Akagami: I Do Not Have the Habit of Bullying the Disabled!

This day just destiny to be uneventful;

The two have fought from Wano Country to the New World, and countless forces have been affected.

Often the two sides of the pirates fought in the fury of the time, suddenly a pillar of light swept, and the situation instantly turned into two sides crying for their lives.

There are also many pirates; it is easy to find the three overlords in the gap between the fighting sites; their asses are not yet warm, just set up, their lair directly sunk by the battle's aftermath.

A lot of gossip and even rumors, the sea pirate Gecko Moriah is only the most miserable one in the misfortune of the group of people who have got beat to death.

The direct impact of this battle is that the New World pirates to wander reduced by thirty percent, some choose to join the three sea pirates under the emperor's banner, one part sadly out of the New World.

No way, after experiencing countless difficulties and hardships into the New World, this thought that the position of the Pirate King is close at hand, but who knows, the distance ahead is farther than what they have walked up.

The ones who blocked their way were also monsters like Kaido and Longinus, who sank the island at every turn.

It is also a fart, Pirate King who loves to do who do go.

The chaotic and noisy New World, in turn, fell into a strange calm because of the battle between the two.

Moby Dick.

"Hey, Marco, is everything okay?" Whitebeard asked.

"Father, I'm Phoenix!" Despite these words, the red mark on his face is extremely noticeable.

It was like being slapped by a woman.

Whitebeard stopped bothering after the question and just asked in a cold voice, "Those two bastards who don't calm down, what the hell are they up to?"

"I heard it was the Wano Country that got a big mess and even the puppet that Kaido was supporting was killed." Marco replied.

"Wano Country?" Whitebeard showed a look of reminiscence, "is the hometown of that brat Kozuki Oden, right!"

"Yeah! That bastard even said back then that he would invite us to his hometown as guests!" Marco was also quite emotional.

"Forget it, let what's past be past!" Whitebeard shook his head, grabbed a bottle of alcohol next to a drink, "As for that marine kid, two years nothing has changed, how to suddenly run to Wano Country again?"

"In the past two years, he should be re-exercising his body. From a doctor's point of view, the stronger the body, the stronger the repulsion."

Marco sighed, "Even with that rumored mechanical prosthetic limb that Dr. Vegapunk built for him, it's never a simple matter to regain his past strength."

Diamond Jozu then nodded thoughtfully, "No wonder he, who could defeat BIG-MOM two years ago, is now being chased by Kaido instead."

"To say it was a chase would be a bit much." Marco shook his head, "You saw the punch he knocked Kaido down and that kind of power, enough to overpower Kaido, is not something a man who is chased can possess."

"He should know that Kaido can't be killed and that's why he's not interested in keeping this fight going."

"The Marine's benevolence?" Whitebeard, apparently also know two years ago in the sea that caused huge waves, can not help but nod and praise, "among the marine, people who can make me admire, Garp is one, this kid also one!"

The surrounding pirates are nodding; even from a hostile standpoint, they have to praise in their hearts that Marine is indeed a man!

"His sudden appearance in the Wano Country this time also seems to be to help open the closed entrance of that country." Marco continued what he said before.

"Open the country of Wano?" Whitebeard laughed, "Isn't that what Kozuki Oden has been trying to do?"

"I've also heard that Oden's daughter is protected by the Marine Corps, and this raid on Wano seems to be an attempt to help her take back her country." Jozu said with his arms wrapped around him.

"Kozuki Oden's daughter ... " Whitebeard pondered for a moment, and then let out a loud laugh, "we also go to the Wano right, Kaido that bastard beat my son, this kind of thing can not pretend not to see, gurarararara!"

The corners of Marco's mouth twitched slightly; what is this? Why there is a sense of shame to find parents to tell.

Besides, you're planning to find an excuse to do something for your "granddaughter", right?


On an unnamed island, the cheerful atmosphere of the banquet rendered the wilderness into a colorful environment.

"Come on, come on, drink, drink!" The man with the straw hat on his head, one hand on the cold man's shoulder, one hand holding the glass high in the air cheering.

"I came to find you for a swordsmanship contest, not for a drinking contest." The man with a cross on his chest, who looked like a classical nobleman, said indifferently.

"Hey? Are you sure you don't want to drink it?" Akagami had said seductively with drunken eyes, "This is the most satisfying harvest of my last loot, the Moslav wine from the extreme northern sea."

"Moslav?" The cold man's nose twitched a few times, then said as if nothing had happened, "Then drink up before you fight."

A few moments later, the image was all but gone.

Two men with debauched smiles, blouses open, bare chests, leaning against a large rock.

"I say, Hawkeye, can you stop every time you come to me is a sword competition?" Akagami said with a big tongue, "It's boring to fight too much."

"Akagami, you bastard." Hawkeye sprayed a mouthful of wine mist in the redhead's face, "You think I'm eager to find you a sword competition?"

"If you and Apophis weren't the only ones who could make me somewhat interested in battle on this ocean, I wouldn't bother looking for you."

"Apophis... this guy has not appeared for four or five years I heard ..." Akagami mused, "should not be dead, right?"

"The kind of man he is, will not die so easily." said Hawkeye, shaking his head.

"Haha! That makes me want to see what a man who can make you pay attention to him would be like!" Akagami laughed.

"Then you can try your luck in Wano Country, I heard that there seems to be a trace of him there." Hawkeye also heard some rumors.

"Wano? No, I don't want to get stuck with a clingy guy like Kaido." Akagami flatly refused.

"I thought you'd be interested... after all, Wano is getting a lot of trouble from that Marine right now!"

"Longinus, ah!" Akagami let out a long sigh, "Compared to Kaido, I actually want to fight with him more."

"This sea, there are too many people to make a comparison between me and him, in fact, I myself would like to know who is stronger between me and him in the end!"

"It's really rare to see you have such a strong competitive spirit!" Hawkeye couldn't help but say with a sideways glance.

"It's just a pity that he's lost a hand now." Redhead shook his head and sighed, "I'm not in the habit of bullying the disabled."

"Bully? You are really high enough to think of yourself." The corners of the eyes of the hawk jumped wildly, could fight with Kaido out of the New World, ruthless people, in the mouth of Akagami, in turn, was reduced to being bullied by the disabled.

"Haha! It's confidence!" Akagami laughed and said, "Anyway, where is it! I was planning to leave the New World for a while."

"Leaving the New World?"

"Well! I plan to revisit the four seas, such as my hometown in the West Blue, and Captain Roger's hometown in the East Blue, I want to visit them all."

"A man like you back to the four seas, I am afraid that the Marine Headquarters and the World Government are going to sit on the edge of their seats!"

"So isn't this fun!"

PS: Obviously, there owed for adding more yet not completed, and obviously into the high-quality products should have added more, but why, why, why I can not get up?

PS: It's not clear that the addition is still not completed, and it should add when it is clearly in the boutique, but why, why, why I can't get up?

Published in Qidian, July 03, 2019