The Three Emerging Players

All around, it is as dead silent.

With the world's strongest man's name of Whitebeard, he was imprisoned by Apophis in another way.

That is a separate dimensional space; if Apophis does not open the door, this is not the same as the world's strongest Whitebeard was banished forever?

Thinking of this, the surrounding pirates were looking at Apophis with scorned and appalled eyes; this man really can never see where his limits are.

Even Akagami and Kaido's faces are rarely stared up.

However, not much joy emerged in Apophis' eyes.

Any existence, anything, has its limits, even if it is an interdimensional space.

After all, that is not the real world's space; it is not impossible to break it up.

In Apophis's perception, the violently shaking interdimensional space is estimated to be broken in a short time.

It is not to say that the strength of Aokiji will be too much worse than Whitebeard, but the ice is favorable to control; in this respect of attack power, the difference is also significant with Gura Gura no Mi.

"However, this amount of time is also completely sufficient!" Apophis walked blandly towards Catarina, with a flash of burning heat in his scarlet pupils.

It is a fruit that he must get in his plan because of the characteristics of Kyubi no Kitsune fruit; he is not good at alarming the snake before he can not be entirely sure.

In case the other party's attention, hiding in the crowd, he has no way to find even Kenbunshoku Haki can mistakenly Catarina.

Not expected is that the other party would take the initiative to send to the door; thus, it is embarrassing for him not to accept.

On the other hand, the petrified Whitebeard Pirates finally woke up from the psychic shock.

"Bastard, get Father out of there!"

"Damn, what are you trying to do to father?"

Didn't Marco and the others know the gap between themselves and Apophis? Of course, they knew.

But in this situation, they could not control their emotions; even if they were to die, they still wanted their father to come back.

They still have the last illusion in their hearts; that is, after the ability user is defeated and fainted over, it will permanently invalidate all the fruit abilities previously left behind.

At that moment, there was a thunderstorm, a sea of lightning blocked in front of a group of pirates.

The one who appeared was the Eneru group.

"Don't think about going over, trash!"

" I won't let you bother the captain."

"Get the hell out of my way!" Jozu roared, directly reckless into the sea of lightning, known as the strongest physical defense. He doesn't have anything better when it comes to this elemental attack.

Just a few moments, the crowd could smell a roasted breath, but Jozu still didn't care, directly through the sea of lightning barrier towards Apophis.

This time, it was Urouge with a simple smile that stood in his way.

"If you advance further, you will be killed by the captain."

"I told you to get lost! Brilliant Punk!"

Jozu, whose whole body shone with diamond light, directly knocked Urouge into a fly, and behind a pair of wings of Mad Monk even dented his chest.

This scene made many people watch the excellent show a little dumbfounded; the previous one was extremely incredible thunder fruit. How come here, it became this level of weak chicken?

However, their contempt soon turned into surprise, only to see that the birdman who has knocked away have his body was multiplied several times bigger instantly, and even the dented chest was completely invisible with half traces of injury.

"Inga Zarashi!"

The giant-sized Urouge landed a heavy punch that sent "Diamond" Jozu flying.

"It's amazing that this is a fruit power that converts damage into size and strength!"

"Indeed very tricky, if you can not defeat him at once, that guy's power, will only become stronger and stronger!"

"The best way is to restrain the control, only a pity, that Whitebeard Pirates' third captain is estimated to have no such type of ability."

"Apophis really picked up a big bargain from Shiki, just do not know, that third person's strength."

On this point, they soon knew the answer.

Only to see Wyper leap up, directly into beast form, and fly up into the sky.

He wanted to stop Vista, who broke through the sea of lightning with the Flower Sword.

After seeing Wyper's transformation, a group of pirates casts their astonished eyes toward the camp where Kaido was.

Because, his transformation is similar to the man named Ember!

"It's Ryu Ryu no Mi - Ancient Zoan - Wind God Pteranodon Form!"

"What an enviable power!"

"Logia, Paramecia, Zoan, Apophis really set all at once."

Fruits are one side; strength is another.

In this world, some too many mediocre people are unable to realize the potential of the fruit.

Many eyes are watching the clash between the sky and the ground. However, most people are not very optimistic about the battle between Wyper and Vista.

Because, he is too young.

However, what was unexpected was this.

As a great swordsman, the flower sword Vista was blocked by a teenage child.

Both sides fought until it bathed them in blood, and it could only describe the battle situation as tragic.

They did not know that Wyper, who had the most youthful face, was the most ruthless of the three in terms of viciousness.

Before taking on Vista, he knew he was not strong enough to take two ferocious pills of "E-S" directly.

Being younger is his biggest weakness and, at the same time, his biggest asset.

"You are just newcomers who just joined the Apophis banner, is it necessary to fight so hard?" Marco attacked while trying to disintegrate his opponent's battle intent with a verbal offensive.

Although his strength can steadily suppress Eneru, it is again too difficult to solve the battle within a minute or two.

After all, the other party is the possessor of Goro Goro no Mi, which ranks high among Devil Fruits.

"Apophis-sama, is the kind of man worthy of us to follow despite everything!" Eneru waved the goldenrod in his hand, and a sea of thunder blocked most of the people in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Only a few people are strong enough to break through the sea of lightning with their Busoshoku Haki.

Marco's heart slightly sunk simultaneously can not help but be surprised, Apophis on the contrary, what kind of a person can make the unruly guy in front of him say the words of death to follow.

"But you can't stop me for long, as a newcomer, your strength is still too young!" Marco said in a deep voice.

"Not long, you think, with the captain's strength against that old demon woman is difficult?"

Eneru smiled sorrowfully, "It is you who should be worried now. When the captain is free, how long will you be able to support yourselves under the captain?"

"That's a very promising answer! Yahahaha!"

PS: It is reasonable to say that the pteranodon is not a dinosaur, but, Oda-san's for Ember pteranodon is also classified to the dragon fruit inside, so is it can type; the name with the dragon to the dragon fruit inside ( ̄ ▽  ̄) ~?

Published in Qidian, August 06, 2019