A Fate Crossing

"Is that kind of comment an attempt to paralyze me?" Longinus laughed, "It's men like you who will underestimate you that are really not far from death!"

"If you really think so, then let me go."

"I can't do that kind of thing."

"Ch! After all, it's still a fight." Apophis gripped the hilt of his sword with both hands.

"Minos, you protect them." Longinus explained and stepped forward.

Kuina and Zoro have not had time to react; they saw two bright meteors collide together.

Then there was the endless wave of turbulent and raging air, and the back mountain, which had just calmed down, once again blew up into a sand and gravel storm.

The stones wrapped in the storm, like bullets, have the power to pierce steel plates at ultra-high speed.

The entire sky, in an instant, was taken over by a sandstorm.

Looking at this scene as the end of the calamity, Kuina can not help but look dumbfounded, and the cracked canyon compared to the stage in front of them seems more shocking to the human mind.

Those two people, are they human?

"Run, hold on to me!" Zoro roared and grabbed Kuina's cold little hand.

"Idiot, you're the one holding on to me." Kuina's pretty face slightly reddened as she gave a light hum of dissatisfaction.


Minos really can't look at it anymore; these two stupid two-legged creatures don't even know to take the initiative to come over and hug the big leg until now.

If not for the master's command, it would not bother to care about the death of these two fools.

The sandstorm that was blowing in the direction with the vibration of both wings was blown away directly.

The two people who were about to start running their bodies stiffened and that was the end of it?

"This big bird is really powerful!" Zoro was first shocked and then couldn't help but think, "Damn, it's even better to be no match for those two monsters, now, even that man's big bird is even no match."

"I'm really still too weak. To avenge Koushirou-sensei, I must become even stronger to do so!"

"Giant Beast-san, thank you." Kuina, in turn, said politely.

Minos raised his bird's head haughtily in disdain.

Kuina also does not care, stare deathly at the battle above the canyon.

She wants to take revenge with her power, then figuring out the enemy is the only thing she can do now.

It's just a pity that her eyes were utterly unable to follow the two fighting trajectories.

In her eyes, she could only see two streams of light clashing, intersecting, and roaring, and in addition to being able to see the power of the two fightings, she couldn't even tell when the masked man would strike his sword.

"Damn it! I can't even see them fight!" Kuina shouted in pain.

"They also just take advantage of the age, give me ten years, I can definitely avenge Koushirou-sensei!" Zoro, for his part, said unconvincingly.

Just then, Minos grabbed the two and quickly flew off into the distance.

"What happened again?" The two were confused and couldn't figure out the situation, and then, they saw the whole mountain wholly shattered.

It was an incomparably brilliant blade light that shattered everything in sight.

The light and shadows are intertwined.

The two people who get lifted in the sky were horrified to find that the mountain's back was gone and replaced by a colossal bottomless crater.

Like something stuck in the throat, the two lips opened unconsciously but could not say anything.

"Still let him get away, this guy is really terribly strong!" With a sigh, Longinus appeared beside the two.

"Fly, fly up!" Zoro then realized that the man cloaked in a coat of justice was hovering in mid-air.

"Even Uncle, you can't beat ..." Kuina said but suddenly noticed that blood was flowing from Longinus' chest and exclaimed, "Uncle, you're injured!"

"Not a problem, cough ..." Longinus said, but violently coughing up blood, "forcefully changing the trajectory of that blow, how is it possible without paying a price?"

"I said how the mountain was not half affected, so it is uncle, you used your own body to block down!" Zoro also can't help but respect this uncle as a good man!

"How despicable! How dare he use those villagers at the bottom of the mountain to threaten you, Uncle!" Kuina also said indignantly.

"Speaking of despicable, it was actually me who took advantage of the situation." Longinus shook his head, "I also found out just now during the exchange that he only exerted at most 80% of his strength at full strength."

"It seems that the swordsman he was talking about had indeed left him with an extremely serious injury."

"Eighty percent strength? Extremely badly injured?" For the first time, Zoro realized that he might have misunderstood the word seriously injured.

"Father, was he such a powerful swordsman?" Kuina murmured in a depressed mood.

"To make Apophis appear in person, that father of yours is indeed very powerful!" Longinus said solemnly.

"Speaking of which, do you guys have any plans for next?"

"Plan?" Zoro said rightfully, "Of course it is to kick around training, sharpening swordsmanship, and then to seek revenge on that masked man!"

"Revenge? Hope is too slim!" Longinus said with a serious face, "That man is far more powerful than you can imagine, and with your own power alone, revenge is just a luxury hope."

"If you really want revenge, I suggest you join the Marine Corps."


"Well! It's the same force I'm in."

"No way." Zoro decisively refused, "I have long heard that Marine has a whole lot of rules, and is too unlimited."

Kuina, on the other hand, pondered for a moment and asked, "Uncle, that Apophis you mentioned, how strong is he, and what kind of strength must I have to be able to defeat him?"

"Let me put it to you this way, the current world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, is a character who is on par with him."

Longinus said squarely, "In other words, you can only defeat or even kill Apophis if you grow to be the world's number one swordsman, otherwise, you can only match him at best even if you go to the top."

"The world's number one swordsman!" The two of them could not help but feel a heavy pressure; although they had agreed to this oath at the beginning, after watching the battle tonight, they finally knew how heavy the words "the world's number one" were.

"I didn't expect that red-eye to be so powerful." Zoro leaped to his feet and said, "Then I'll defeat that Hawkeye first, and then go kill him!"

Kuina, on the other hand, closed her eyes, and a specific image drifted through her mind, a pool of warm blood.

"Uncle, I want to join the Marine Corps!"

"Kuina, you ..."

Kuina put away the sentimental face and broke into a smile, "Zoro, the next time we meet again you do not still as useless as now!"

"At least, be able to beat me once too!"

Zoro looked away in displeasure, "What the hell! The next time we meet I will definitely beat you cry!"

"Kuina, what else do you have to pack?" Longinus urged, " Let's go now, maybe we can still find Apophis' trail."

"Nothing to take away." Kuina followed Longinus, looking back and smiling, "Solon, I'll leave you with that Wado Ichimonji as a memento!"

Published in Qidian, July 12, 2019