Splitting up

"What? Resurrected?" Kawamatsu and Hiyori exclaimed with surprise and joy.

"It's not as good as you think." Gion said in a deep voice, "Moria's fruit ability is to manipulate shadows. He can cut out a person's shadow, stuff it into another person's corpse, and then rely on the effect of the fruit power on the shadow and thus manipulate the corpse."

"To put it nicely is resurrection, to put it badly is desecrating the bodies of those who died."

"Huh? How did that happen." The little loli said in frustration.

"Damn it, that bastard called Moria dared to do such a thing to Oden-sama's body." Kawamatsu's chest rose and fell violently like a bellows, gritting his teeth and saying, "I absolutely, absolutely will not spare him!"

"Indeed, the pirates are extremely evil existence!" Shimotsuki Yasuie said indignantly, "Whether it's Kaido, the evil dragon who tramples on the living, or Moria, the demon who desecrates the dead, as long as they are associated with pirates, there is no good thing!"

"The er ..." Kawamatsu rubbed his head awkwardly, Yasuie-sama's words hit a little wide ah!

It is important to know that his lord had also been a pirate for some time. Even or on the ship of the two strongest sea pirates at that time.

But he also knew that not to mention the misstep, the real chastisement, Shimotsuki Yasuie qualified.

During the time that his lord was expelled from Flower Capital by the former shogun of Wano, by Kozuki Sukiyaki, Shimotsuki Yasuie guided him on the right track.

His lord indeed respected Shimotsuki Yasuie as a big brother.

So, Kawamatsu was torn for a moment or chose to keep his mouth shut wisely.

"Gentlemen, can we go now?" A few civilians asked with trepidation.

"Go away, you guys."

"Yes, yes! Thank you, my lord, thank you very much!"

"Longinus, what's wrong with you?" For her part, Gion noticed that Longinus seemed to have been in silence since a while ago.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about the next countermeasure." Longinus collected the gloom in the depths of his eyes and quickly changed into a gloomy face saying.

"From the point of view of the Marine, he was once a pirate is actually nothing to sympathize with, but from the standpoint of the spectator, I have to admit that he is a great ruler!"

"A genuine ruler who could make the people spontaneously use his name to name the city where they lived, and be remembered even years after his death."

"Putting aside his position, he is undoubtedly an honorable man, so I don't want to see this scene of him being used as a puppet by others happen either."

"Vice Admiral Longinus, you ..." Kawamatsu's heart moved. It is said that the enemy's recognition is the greatest affirmation, like the recognition of the legendary marine Vice Admiral Longinus, perhaps is also the greatest blessing to the sovereign!

"Huh? Oden, he was once a pirate?" Shimotsuki Yasuie asked incredulously.

"Ahem, this ... actually I am not very clear!" Kawamatsu coughed awkwardly twice, then quickly changed the subject and said, "Vice Admiral Longinus, then what should we do next?"

"If I'm not wrong, the reason why Kaido abandoned Queen and took the lead to go to Kuri is supposed to be for the Poneglyph that the Kozuki clan has been guarding for generations. He should have thought that he could get the answer he wanted most from the mouth of the 'resurrected' Kozuki Oden."

Longinus methodically analyzed, "So, the best way to bring back Oden's body is still to let Hiyori go as the heir of the Kozuki clan to hold Kaido in check."

"Vice Admiral Longinus, this is too dangerous, it's better for me to go instead!" Kawamatsu shouted impatiently.

"Uncle Kawamatsu, please let me go as a daughter to do my last filial duty for my oto-sama!" Hiyori pleaded sincerely.

"No, for Oden-sama, your filial duty is to live well!" Kawamatsu forcefully refused.

"This way well, the three of us go together, if we encounter danger, I will let Minos take you away." Longinus finished looking to the other side, "Gion, you'll escort the four daimyo to Kibi with Uncle Issho and see if you can get the four daimyo and the old Kozuki clan together."

Gion does not doubt the strength of Longinus; in her opinion, the less they are "burdensome", the easier it is for Longinus to getaway.

So, she just solemnly advised, "I know! But you must not be a hero either, the power that can kill BIG-MOM may not always work for Kaido."

"Don't worry, I won't think about going to fight with Kaido." Longinus also returned with a serious face.

"That, can I interrupt for a moment." Issho asked in confusion, "Who is this Minos you guys are talking about?"

"Minos, come out and say hello to your new friends." Longinus shouted as he looked up.

With a clear and loud eagle cry, Minos' huge body flew down from the sky.

"This, what kind of creature is this?" Amamiya Haraichi exclaimed, "Could it be, is it a demon similar to the Great Tengu?"

Even in the outside sea, many people have not heard of the griffin's legend, and for the closed country of Wano, not knowing the griffin is even less surprising.

"This is brother Vice Admiral's mount, the griffin Minos." The little loli said seriously, "It is very strong, so the uncles don't have to worry about my safety."

"So this big bird flying in the sky is the Minos you guys are talking about!" And Issho laughed awkwardly, "I was planning to catch it for dinner at first."

The corners of Longinus' eyes jumped wildly, and he wisely ended the conversation, "Do you have anything else to explain, gentlemen of daimyos?"

"Although we know that we will only be a burden even if we go over there, but the affairs of our Wano Country, to bother you, an outsider, to go to danger, I am really ashamed of myself!" Shimotsuki Yasuie directly down to the ground, his forehead hit the ground heavily, "Please allow me to pay the highest tribute, you, will always be the great benefactor of my Shimotsuki clan!"

"And us, we're the same!"

Kawamatsu is dumbfounded at the scene; they are the daimyo second only to the shogun in the country of Wano!

With this kneeling, one could almost say that two-thirds of the Wano is open to Vice Admiral Longinus!

No, there has to be more!

If the Wano is fully liberated, Kuri and Flower Capital will most likely revert to the Kozuki clan. With Her Highness's reliance on Vice Admiral Longinus, there is no need to say the outcome of this last third.

Kawamatsu thought with horror, "Could it be that Vice Admiral Longinus will finally replace Kaido and become the new Protector of the Wano Country?"

On the other hand, Gion does not feel much. The people who have been favored by Longinus almost throughout the Grand Line. This kind of thing has long been seen.

"Why do people in the Wano Country kneel at every turn? In that case, is it still a tradition of the Wano to kneel to King Riku in the original future path given by Issho?" Longinus sighed in his heart, then quickly lifted them.

"Gentlemen daimyos, you will make it very difficult for me to do so. I wouldn't even dare to come to see you if you really brought back Oden's body!"

"Haha! It's my fault, it's my fault!" Shimotsuki Yasuie laughed brightly, " Vice Admiral, do not avoid us old guys."

Longinus nodded and said, "Then we'll split up here."

Published in Qidian, June 26, 2019