking of which, the assassination of Orochi was also for a promise!"

"Promise?" The crowd's gossip heart burns up, instantly composed a scene of love-hate bitterness drama.

"Actually, it's a very simple story!" Issho waved his hand and said, "An older lady gave me a bowl of rice to eat, at that time I did not know that she had already had some thought of dying, that bowl of rice was actually her last food, she just did not want the precious food to be wasted, so she would share the food with me, the 'poor' blind man."

"Later I found out from her neighbors that her man her son were taken to hard labor and never came back, her heart actually died a long time ago. And the most common phrase she said after that was to curse Kurozumi Orochi to death."

"So, I then thought of helping her to fulfill this wish."

Several people around listened and were horrified and moved.

It is indeed a very simple story of killing a man because of a bowl of rice.

But if the rice bowl is not a life-saving gift, and the person is the head of a country, then the story is very shocking.

Shimotsuki Yasuie took a deep breath and said, "This is the true righteousness of the Wano's chivalry!"

For his part, Longinus sighed, "Those who hurt this country the most are often the ones who lead the way for the invaders!"

Even the little loli can't help but change her mind, "I didn't think you were really a good person, Uncle!"

"Good people and bad people, who can say such things clearly?" Issho shook his head and changed the subject, "What about this guy? Should we kill him?"

"Kill ..." Longinus was saying when he noticed the giant Brachiosaurus' eyelids start to twitch, "This guy's going to wake up, wait for me to go ahead and make up a few punches."

Aah! Aah! Aah!

Another round of inhumane abuse.

"Well, it shouldn't wake up again anytime soon!" Longinus said, clapping his hands.

Looking at Queen that swollen most of his head, can not even distinguish the nose and eyes, the crowd can not help but in the heart of silent lament, " You said you fainted, why do you have to wake up to get a crime?"

"Giant herbivores like Brachiosaurus are inherently resilient, and even more so for a fruit awakened ability like him. The only way to kill Queen is to kill him outright in seconds with an extreme attack!"

Longinus held his chin in his right hand and mused, "This is not something I can't do, but the key is that this will also consume a lot of my physical strength."

"In case Kaido fights at this time, it would be hard to predict what the outcome would be."

Hearing him say this, Kawamatsu also said hurriedly, "Vice Admiral Longinus, safety comes first. The revenge of Oden Castle can be avenged anytime, we'd better leave here as soon as possible now."

Shimotsuki Yasuie also nodded and said, "Compared to the threat posed by that monster, the humiliation we suffered is actually nothing!"

"Well, then, now depart for the area of Kibi." Longinus said in a deep voice.

"Haha! Little brother, do you guys mind bringing along one more pathetic person who scrapes food?" Issho rubbed his palms and laughed, "Of course, it would be better if you guys are willing to finance a little bit of gambling money!"

Published in Qidian, June 25, 2019