7-star Hunter

The auction in the venue is still in full swing; on the other hand, Tokikake and Wyper came out from the back of the two.

Wyper's face is indifferent, like a glacier that can not be dissolved, first came to the side with Apophis whispering, and then went to the area where the Akagami Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates.

A few moments later, the two pirate groups each sent part of the manpower to follow Wyper away.

Naturally, this kind of movement attracts the other pirate's frequent attention, but they can also roughly guess the other side of the action, so they look at a few will move attention back to the auction.

On the other hand, Tokikake is lost in thought and returned to the area where Longinus and others are located.

"What's wrong with you?" Gion asked curiously.

"A little sick to my stomach." Tokikake said with a dazed look.

"It's that one called Catarina ..."

"Ugh ..."

Before Gion could finish her sentence, she was sharply interrupted by Tokikake, "Don't mention that name, no more ugh ..."

"Isn't this reaction of yours a little too much?" Gion said speechlessly.

"You don't know how perverted that woman is, to be with some corpses..." Tokikake said, his face began to change dramatically again, "Can't say anymore."

"Well, do not say it and do not force yourself."

Tokikake said after calming down, "In fact, I really did not expect that woman to be only 24 years old."

"24 years old?" Even Kuzan said incredulously, "That is really unexpected, that woman, not to mention 24, people believe that is 42 years old."

Gion also nodded, "It's really the first time I've seen someone who is older than Vice Admiral Borsalino."

"It is also because she became a six-star hunter at such a young age, she has a certain status in the Hunter's Guild." Tokikake told the thinking he read.

"Could it be that provoking an all-round war between the pirates and the marines was the idea of the top brass of the Hunters Guild?" Kuzan's brow furrowed.

Although he, like most of the Marine, for the bounty hunters wandering in the edge of the light and darkness is not much good, the Hunter's Guild is ultimately on the side of the government and Marine's forces if it turns to the darkness, for the Marine will undoubtedly be a significant blow.

"Ah? That's not true." Tokikake shook his head and said, "She did not reveal her plans to others."

"The Hunter's Guild is supposed to be a loose organization, and it's normal that she can't trust the others." Longinus said with a nod.

"But I learned from her memory that the Hunter's Guild also had quite a few people come over this time."

"That's not surprising, didn't we speculate on the first day that all these forces like the Hunter Guild Underworld might send people to infiltrate?"

"It's different, this time even seven-star hunters may appear."

"Seven-star hunters? Hunter Guild has really such a level of character?" Gion was a little surprised this time.

The hunters who have killed more than 300 million bounty pirates can be recognized as six-star hunters, but seven-star hunters, only those who have killed sea pirates recognized by the government and the Navy can get this honor.

This gap, just like Marine's vice-Admiral, can have Garp, such a perverted Vice Admiral, there can also be Maynard and Bastille kind of substandard Vice Admiral.

"There seems to be only one, and that is their Chairman." Tokikake replied.

"This kind of character, even just one is very powerful." Gion said with a solemn nod.

"It is also true that there are quite a few strong people within the bounty hunters." Longinus said, "Before he was wanted, Apophis could be considered one of these hunters."

"But even he can only be considered a six-star hunter." Kuzan said with a smile, "these ten years, the real record of killing great pirates in turn, only you."

Although Don Chinjao is powerful, it has not yet reached the point where even the government is afraid.

Besides, the only person who can genuinely be called a great sea pirate is Shiki.

"I do not intend to become a bounty hunter." Longinus said with a smile.

Gion is serious analysis, "so that this seven-star hunter can only be the past era of the character, so it seems that the probability that he is also for the pure gold, right?"

Longinus sighed, "This guy Apophis is really going to give us trouble, those things he took out before, plus this last pure gold, will undoubtedly throw the New World into complete chaos."

"The things that were taken out before?" Kaki asked curiously, "By the way, how did the auction go?"

"Apophis took out three lots, and almost every one of them, possesses the magic power to make this era chaotic." Longinus first explained the purpose of the three lots to Tokikake. They then said, "After he brought the auction atmosphere up, he gave the initiative of the auction to others, and he, himself, was preparing the grand finale."

"Reject Dial, SIQ potion, combat robot ... " Tokikake can't help but take a deep breath and say, " in terms of the foundation, is Whitebeard Pirates and Beasts Pirates such as the old Yonko can't compare to him, right?"

It is natural, Kaido defeat, Whitebeard retirement, not counting the personnel's strength, the resources, and heritage alone, they can not compare to Apophis the latter.

"It's just strange, why did Apophis take all these things out to auction? Isn't he creating opportunities for other pirates to become stronger?" Gion asked.

"That's why I said, no one can ever guess what he thinks! Apophis, is such a mysterious man." Kuzan sighed.

Tokikake was silent for a moment and asked again, "By the way, has Vice Admiral Garp not returned yet?"

"He sent back a message through Den Den Mushi that he seems to have met some old friend and is on a nasty trails." Longinus looked a little odd.

"Uh, Vice Admiral Garp is still really energetic." Tokikake smiled sarcastically, "So we're here to watch now?"

"Wait at ease, I have a feeling that the end of this auction is not that simple." Kuzan said.


A fringe area on the island;

"I really didn't expect that a man like you would actually agree to cooperate." A man dressed in a military uniform, wearing a medal on his chest, with extremely fierce eyes said as such.

"It's not cooperation, if you make a move on something I have my eye on, I will definitely kill you at the first opportunity." An older man dressed in a tawdry outfit and with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth said.

"You can't kill me." There was no change in the uniformed man's tone, who seemed to be just recounting an ordinary fact.

"You are indeed quite a bit stronger than before with this vibe, and Roger ship, it's really a place that thrives on Haoshoku Haki."

Speaking of Roger, the uniformed man's eyes finally appeared a trace of fluctuation, "Roger's things, should be kept by me."

"Compared to you, Demon Heir, Shanks that brat should be more considered Roger's successor, right." The old man smiled happily, "Douglas Bullet!"

PS: I heard that yesterday was the seventh day? Oh, it rained me no melon ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ.

Published in Qidian, August 08, 2019