Marco: Too Cruel! (7/8)

The power of influence and money is undoubtedly tremendous, just half a month, the magnificent palace complex installed on this beautiful island.

At this moment, the enormous palace in the empty hall.

The eyes on the throne and under the steps are quietly staring at each other. The melodious music of ethereal beauty is floating in the air.

She was listening to this familiar song as if from the depths of the soul of the tune. Robin was in a trance as if she had returned ten years ago.

"Apophis-sama, you, you remember me?"

"Kinda impressed. You are the first one who dares to break into my room."

Robin pursed her lips and gave a serious thanks, "Apophis-sama, thank you, I hope you won't mind because of this ten-year late thanks."

"No need to thank me, I did not hold back that year, to survive, it was your own will that was tough enough."

Robin did not speak; fleeing these years, she was used to seeing the deceit, experienced too much deception and betrayal.

Such straightforward words like Apophis, in turn, let her feel a burst of peace of mind.

What's more, her actions back then could be said to have used Apophis as a shield; the other party did not directly kill her, which is already merciful enough.

Therefore, Robin quickly put herself in the proper position, "Apophis-sama, what is it that you need me to do?"

"You should have guessed it, find you, of course, for that Void Century." Apophis said.

Robin was a little surprised, "Just Void History, not ancient weapons?"

In her opinion, shouldn't a sea pirate-like Apophis be more interested in ancient weapons?

"If you're willing to help, I certainly don't mind." Apophis naturally knew what to do so that he would not plant the seeds of rebellion in the other party's mind.

Robin's wariness is too strong, and trying to change her beliefs won't happen overnight.

"I, I ..." Robin subconsciously opened her mouth, but could not speak, her miserable childhood experience, allowing her to resist bringing ancient weapons to this world instinctively.

At the same time, her heart rose with an indescribable feeling of emotion, so many years, or the first time someone taking on her position to start.

Just when Robin's thoughts were in confusion, she heard Apophis say, "Go down first, a new guest is coming."

"... Yes!" Robin restrained her mind, put the mask in her hand on her face, bowed down, and then slowly retreated.

"This guy is ..." Marco, who is coming in from outside the palace, crisscrossed with Robin; there are some doubts in his mind, it seems that only those who have a reasonably high status under Apophis can wear a mask.

But the one who just passed, there is nothing powerful in how it looks.

"Marco, what happened to you?" Jozu asked, looking to the pineapple head who had left behind.

"Nothing, let's go." Marco shook his head and followed a few people into the main hall.

Soon, the three met Apophis on top of the throne.

Among these three, the most complicated state of mind is undoubtedly Vista; nine years ago, he was the same level. Because of the defeat of his well-known sea Apophis, he has now stood alongside his father's position.

As for Marco, the warning signs in his heart rose infinitely, like the Phoenix; he is undoubtedly the most sensitive to the breath of life.

The guy across from him, emitting a terrifying, bloody aura, not to mention, even itself, are dead in general.

Marco thinks he has seen a few ferocious pirates, like Kaido and BIG-MOM, cold-blooded monsters that do not put life in their eyes.

But he had never seen a person like Apophis, who was utterly dead, merely indifferent to the extreme.

A person who treats himself as a dead person, naturally, there is no bottom line and taboo.

"No wonder he dared to kill the Celestial Dragons back then, perhaps in his eyes, even his own life can be given up at any time! This guy, is definitely a cruel to the extreme ruthless people!"

After thinking of this, Marco's drooping eyelids are completely pulled open on this kind of people, even just negotiation he did not dare to have half a careless.

At this time, Apophis above the throne finally opened his mouth and said, "I heard from my men, you, are you here for the pure gold?"

"Any price will do, if you will give us the pure gold." Jozu shouted eagerly.

"No good, Jozu is showing too much of an urgency!" Marco's heart sank slightly.

Sure enough, the next moment heard Apophis asked, "By your way, is Whitebeard is dying?"

"What are you talking about, you bastard? Father did not ..."

Jozu was halfway through it was eagerly stopped by Marco, "Sorry, it was Jozu he was reckless."

Jozu's eyes spurted with anger; when had this guy Marco been so weak?

It wasn't that he didn't trust his brother, but he just couldn't stand it when it came to father.

"It doesn't matter, I never get angry, and the ones that upset me are killed on the spot." Apophis said blandly.

Jozu was so angry that even the corners of his eyes were swollen open; this bastard is too much not to put him in the eyes.

Marco is aware that the guy said most of the time is not a lie; if he began to crazy, the Whitebeard Pirates' identity could not play any role for him.

"What do you require before you are willing to sell us pure gold?"

"Although we are all pirates, it doesn't mean that we are on the same side, between pirates, killing each other is the norm, right?"

Apophis' voice turned steeply cold, "In that case, why should I sell pure gold to you?"

"You ..."

Jozu was about to speak, then was pressed down again by Marco, "With your character, if you really don't want to sell, you simply won't talk to us so much."

"I'm right, aren't I?"

"You do know me well."

He should be the same as Hawkeye's battle maniac; only he is not as pure as Hawkeye. Otherwise, he would not have eaten the Devil Fruit, and because of this, it means that what he aspires to is not to become the world's number one great swordsman.

Thinking of this, Marco said in a deep voice, "What you want should be to snatch the title of the world's strongest from father's hands, with your pride, do you really want this process to become imperfect?"

The face under the Apophis mask became a little odd. Is this guy helping to complement his persona?

Seeing as Marco had worked so hard to think about it, he was a little embarrassed to take it apart.

"You are right about one thing, I do not mind giving you guys the pure gold. But..."

Just when Marco and others are thrilled, they heard Apophis say again.

"This pure gold is actually not as good as you think, it can indeed extend the life span, and even make the terminal disease are infinitely postponed, but the problem is that people who are shrouded by the light of pure gold, even the body cells will be much slower to split."

"As a ship's doctor, you should be able to understand that this means ..."

Marco's gloomy face took over the topic, "It means that the body's recovery speed and action speed will be gradually slowed down."

"In this world, nothing is perfect, eternal life or treasury, you choose one yourselves."

PS: Since the setting has not been changed, it is still (7/8) ( ̄ ▼  ̄).

Published in Qidian, August 01, 2019