I, Akainu Do Not Have Face, Huh?

A group of pirates soon entered the space behind the door; of course, the part of the space with pure gold was separated in advance by Apophis.

A dark and ghostly silence, it seems that only the sound of waterfalls hitting the sea remains.

A few moments later, Apophis asked, "What about you? Kaido, want me to sell you a favor?"

"Are you kidding me, I'm a dragon! This situation, nothing counts at all!" Kaido's face unchanged, the rotten flesh at the right abdomen all ripped.

Even Jack can survive in the sea as a Fishman, as a dragon, Kaido, is not even much weakening of the battle.

The strongest creature on land, sea, and air, this is what he means.

"Speaking of which, the pure gold ended up being snatched away by you! You bastard, you're really lucky!"

"If you want it, you can wait for the news of the auction." Apophis said succinctly.

"Auction? You bastard is really boring." Kaido said with disdain, "This sea, what else is worthy of a character of our rank?"

"For example, the endless wine?" Apophis said blandly.

"The endless wine ..." Kaido's eyes glowed, his throat gurgled, and then laughed,

"Worororo! Sounds like it's that interesting, don't forget to inform old me when the time comes."

After saying that, Kaido then transformed into a giant dragon and directly rushed into the deep sea.

Akainu slightly twitched the corners of his mouth so that Kaido released to drink? What the hell does this guy want? Is he trying to ruin his auction?

Issho is a little curious to ask, "Apophis and Kaido's relationship has always been so good?"

"Never heard of it, now that I think about it, Kaido appeared at that time is really some coincidence." Akainu faces gloomy; from his voice tone alone, it is entirely impossible to see the state of serious injury.

"Could it be that he already knew we were coming?" Issho asked.

"It should have known I was coming." Akainu said in a deep voice, "I have long been stationed in the New World, it is not difficult to guess my actions, he found Kaido in advance, perhaps to step on Shiki to establish their own power."

"And then think about his previous behavior of collecting pirates, it is not difficult to guess, this guy is trying to make the New World another sea emperor." Akainu just said in front of Apophis.

"It's just a pity that he still underestimated the importance that Sengoku-san attaches to Shiki, and the extra two of you made the final hunt for Shiki all ruined."

Covering his chest, Longinus, on the other hand, his eyes were bright and uncertain, his heart secretly thought, "He is not that kind of reckless man without intelligence, in addition to extremely powerful strength, his own wisdom is not to be taken lightly, really worthy of Akainu, the biggest obstacle on my way to Fleet Admiral!"

Apophis said calmly, "Although it is not good to talk behind people's backs, but you say such things in front of me, but also really do not put me into consideration."

"Aren't you the same? The matter of the auction was actually deliberately intended to be told to us, right?" Longinus asked without moving a muscle.

"The auction! Of course, the more people the better, whether it is the government or the Marine, I welcome it all."

"You are really confident, you are not afraid, we will cooperate with the government to round you up and kill you?" Akainu snickered.

"Wouldn't that be better? Really wait until I let down my guard, at that point the siege, is the most dangerous, right!" Apophis responded calmly.

"Humph!" Akainu grimaces cold snort; according to his understanding of the government, those conservative old guys are mostly unlikely to risk retaliation by Apophis to strike.

At best, they would send CP0 for a test run until they were sure.

"I'll see you next time." Apophis said, pushing open the spatial door and walking in.

"Let's prepare to leave as well." As soon as Issho's staff sword waved, an island that had sunk in the seawater was directly "plucked" up.

Then, the island under his control turned into a vast orb to wrap the three people.

Finally, the orb floated straight toward the surface of the sea.


The next day, two explosive news spread in the sea.

First, the legendary sea pirate, the man who was once the closest to the Pirate King, the flying pirate Shiki, was killed head-on by Vice-Admiral Longinus of the Marine Headquarters!

Second, the treasure that disappeared for two hundred years, the legendary pure gold that can give humans eternal life reappeared, and finally fell into the hands of the Red Swordsman Apophis.

In front of these two big news, even the three top battle powers seriously injured, the Marine added super newcomers, suppressing such weighty information in the limelight.

But most people remain skeptical about the credibility of this two news, who is Shiki?

That is "almost" defeating Roger's man, combined with the hero Garp and Buddha's Sengoku to suppress the sea pirates who have destroyed half of the Marine Headquarters.

Although Vice Admiral Longinus is also mighty, this statement still makes people a little suspicious.

As for pure gold, most people have never heard of it, but its description does not make a person impressed.

It's just that something like immortality seems more unreal than Shiki dying in battle.

But soon, the admittance of the Marine Headquarters side made many people touched, especially in the world economic newspaper with a full-page special issue. After those shocking photos put up, this sea finally thoroughly boiled up!


Marine headquarters, Marineford.

In the central infirmary's special ward, Akainu looked to the side with a rare black face.

That hospital bed, surrounded by countless voices of care and greeting;

In fact, in the beginning, there were not a few people who came to console him.

However, most of those officers and cadets do not stay too long, compared to the other side of the ladies and gentlemen, men always spend less time visiting patients.

What makes Akainu feel even more depressed is that many people drop their gifts to him among those who visit him because they can't squeeze in the other side.

Akainu does not want to lose face!

"Vice Admiral Longinus, do you want to hear a song? Do you want me to sing for you?"

"Longinus-senpai is really handsome! Even being injured is so handsome!"

"Longinus-senpai, you are too powerful, when Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp teamed up to defeat Shiki, you alone killed him!"

"In that case, senpai is more powerful than Admiral Sengoku and Vice-Admiral Garp combined!"

Two coughings with black faces standing in the doorway of the ward;

"Yah! It's Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp!"

"You guys go out first, I have some things to ask them."

Deterred by the two's power, these female officers can only leave with their heads hanging; many of them are still reluctantly muttering.

"Okay! Ugh! It's such a shame that we've waited so long to change our senpai's medicine!"

"Mmmmmm! I really envy the person who can personally take off senpai's clothes!"

After the people have gone, Garp can not help but spit out, "I was clearly teamed up with this guy Sengoku to reduce losses, and how to their mouths, it sounds as if I can not beat Shiki?"

"Sure enough, it's all Sengoku guy's fault!"

Published in Qidian, July 29, 2019