Apophis: I Am Indeed One of the Perverts

"The person in the coffin is the source of what really made you lose your fighting spirit, right?" Apophis asked indifferently.

"Yes! None of the people I want to guard can be guarded." Koushirou smiled to himself, "Then what's the point of me picking up that sword?"

Just when Koushirou was gloomy, Apophis took a big step forward and kicked the coffin flap away.


"Are you trying to provoke me into making a move? It's no use." Koushirou stood up with a cold face, "I am indeed angry, but anger is not a source of my strength."

"Weakness is not terrible, what is terrible is ignorance!"

"What do you mean by that, trying to humiliate me?"

"How did she die?" Apophis asked indifferently.

"Kuina, she fell down the stairs of the warehouse and died." Koushirou replied, holding back his anger.

Apophis approached the coffin, stretched out his right hand, and pressed it around Kuina's body a few times.

This time, Koushirou could no longer restrain the anger in his heart.

"Bastard, what do you want with Kuina?" Koushirou smoothly picked up the wooden sword used for training in the dojo and slashed furiously at Apophis.

"Broken!" Apophis turned his head slightly sideways to dodge Koushirou's attack, then slapped him cleanly into the wall with a hand slash.

With Koushirou's physique, he naturally won't suffer much damage.

But his heart but can not stop trembling up.

"This guy is only stronger than I thought, obviously not using a weapon, but every part of his body can be a weapon, it's almost as if he has incorporated a sword into his body."

Koushirou thought bitterly at the corner of his mouth, "Not to mention that I can no longer use my swordsmanship now, even at my peak moment, I wouldn't necessarily be a match for him!"

Then he acted as a father should.


"Please, don't desecrate Kuina's body anymore!" Koushirou bowed down on his knees and bumped hard on the ground.

"I am indeed a pervert, but only a pervert who likes to kill." Apophis sat on the edge of the coffin and said condescendingly.

"Huh? What did you say?" Koushirou was confused; this swordsman was too honest, right? And to admit that he was a pervert?

"I just touched it, her physique has been exercised to a rather excellent state, this kind of body, not to mention falling down the stairs, even from the top of the mountain will not necessarily die."

Apophis turned his gaze to the little girl who was lying quietly, "You should be able to see it, right? Her body, but there is not half a wound, and even, even the breathing has not completely disappeared."

"You mean ... Kuina, she is not dead?" Koushirou was so excited that his legs went weak, and he couldn't even stand up a little, "But why, she never woke up?"

"It's a disembodied soul!" Apophis said, "She should have fallen down the stairs in a state of extreme mental depression without paying attention, and the impact on her brain combined with the disembodied soul at the time left her body in a state of false death."

"That's right, that must be it!" Koushirou exclaimed excitedly, "I didn't want her to carry too much pressure, not to mention that I didn't want her to follow my path, so that's why I deliberately told her again that a girl can never become the strongest in the world."

"It must have been the words that discouraged Kuina at the time for a long time, it was me, it was all because of this idiot father that I was to blame for her."

"Weakness is the original sin!" Apophis said indifferently, "If you don't want her to follow your old path, you should make her stronger and become far stronger than you, a loser!"

Koushirou was already a good gentleman, and with the prospect of his daughter's resurrection, he naturally did not get angry but asked impatiently, "So, then what do I have to do to get Kuina to wake up?"

Apophis silent, his right hand slightly raised, an ancient shape and emitting a scarlet glow of the long sword came out unexpectedly from the palm of his hand.

Koushirou looked wide-eyed. In all his years of life, this was the first time he had seen a sword that could fuse with a human body.

Even the Wano Country's legendary samurai, Shimotsuki Ryuma, is impossible to have this strange ability.

Then, right in front of Koushirou's incredulous eyes, Apophis gripped his longsword with both hands and stabbed it directly into Kuina's slightly inflated chest.

"Wait ..." Koushirou wanted to stop it, but when he thought of Apophis' previous behaviour sequence, he still held back again.

Then, he was surprised to see that the ancient longsword had also merged into Kuina's body.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

For the first time, Koushirou felt that the time was so long.

Finally, Apophis pulled his longsword out.

"It's done. Her soul, it has been reunited with her body."

"That's good?"

"Breathe." Apophis said succinctly.

Koushirou quietly listened to it, and sure enough, the breathing, if any, was much more stable.

The implication of this is naturally self-explanatory.

"Mask-sama, I really don't know what to say to show my gratitude." Koushirou said excitedly.

"Don't be too happy, I can save her, naturally I can also kill her!"

Apophis cocked his head, "Now, you should have something worthy of your own guarded existence, right?"

"That's right." Koushirou said in a low voice.

"Then fight with all your might to defeat me and kill me!" Apophis laughed morbidly, "If I am allowed to survive, I guarantee that the nightmare that awaits your daughter will be endless!"

"Is this necessary?" Koushirou asked, taking a deep breath.

"Of course it's necessary."

"Although you are strong, never underestimate the determination of a father!"

"In that case, I'm looking forward to it even more!" Apophis said appreciatively.

"Well then, I'll definitely try my best to kill you!"

Koushirou asked, "So we go out to sea to find an isolated island to fight on?"

"There's no need for that, just the grove behind the dojo is fine."

"Are you crazy?" Koushirou asked in shock and anger, "If the two of us fight, we'll destroy the island!"

"Just a simple battle is a bit too boring." Apophis said, "Just use that grove as the boundary, any attack that ripples out to the outside world is considered a loss."

"How about, while holding the mindset of doing your best to kill your opponent, and at the same time, you have to control and collect your power, won't this kind of battle beyond the limit be more interesting?"

"Don't worry, this rule is equally valid for me."

"I can see it!" Koushirou exhaled a foul breath and said heavily, "You are an uncompromising madman!"

"In this man-eat-man world, people who are not crazy enough are doomed!"

"Don't you understand yet? That's the law of the world!"

Published in Qidian, July 10, 2019