The Powerfulness of Top Battle Power

"This disgusting stench, you are the hounds of the World Government, right?" Looking at the four masked men who suddenly appeared in front of him, Bullet said in a disgusted tone.

"Hand over the stuff." Standing in the middle of the CP0 ignored the other party's attitude, said in a cold voice.

"Humph! I don't have time to spend on trash like you." Bullet knew that those six people couldn't hold off Longinus for long, and at that moment, he was also impatient to launch an attack towards the four.

The four men, in turn, cooperated in the siege and blockade. And for a while, Bullet was unable to break through the line of defense.

These four people strength is not weak; three are elite vice-admiral level, the leader is Katakuri and Ember levels, has been infinitely close to the top level of combat power.

Although such a combination is powerful, it has to be said that it is shabby and miserable compared with the Marine.

CP0, of course, is the highest level of combat power with Admiral level, which is called "the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragon" top power.

Unfortunately, as they are the "strongest shield" name, their most prominent role is to ensure the Celestial Dragons' safety.

Compared with the Celestial Dragon's safety, even the factors that may affect the stability of the world must be put on the back burner.

It is also why the four of them only dare to play dead and dare not stab, there is no pressure of the great man, and they do not dare to conflict with the Marine directly.

"Damn! If I still had my 'Catapult', if that monster Longinus hadn't torn the fuselage apart ..." the violent and furious voice came out of the mechanical giant, "how could I have been stop by a punk like you guys?"

Indeed, true top-tier battle power is almost always crushed for those below this level.

Even if Bullet were the existence of the bottom of the top battle power, even if that CP0 captain was already infinitely close to this level, usually, he would be able to defeat his opponent in three to five minutes at most.

As for the other three people, it was half a minute to a minute.

But now, Bullet estimated that he could not even break out in ten minutes.

However, not only was Bullet impatient in his heart, but the CP0 captain did the same.

"Damn, still underestimated the strength of these monsters!" Captain CP0's heart is depressed; the act of Longinus suspended Bullet, so he subconsciously thought that he and Barrett's strength should not be much different.

But the reality is that the badly wounded Bullet held him down, with the other three holding him back.

"Is this the strength of the world's highest fighting force?" Captain CP0 scorned at the same time and could not help but tremble in his heart, "Even Bullet's strength is this strong, that Longinus, should not be more powerful than the strongest shield Lord, right?"

On the other hand, Longinus was able to take in the actions of CP0, "Finally, you can't help it? Looks like it's time to put a little more pressure on them!"

Longinus's icy gaze swept from the six people in front of him, "Well, get out of the way!"

Seeing that Longinus' aura was instantly different, the six men couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

The blonde asked, "Is there really no room for discussion?"

"There are some things that I don't want to say a second time."

"We all know that we won't be your opponent, to say the real strength, maybe we all together can't stop you for three minutes."

The one with the most energy was soft and hard, "But we dare to take this mission, naturally we have our own strength."

"Underlying strength?"

"Our abilities are all inclined towards defense and control, and we can stall you even if we can't beat you, and when the time comes, you may spend more time than waiting."

"Moreover, turning the ship over in the hands of us lesser men should be considered a stain for you, right?"

"I actually want to ask ..." Longinus smiled, "How did you come to the conclusion that you can stall me?"

The man at the head of the group changed his face slightly but still replied in a low voice, "It was the answer from the test on Barrett."

"So that ..." Longinus laughed helplessly, "why would you guys think that I am on the same level as him?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Longinus' figure disappeared from the eyes of the crowd, and the man with the strongest strength suddenly changed his face, "Caroline, dodge!"

Caroline is precisely the only female strong person among the six and the one with the weakest breath in Longinus' perception.

"What? Don't ..." Before the words were out of her mouth, he knocked Caroline out of her body with a Longinus punch.

Seeing that he beat Caroline in seconds without even being able to use her ability, the remaining five were encouraged, and the one with the strongest strength hurriedly shouted, "All come to my side, resist the aura!"

A strange force caused Longinus to retreat from his extreme speed state and asked, somewhat surprised, "Repulsion?"

He targeted the other party's ability, and the only person who gets repelled was him.

The square-faced man first sighed in relief, then pressed his hands on the ground, "Earth Cage!"

On the shattered earth, countless plants proliferated in a bad posture, and in just a breath of time, a forest was situated in this ground.

Various vines and branches weave a green cage, trapping Longinus inside.

However, before several people could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw Longinus easily tear the cage and walk out.

"How is that possible? My cage wasn't even fought for a second before it was broken!" The square-shaped face said incredulously, "The flexible plant should obviously be the nemesis of strength!"

"I'll do it this time, since flexibility doesn't work, use hardness to imprison him! Tide of Chains!" The man with the long nose raised his hands, and chains like waves poured out from his body.

"Still don't understand the gap between us?" Longinus sighed and stretched out his right hand to grab a chain, "Even if it's a control system ability, it will only work when there's not a big difference in strength!"

Longinus pulled hard with his right hand with these words, directly pulling the long-nosed man to fly over.

"Quickly disconnect the chains!"

The long-nosed man hurriedly did as he told him, but his body still flew forward, driven by inertia.

"Damn!" The ability to have repulsive force increased the repellent force to the limit, resisting the advance of Longinus while pushing the dwarf around him to fly forward, "Ariat, it's up to you!"

"Jules, I'll do it!" Ariat roared in anger, but in the face of the approaching Longinus, he could only use his ability sharply.

It was a human-shaped shield that held the long-nosed man back.

"Tate Tate no Mi? Heh! It's really a good ability for taking a beating." Longinus flowing with armed color hegemony iron fist, landed violently in the shield's middle, denting the shield.

"If you were a little stronger, Vice Admiral Garp might be happy to play a game with you."

PS: I found out a bit more information about the theatrical version today. Bullet claimed to be stronger than Rayleigh; Bullet once tied with Sand Crocodile and concluded that Luffy > Sand Crocodile > Rayleigh. So, at the time of being taught by Rayleigh when Luffy's mentality might be.

"This bastard still come to teach me? Ugh, give him some face \ ( ̄︶ ̄) /."

Ahem, the above is purely joking ( ̄ ▼  ̄).

Published in Qidian, August 12, 2019