Nico Robin

West Blue, a bar in a small town;

"Boss, is this the drink from your hometown?" Lucky Roux, whose body size is getting more and more gradual towards ball type, barks his mouth, "Doesn't seem to be good?"

"When you have tasted all the fine wines of the sea, you will find that it is still the wine of your hometown that is the most refreshing." Akagami laughed.

"Speaking of which, why don't you take the Makino with you?" Yasopp asked, leaning against the bar and turning his head sideways.

"Oh her! Well, doesn't belong in this ocean! Someone as kind as she is shouldn't be involved in our lives." Akagami sighed.

"Where to next?" Beckman asked.

"Go back to the New World!" As a matter of habit, Akagami tried to press down the straw hat but found it grabbed on his hair and could not help but laugh, "The restless blood in my body tells me that it is time to start a new adventure!"

Just then, a pirate walked in with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Boss, I thought you might be more interested in today's news." The pirate who spoke handed over the newspaper in his hand.

"The news that interests me? Could it be that the other side of that Hawkeye guy is letting people see?" Received the newspaper, the corners of Akagami's mouth nasty smile gradually faded away, replaced with a secretive expression, "This news really has a shock!"

Seeing that such was Akagami's reaction, Yasopp, and the others couldn't help but come over.

"Hiss! Flying Pirate Shiki actually died in the hands of that Holy Lance Longinus!" Lucky Roux was so surprised that the fat meat on his face twitched.

"Looking at this picture, their battle sank at least seven or eight islands." Yasopp also had a gloomy face, "These two are still as powerful as monsters!"

"You're wrong, monsters aren't as strong as them." Beckman took a sharp puff of the cigarette in his mouth and swallowed it, "Compared to this, I care more about the other news."

"What's there to care about?" Akagami shrugged and said, "That Apophis guy is very strong, it's normal to grab pure gold, isn't it?"

"What I care about is the follow-up of this matter. The pure gold that can give humans eternal life is a treasure that countless people have dreamed of obtaining. Apophis is indeed very strong, but he is not yet strong enough to make everyone douse the flame of greed in their hearts."

Beckman exhaled a mouthful of thick fog, "The New World, soon to be in chaos!"

"Ugh! What's so great about something like eternal life?" Akagami shook his head, then with a face of resentment, "Lantern Fish's big adventure, such an interesting thing that I missed out!"

"Speaking of which, this time it is indeed a bit of a pity, the flying pirate Shiki, I still remember to this day when the Edd War sea battle he ... " said Akagami, suddenly interrupted by a crisp slapping sound to the memory.

"I'm deaf? I called you did not hear?" An earring hanging, bare-chested, drenched in alcoholic fumes, shouted the pirate angrily.

A diminutive waitress was knocked to the ground and repeatedly apologized with her head bowed, "Sorry, I just got carried away."

"Getting lost in thought, when you take the old man ..."

Just then, a surprised and happy voice rang out, "She is Nico Robin, Devil Child Nico Robin with a bounty of 79 million berries!"

As the words fell, the pirates in the bar almost all rioted.

It is almost the highest bounty amount in the entire West Blue or appeared on a 17 or 18-year-old woman, which naturally made the pirates' eyes in the bar flutter.

Not to mention handing her over to those big shots, that is, anonymously in exchange for a bounty, 79 million berries is enough for them to squander for life!

The pirate who slapped Robin was even more ecstatic, " Get back to me now, you're my ..."

Two white arms appeared on his neck and then held the slaps back a pull.


The head tilted back ninety degrees, and instantly he was already as dead as can be!

"Damn it, I can't believe I got lost in thought!" Robin is a little annoyed; for her, with ten years of escape experience, this kind of mistake can almost be said to be unforgivable.

But in hearing those two names, a scene that happened ten years ago is still can not stop appearing in mind.

The existence of that marine told her that she could see a ray of light even amid darkness, and the reality of that swordsman made her understand the truth that only she could rely on in this world.

In the lives of those two people, she may only be an insignificant passerby, but for her, that experience is of unspeakable significance.

The image of the pirate being killed did not frighten the others but rather stirred up the ferocity within them.

"Damn bitch, get her!"

"Kill the bitch!"

Akagami turned his head slightly sideways, "Lucky Roux, go help that poor little girl."

"Understood." Lucky Roux did not ask the reason but shook his round body and walked out.

"Is it because of O'Hara?" Beckman asked blandly.

"The destruction of O'Hara is still more or less related to Captain Roger, and it was us who sent the body of history to O'Hara, which led to Dr. Clover and their exploration of history."

Akagami let out a deep sigh, "In a sense, I do owe a lot to this little girl."

"Boss, it's done!" Lucky Roux's voice came.

For him to take care of these pirates of the West Blue, a few seconds were perfectly enough.

"Who are you guys? Why are you helping me?" Robin was first shocked by the power of Lucky Roux and then looked at these people warily.

"My name is Shanks." Akagami turned around, "an intern on board Roger's Pirates that year."

"Akagami Shanks!" Robin was shocked, "Why would a big shot like you appear here?"

Akagami somewhat bursts with laughter, "West Blue is my hometown, after tired of playing outside, return home to check is not very normal?"

Robin pursed her lips and stood up from the ground, "Anyway, thank you very much for your help."

After saying that, Robin then pressed down the brim of her hat and left the bar alone.

"I thought you were going to invite her on board?" Yasopp asked, puzzled.

"She's too wary, and ..." Akagami shook his head, "my ship is not for her."

For some reason, his ship was more likely to be watched by the eyes of the World Government.

Lucky Roux is "suddenly realized", "Oh! Boss, you are afraid that Makino-san will misunderstand."

"Pfft!" Akagami sprayed his mouthful of wine across the face of Yasopp, "What does this have to do with Makino?"

Yasopp wiped the wine with an unchanged face, "Your reaction already says it all."


"Hoo-hoo!" Robin's chest waves rose and fell, looked back behind him, "It should be about time."

"This kind of big shot came to the West Blue, the World Government may have already made a move, so get out before it's noticed."

Robin muttered to herself as she walked forward and suddenly noticed that a figure floating in mid-air had somehow emerged in front of her.

"Nicole Robin, that's your name right?" The person who spoke was floating in mid-air, with the mask on his face, unconcealable earlobes resting on his shoulders.

"Huh? I don't know what you're talking about." Robin asked with an innocent face, while in her heart she was secretly screaming; she didn't expect to be still targeted by the World Government?

"Lying but ..."

"Seis Fleur - Twist!"


The masked man's head fell off.

"Whew! Luckily he ..."

"Luckily what?"

The teasing voice that suddenly rang out made Robin plummet to the ice; how could that man still be alive?

"I would like to introduce myself, I am the god of thunder, Eneru, under Apophis-sama." The masked man's head turned into an electric light and returned to his body, "This time, I came over to invite you to join us."

"Apophis-sama ..." Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

Eneru also does not force, just quietly watching.

Then, the brim of the hat gently nodded down.

Published in Qidian, July 30, 2019