Gild Tesoro

Karl Street, a place where wealth is created;

"It's so awesome, Brother Tesoro, you actually snatched the Devil Fruit from the Donquixote family!"

"It's almost like a dream!"

"I still can't believe that even we, people like us, can snatch something from the hands of that kind of sea pirates!"

A group of street hoodlums dressed as punks looked at the man wearing ten gold rings with eyes full of admiration.

"As long as people are human, they will have weaknesses." Tesoro rubbed his ten fingers together, feeling the beautiful touch brought by the gold, and said in a chanting voice, "Catch their weaknesses, and those so-called strong people can also become swords in our hands!"

"Boss Tesoro said it very well!"

"We've got those idiots fooled!"

A trace of disdain flashed in Tesoro's eyes; if power didn't matter, he wouldn't have had to go through all the trouble to grab this Devil Fruit!

With his ability, if he wanted to, he would have been able to earn a large fortune in the past three years. But he did not do that because he knew that he did not have the strength to guard that fortune.

"Brother Tesoro, would it be too risky for us to go back to Karl Street now?"

"Yes! I heard that the Donquixote family left only yesterday."

"Waiting until tomorrow, do you think we still have a chance to receive the legacy left by Boss Bart?" Tesoro laughed sorrowfully.

"Boss Bart's legacy?" Punk with a spider tattoo on his face widened his eyes, "It's because we infiltrated the auction under Boss Bart's banner that got him killed by the Donquixote family, right?"

"Yes! But does that conflict with me receiving his inheritance?" Tesoro asked with a puzzled look.

The tattooed punk felt drenched in a cold sweat as Tesoro stared at him with a cruel and ruthless gaze and shook his head repeatedly, "No conflict, no conflict."

"That's right!" Tesoro nodded his head gratefully.

Half an hour later, in the underground vault of Karl Street.

The situation where the three parties were killing each other soon changed because of Tesoro's arrival.

"It's just like I expected!" Tesoro calmly stepped into the vault and spoke eloquently to the people in the middle of the fight, "The cadres under Boss Bart were all killed by the people of the Donquixote family, Tal, Fitz, Hermat, now only you three losers are left to fight for the property?"

The three sides of the forces stopped in silence and turned their fierce gazes toward Tesoro.

"Tesoro, how dare you come back, you bastard?"

"Tesoro, do you idiot know what you have done?"

"Of course I know ..." Tesoro was not even looking at a few people, just admiring the ring on his hand, "but just that, a new owner for these yellow cuties."

"Damn bastards, see me take revenge on Boss Bart!"

Before the other two forces could react, Tal, who was carrying his battle-ax, charged towards Tesoro with a smug smile on his face.

In his opinion, as long as he killed Tesoro, he might be able to gather all the remnants of Boss Bart's forces in the name of the avengers and become the next King of Karl Street.

It's a pity that reality is often ruthless.

Tesoro took off a ring, gently flicked, and the gold ring first expanded infinitely, surrounding the other party in the circle, and then fiercely locked; the next moment will be a man with deadly axe bondage.

"Devil fruit? Impossible, even if you ate the devil fruit, it is impossible to become so strong in a few days?" The bound Tal fell to the ground, struggling to look up.

"It's not that I'm strong, it's just that you guys are too weak!"

Tesoro calmly walked inside, while the others in the vault were not able to react until now.

They really couldn't understand how Tesoro, who was just a civilian, could have become so powerful after getting the fruit; could it be that he was disguising himself before?

Tesoro was still closing in.

"Bastard, you stop, come any closer and all of us will shoot!"

Tesoro could not help but laugh dumbly, "In a space surrounded by gold, fighting with me, a Goru Goru no Mi ability user, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Before the gunshots could be fired, the surrounding gold surged like a sea wave, binding all those gangster fighters.

"You guys, you're not even as weak as you showed before!" Fitz roared, trying to dispel his inner fear with the deluge of volume.

"Come on, since when did defeating a loser like you become a criterion for judging strength and weakness?" Tesoro scoffed, "I just don't like the idea of being like you trash who can't wait to even show that kind of weak power."

Hermat, on the other hand, asked with a trembling voice, "When you come back like this, aren't you afraid of the Donquixote family's revenge?"

"Revenge? Let's wait until they find me first!"

Just as Tesoro was getting complacent, a teasing voice came from behind him.

"Tesoro-san, you are now caught by me!"

At the same time, Tesoro's body stiffened and turned backward, looking at the people who suddenly appeared at the entrance of the vault, and said with difficulty, "The highest cadres of the Donquixote family, the Club Trebol, the Diamond Diamante, the Spade Pica, and the Oka Shichibukai Doflamingo!"

Every time he uttered a name, Tesoro's heart fell a point towards the bottom.

"You know a lot about us! It seems that you have been plotting against our Donquixote family for a long time!" Diamante said.

"There's no way out!" Tesoro sighed, "Of the forces that have the ability to auction Devil Fruit, you are the closest to me."

"You're honest." Doflamingo chuckled.

"What else can I do? Can I tell a lie to get you guys to let me go?" Tesoro taunted.

"Of course not."

"It looks like I'm dead!" Tesoro first sighed and then asked reluctantly, "But I have two questions which I really can't figure out, can I satisfy my curiosity before I die?"

"Of course you can, I've never been a good pirate." Doflamingo laughed heartily.

"Can you tell me, how did you find me?"

Doflamingo smiled and cast his inquiring gaze aside.

"Prediction." Apophis said succinctly.

"This guy is ..." Tesoro's pupils shrink slightly, do not move to ask, "this last question is also the most incomprehensible to me, to catch a small gang like me, it is necessary to all of you big guys out? "

"This! We are only following the orders of Apophis-sama." Doflamingo said helplessly.

"Apophis ..." Tesoro shouted in shock, and then, the gold storm that had been brewing for a long time surged steeply.

Simultaneously, the gold paved ground also quickly dissolved as if to swallow the whole of Tesoro into it.

"Thank you for your hospitality ..."

Tesoro was saying that when his face stiffened once again.

Because, one moment, he was in the Golden Earth Cave frantically running away, the next moment, he unexpectedly appeared in front of Doflamingo and others.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while.

PS: Sorry, I'm stuck in a mess, and I still can't write the third one. I feel like my head is frozen; it's hard (๑ŏ﹏ŏ๑).

Published in Qidian, July 31, 2019