Written on Thighs (Caption Part, 2/8)

"It's over, it's over, he's an illegal immigrant." Neptune said worriedly, "Could it be that he is not satisfied with the censorship system of our Ryugu Kingdom and intends to kill indiscriminately?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Jimbei said comfortingly, "A character like Apophis, it would be strange if he would play by the rules, right? Moreover, since he didn't kill anyone, it means he shouldn't have much malice towards us.

"Is that so?" Neptune was slightly relieved but still a little uneasy and then asked, "By the way, Jimbei, which of you two is more powerful?"

Jimbei was silent for a moment, did not answer directly, but spoke of another matter, "According to the information I received, a few days ago in the human world there were several incidents that were enough to shake the sea."

Although Neptune did not understand Jimbei's intention, he listened attentively.

"One of the incidents was the battle between Apophis as well as Longinus and Shanks."

"Many 'S' ah!" Neptune said subconsciously, then reacted with a shocked look and shouted, "Hitsujiza Longinus and Akagami Shanks?"

Unlike Apophis, who has disappeared for many years, these two have been active in the sea. Even in the Fishman island under 10,000 meters, Neptune also knows the power of these two.

"That's them, a melee between the three ended in a draw." Jimbei looked a little bitter, "Your Majesty, you should also know about that encounter I had two years ago, right?"

Neptune nodded heavily.

"I had almost no resistance in the hands of that man named Longinus, while Apophis, on the other hand, was able to fight him to a draw. So the gap between Apophis and I should be obvious."

"Then what should we do? Should we hurry and ask for help from the Marine Headquarters?" Neptune asked worriedly.

"Never, this will undoubtedly completely anger Apophis." Jimbei's face suddenly changed, "You know, the Marine Headquarters can not always guard the support of the Fishman Island, once they leave, is when our Fishman Island is destroyed!"

"Mm-hmm, you're right." Neptune first nodded repeatedly and then couldn't help but ask, "But isn't the statement that Fishman Island was overthrown too much?"

"Not exaggerated at all." Jimbei said with a deep breath, "I have been traveling in the New World for the past two years, and have seen more powerful people than I have seen in the previous thirty years. Especially those who stand at the top of the sea battle power, they are truly capable of destroying an entire island."

"You are already the strongest fighting force of our fishman island, even you say so, it seems that we are really too much weaker than humans." Neptune could not help but be dismayed, "So what do we do now, just wait for Apophis to leave?"

"I'll go and make contact, at least to find out what he's up to." Jimbei said.

"It's too dangerous, why don't we go with someone else?" Neptune did not even think about it and planned to refuse.

"I at least have a name in the human world under Oka Shichibukai, by me to go, may also be able to get him to pay a little attention."

Jimbei went on to say, "If it were anyone else, it would be bad if he thought it was our Fishman Island side that wasn't paying enough attention."

"Then ... you must be careful."

"I will."


In the early days of the Great Age of Pirates, pirates' swarming tide caused indelible damage to Fishman Island.

Then the man with the stringed moon-like beard stepped forward and lent his name to Fishman's Island.

Since then, a weird balance has been struck between human pirates and Fishman inhabitants.

It will be without interfering with each other and without restraining each other as if they were completely invisible to each other.

As a result, Apophis reaped mostly indifferent and ignorant glances along the way, except behind him, the implicitly voyeuristic eyes.

"Found it so quickly, Zeo, your fishmen move quite fast!" A black and white striped whiskered shark man whispered.

"That's because half of the lower class fishman are serving us, the fire of resistance, has long been buried, Dosun!" The strange-looking double-bun shark man said.

"Right, the rotten royal family has long been no longer necessary to exist!" The shark man Dosun could barely suppress his laughter.

"Keep your voice down, since the guy in the mask can manipulate the Sea King class, his strength is probably no worse." Dosun whispered a reminder.

"Hey, hey! Strength is good! If this guy kills both the Celestial Dragons and the Otohime who defends them, Neptune and Jimbei will go crazy!"

Zeo laughed, "If this guy is strong enough, he can also help us clear some obstacles, and maybe, we can also get the method of controlling the Sea King class from his hands!"

"That's true." Dosun said, looking up, and at once exclaimed, "Where is the man? Where's that big one?"

"Did that guy find out we were following him? No reason, obviously we are so perfectly concealed ..." Zeo also muttered.

Just then, an indifferent voice came from behind.

"Two mongrels, you're looking for me?"

Two fish body tremble, look at each other, almost simultaneously turned around to attack the rear.

As a companion who grew up together from Fishman District, they still have this tacit understanding.

However, after meeting the eyes that did not contain any emotional (in harmony) color, their bodies seemed to freeze; it was the ultimate fear where instinct surpassed thought.

They never thought that the self-proclaimed revolutionary fighters would be so frightened by a pair of eyes that they could not move their bodies.

Apophis slightly restrained the pressure of the Ring of Fear, said in a cold voice, "It just happens to lack a couple to show the way, you guys, take me to the Mermaid Cafe."

The two Fishman that can finally control their bodies is weak on the ground, leaning on each other to not fall on the ground, with tears and snot because of the residual instinct to cover a face.

"It's so powerful, there's absolutely no way to resist!" Zeo quietly wrote on Dosun's thigh.

"Listen to him first, don't resist." Dosun pressed Zeo's right hand and also wrote on the back of his hand.

"The surrounding Fishman will surely spread the word."

"Understood, waiting for Brother Hody to come to our rescue."

And this scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding Fishman. Still, it became the two guys who were already kissing and talking like serious Fishman, seemed to be about to develop a relationship beyond the forbidden, and ended up crying in pain because they were interrupted.

In the end, they even touch each other to show their feelings for each other!

The thought of this, the surrounding Fishman nearly shuddered, only to leave quickly as not seen.

Apophis's mouth's corners under the mask also twitched slightly; these two idiots think he was blind?

"And plan to lie down, and never get up."

"Okay, okay, we'll lead the way here."

Published in Qidian, July 15, 2019