The Last Trophy

"Pure, pure gold was destroyed ..." there are pirates from the ground, ignoring the burns on the body, looking at the sky disappointed said.

"Although some difficult to accept, but when you think about it, it's normal, isn't it?" The same pirates who escaped a disaster then sighed, "In a collision at that level, even diamonds will shatter, right!"

"So many people have died, and in the end, there is no winner in this adventure at all!" Some pirates roared low in pain.

Just then, there was a crunching sound, as if something had cracked, accompanied by a mournful cry from an ancient creature.

"Oh my, the sky is cracking!" Some pirates looked up at the sky and muttered.

"It's not the sky cracking ..." wailed a pirate in despair, "it's the lantern fish's body tearing apart!"

"You're kidding, right? I'm an ability user!"

"This is in the deep sea, not to mention ability people, whoever goes out will be crushed into meat."

"There is no light, no air in the deep sea, only countless Sea King species, we go out, it is impossible to survive!"

"Dead, we're all here to die!"

In this scene, it is clear that the four people's attacks mixed with piercing the lantern fish's body.

However, several people on the battlefield are entirely unaware of the culprit's self-awareness.

Shiki was first silent, and then, boundless anger erupted from his heart, "Damned bastards, look what you have done?"

Destroying himself and then forcing himself to explode, he can be said to be throwing all his hopes on pure gold.

Now, hope is all but dashed.

After a moment of silence, Longinus said, "Shiki, this is where your journey will be drawn to an end!"

"What a joke, not yet revenge, not yet let the world feel the pain, not yet unveiled the secret of ONE PIECE, how can fall here ..."

Shiki's eyes furious, the restless Haoshoku Haki uncontrollably spurted out, holding two swords, in a fierce and unyielding posture again towards Longinus, "I, of course, will become the Pirate King!"

"Unfortunately, you no longer have a future." Longinus covered his whole body with Busoshoku Haki, like a steel puppet, and kicked his iron whip-like right leg up.

The right leg with a black metallic lustre and the twin swords that slashed out a golden storm collided together, sending out endless waves of air.

The two sides did not have any stalemate tendency. It was almost the moment when they collided together, and it again moved them towards the other side to launch an attack.

Perhaps under the pressure of desperate unwillingness, Shiki's swordsmanship became more and more severe and ferocious, with each sword cutting out hundreds of meters of golden sword aura.

Longinus is like a war machine; every part of the body is a weapon; punches, kicks, shoulders, and even the hair's flip is a sharp blade.

The two people who no longer restrained exploded out more powerful than before, like an apocalyptic catastrophe, so that the lantern fish body, which was still only at the level of fractures, became even more ragged.

The seawater that poured in also turned from a bubbling stream at the beginning into a rushing river.

However, before those pirates could react, something even more desperate happened.

The dragon roared and hissed in anger and opened its mouth with one shot of hot breath, "You bastards, all of you, go to hell!"

For Kaido's provocation, Sakazuki did not intend to evade, and regardless of the current situation, directly transformed into a magma giant and struck towards the dragon in the sky.

"Your hot breath is only worth a few candles, Kaido!"

Like a meteor rain, the magma fist hit Kaido so that the berserk dragon could not help but scream hiss.

The dragon's robust and powerful tail whipped around and slapped the magma giant directly into the fleshy wall of the lantern fish.


The flesh wall instantly scorched black, even if the lantern fish's life-like traits have gradually dissipated, but in such a painful assault, they still can not help but violently roll the body in the deep sea.

Naturally, the stomach space crowd is also shaky and can not even stand because the lantern fish turned 180 degrees towards the "sky".

However, none of this could make the few people on the battlefield stop fighting, and they were still destroying everything around them in an agitated manner.

On the other side, Apophis looked toward Issho.

Perceptive Issho smiled helplessly and raised his hands, "Can you not fight?"


"It really can't be done ... Eh?" Issho asked, somewhat bewildered, "You promised?"

"I'm not like those two, I'm more sensible." Apophis said in a cold voice.

"..." Issho, speechless, if he did not know the other party is crazy, may believe the "sanity" of this nonsense.

"Nuts! It is understandable to do anything." Issho thought in his heart as such.

A flood of destruction coming down from the "sky" has submerged the island, and the battlefield of the four has gradually moved to mid-air.

Shiki's eyes became sharper and sharper, and the slashing strikes that he struck were stronger than ever, and if one did not look at his gradually dying and bloodless face, one might think that he had returned to his peak condition.

However, in reality, this is just a flashback.

As the owner of this body, Shiki naturally knows best the condition of his own body.

But now, he is, in turn, much more composed than at the beginning.

"It seems that the era belonging to the old man has passed after all!"

"The world is changing, times are changing, and this kind of thing is, well, to be expected."

"You brats are more perceptive than the old man." Shiki laughed spontaneously, "Speaking of which, the old man is really a bit grateful to you bastards."

"Shiki, have you been beaten silly?"

"It is only right to be woken up, if you live like that muddled, physically shrinking and degrading day by day, and really wait until the day the plan begins in ten years..."

A rare trace of fear surfaced on Shiki's face, "I can't even imagine how far my strength will degrade, and maybe, I'll be played by a group of weaklings as prey."

Longinus remained silent, should he say, you're right about everything, and you'll be hung by the heir of Roger's will in the future.

"I am Shiki!" Shiki's aura grew more powerful, and his eyes were incomparably bright, just like the one who had genuinely recovered to his peak state as a captain of pirates, "Even if I die, I should still be remembered by countless people!"

"Let the old man use this last life, let this mild age recall the horror of the pirates!"

"So this is how you intend to be remembered by all, by dragging me with you to death?" Longinus asked in a calm tone.

"Jihahahaha! Little brat, this is the old man's gratitude for you to wake me up!" Shiki laughed and slashed out a sword at Longinus, pressing all the power he had exchanged by burning his life on this sword.

"Before your life ends completely, it is better for me to judge your sins!" Longinus raised his right hand, and a blazing white lance steeply appeared in his hand.

There is an ongoing flow of Busoshoku Haki in the body towards the lance, the light is bright and dazzling, and the darkness that gradually penetrates the deep sea is all dispersed.

Gold and silver collide with each other as time has stopped.

In the next moment, it was as if the storm from the sun had erupted entirely here.

PS: The third story is still being written; it should be between 12.30-13.00.

Published In Qidian, July 28, 2019