A Hundred Jacks Difference

The ruins of Oden Castle, hidden among the mountains and forests;

"Captain, it was those damned bandits who attacked our men again!" said the pirate with a machete on his back said, standing in front of "giant" who was sitting as tall as he was.

"Mountain bandits? They're just guys who can't make it to the top." Moria, who has a fire onion head and two devil-like horns on his forehead, scratched his ears and said with disdain, "Our enemies have always been the Beasts Pirates and that monster Kaido!"

Indeed, Gecko Moria is qualified to say such things; his body has not yet bloated away. His battle power is at the peak of life since entering the New World, almost sweeping momentum headlong into the Wano Country.

It was only this place, the "Land of Gold" and the "Land of Samurai", that stopped his journey.

That New World overlord just sent a major cadre, so that his pirate group almost suffered a serious injury, all relying on his strong strength alone to barely recover the situation.

The good thing is, he finally got a great power that can defeat the enemy.

"Beasts Kaido!" The surrounding pirates can not help but reveal scorn, although Kaido has not made a move, only from Jack the Drought's powerful strength is not easy to imagine Kaido will be powerful to what extent.

"I also do not know how strong Kaido is, you guys say, will be as powerful as two Jacks?" A pirate asked.

"Two Jacks? How is that possible?" The pirate next to him snorted, "Even the captain is only a little stronger than that Jack of the Drought, I think, even if Kaido is stronger, it is only a Jack and a half."

"Then won't we win for sure?" A pirate shouted excitedly, "The captain plus that samurai is as strong as two Jacks any more!"

"The premise is that the three disasters do not intervene, but ..." a pirate analysis, "with Kaido like to single character, we have a high probability of winning!"

"Unfortunately, there aren't any really powerful swordsmen left in the Wano." The pirate who spoke first continued, "If we could replace the shadow inside that samurai with a great swordsman, coupled with the great strength of the captain, it would be nothing to fear even from the Beasts Kaido."

"Maybe, our Gecko Pirates can replace the Beasts Pirates and become the new overlord of this sea!"

"Great Swordsman? There are only a few great swordsmen in this world, do you want to catch Hawkeye Mihawk or the Red Swordsman Apophis?"

"Red Swordsman has not appeared for several years, perhaps, long ago died somewhere!"

"Then we'll get Hawkeye back!"

"Stop all the noise." Moria said impatiently, "Let me recuperate my energy so I can prepare for the next battle."

Instantly, the ravens were silent.

"Kishishishi, you guys don't have to be so restrained, I'm not that stern ..." Moria nodded his head feeling good about himself; being a captain is to have that authority and prestige!

"Ship, Captain ..." the cadre who was relied on most by Moria was now looking behind him with round eyes and muttered, "Dragons, it's dragons!"

"It's a lie, right? This kind of creature, how can it appear in the real world?"

"I know, it must be a dream, yes, it must be a dream!"

Each of these pirates said as if they had lost their lives.

Moria also sensed something was wrong at this moment and took a deep breath to look behind him.

Although he has long been mentally prepared, Moria could not help but grasp his scissors, bean-sized beads of sweat dripping from his forehead in the moment of seeing that the sky like a terrifying shadow.

"Is this ... the power of the Beasts Kaido? It is indeed shocking enough!" Moria forced himself to regain his composure, "but it's just a fruit power, nothing to be afraid of."

"Hey! Where's Kozuki Oden? Hand him over, I have something to ask him." The dragon in the clouds poked out its huge head, and its booming voice stirred among the mountains and forests.

Moria clenched his fists; this attitude, is he like a subordinate in the subordination?

"There should be a bottom line for arrogance, Kaido!" Moria stood up to the edge of the mountain ridge and shouted to the sky, "Don't forget, I am your enemy!"

"Enemies? What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" The Dragon's nostrils spewed out a white mist, and its body slowly descended until it landed in front of Moria, "The enemy of me, would not be a piece of shit like you!"

"Don't look down on people, bastard!" Moria raised his hands, and three dark black lances were instantly formed in front of him, "Die for me, Tsuno-Tokage!"

Accurate hits.

The powerful shock wave even cut off this section of the mountain directly; it hid the Dragon's huge body in the dust and mist.

"Winning is certain, the best outcome of hard resistance to the captain's blow is serious injury!"

"I didn't expect Kaido to be at this level, he couldn't even dodge the captain's first blow!"

The surrounding pirates spoke excitedly, oblivious to their captain's incomparably ugly face.

"It doesn't hurt!" An indifferent voice came out of the dust and mist, "Fire onion head, are you tickling me?"

"How dare you, taking the initiative to receive my attack, you bastard, how much do you look down on me?" Moria's voice roared out from his throat, as if it was the roar of a beast, "I didn't want to use other people's power, but now, you're the one who forced me to go this far!"


The agile figure jumped out from the shadows and landed a jumping chop on the dragon's head.

Who knows, the power enough to cut through steel did not even break the skin of the dragon.

The dragon just tossed its head and shook the little flea off its head.

"How is that possible?" Moria was surprised this time, "This is a swordsmanship that even Jack the Drought can seriously injure, no more, it's not so bad that it can't even break through your defense!"

Surrounding pirates are also difficult to swallow saliva, how to feel, their captain and Kaido at least between the difference of a hundred Jack the Drought!

"It's not even close! What the hell did you do to him, you bastard?" Kaido yelled in anger, "This kind of swordsmanship is simply the greatest insult to that man!"

"Kozuki Oden, is an enemy that can make even I recognize his swordsmanship, how can he be such a flimsy thing!"

Under the fury, Kaido has even forgotten about Poneglyph, the dragon's mouth began to bulge, and a terrifying hot breath escaped from between his teeth.

"Not good, he's going berserk, run!" Looking at the constantly bulging mouth, Moria only felt chills all over his body; he had not smelled the smell of death for too long.

The dragon seemed to cough as if the "deadly phlegm" from the mouth spit out; the burning breath overwhelmingly attacked, so far at the foot of the mountain, Longinus and a few people felt a wave of heat.

The next moment, Oden Castle was destroyed before the eyes of the three!

PS: There are a total of three people in this company, the secretary, me, and one who does not care at all (originally four people, half a month ago there was a person resigned), so you should be able to imagine how hard it is for a person to do a job in a department (˘̩̩̩ ε˘̩ƪ).

Published in Qidian, June 27, 2019