CP's crisis

Although the curtain has come down on the Pirates Festival, the resulting storm has only just begun.

The pure gold that can give human beings eternal life, the ancient stone monument with the Pirate King's name, the permanent pointer to Raftel, all are attracting everyone's attention.

Especially the destruction of Sicily is unbelievable.

It was not an ordinary small island, but a large island second only to the supergiant island-like Sandy Island.

But when they learned about the battle on the island, they took it for granted.

The Yonko, legendary pirates, heroic marine, hunter president, the world's first great swordsman, in front of these titles, even the Oka Shichibukai, the three disasters, and the underworld emperors, will look dull.

Many of the things that flowed out from this Festival also became the root cause of the chaos.

The most significant impact on the situation in the New World, naturally from the hands of Apophis to spread out the Reject Dial.

Those pirates who had not attended the Festival were seeking revenge by their past enemies, and before they realized what had happened, they were utterly worn out by a slashing blow that tore through the sea.

There is even a lot of bounty amount in more than 500 million berries of sea pirates, so somehow died in the hands of some small role.

Not only these small and medium-sized pirate groups in turmoil, but those large forces are also storming.

Demon Heir Douglas Bullet began to stir the storm, the Aloof Red Redfield in pursuit of immortality, the Beasts Kaido attempt to build the most influential pirate group. The Demon Sword Apophis continues to invest in arms; the underground world is gradually surfacing.

It seems to be this time will pull out the devil in all people's hearts so that the original tends to calm the New World dramatically unstable up.

The New World's situation becoming more and more turbulent and chaotic also let the world realize that an era of wild rampage may be about to descend!


Mariejois, Room of Authority.

The masked man in white was half-kneeling on the ground, enduring the fierce storm from above.

"Humph! You CP0 are not good at completing tasks, but you are good at dragging your feet." The blond Gorosei coldly mocked.

"Gorosei-sama, actually..."

The bearded Gorosei directly interrupted, "You also do not need to explain, judging your behavior motivation, we still have the ability to do this."

"In terms of proximity, we will naturally be on the side of the CP." The Gorosei who holds the knife hilt is put against the forehead said, "but your performance, it is too disappointing!"

"Five years ago, it is your CP0 not vigilant guarding, so that the noble Celestial Dragon was killed by Apophis; three years ago, it is your CP0 not vigilant monitoring, but let the stinky fish crawl on the Mariejois; half a year ago, it is your CP0 not vigilant looking, looking all over the majority of the sea failed to find back Saint Mjosgard."

Long-haired Gorosei eyes indifferent and cold as if a glacier said, "and this time, because of your incompetence, and let the government's taboos were contested by those stupid pirates, to be honest, I'm really a little fed up with your incompetence!"

Half kneeling at the head of the lower cp0 sweating coldly, sweat-soaked through the body, is this a signal that the government will lay off the CP?

"Gorosei-sama, please give me another chance, I will definitely snatch the Ancient Tablet and the Permanent Pointer back from Apophis this time!"

The curly-haired Gorosei said, "That the ancient tablet was not snatched back by Apophis, and someone saw that Bullet appeared out of nowhere on another island with the tablet."

"Apophis really let go of Bullet?" CP0 looked a little surprised.

"Isn't it a matter of course? That guy must have left a trail mark before throwing the tablet out." The blonde Gorosei narrowed their eyes and said with a gloomy face, "But with Apophis' harsh character, he might have signed a rather harsh treaty with him before letting Bullet go!"

Long-haired Gorosei took over the topic and said, "In order to make up for the information on that tablet, Bullet will certainly try to find the remnants of the Roger Pirates in the year."

"The remnants of the pirate?" CP0 asked suspiciously, "and he himself is not it?"

"He joined this kind of midway, and with the mood of Roger's Pirates, of course, there will be suspicion, in fact, about the main Poneglyoph, Roger is unlikely to tell every crew member." The Gorosei who holds the knife said.

"And this, too, is an opportunity for us to find the remnants of Roger's Pirates! Even, we can take the initiative to provide him with facilities."

"Using Roger's people to find Roger's people, this tactic is really too brilliant!" CP0 unveiled flattery.

However, the blonde Gorosei was oddly looking at him and then slowly said, "The proposal put forward by the Marine side does have a certain feasibility."

Although you can't see the face under the mask, Gorosei still easily perceived and half-kneeling below the masked man's body abruptly stiffened for a moment.

After a long time, CP0 only cautiously tried to say, "But would this be a little dangerous, in case it really let him fill in the information on the ancient stone tablet."

"It is not that easy," The curly-haired Gorosei waved his hand, "If Bullet really started to act, a certain Yonko should be more impatient than us!"

Bearded Gorosei touched his beard, "I we can use this to guide the dispute between Akagami and Demon Sword, for us will undoubtedly be more favorable."

Speaking of which, CP0 just suddenly remembered to ask, "What should we do on the side of Apophis? He has a permanent pointer to Raftel in his hands!"

However, the Gorosei who hold the sword just smiled, "The permanent pointer will not work. Raftel, is the real unknowable land, to reach there, the only way is to collect the four Road Poneglyph."

"In other words, that bastard Apophis was tricked?" CP0 asked with some excitement.

"The last part of the New World's route has extremely harsh celestial conditions, and if Apophis goes in like this, it's hard to say if he can still get out!"

The blonde Gorosei narrowed his eyes and laughed, "So, you must not go to disturb him."

"I understand! What about the trade in the absolute neutral zone?" CP0 hesitantly asked, "I heard that he will be in the neutral zone at regular intervals to carry out Reject Dials, SIQ potions, combat robots, and even the auction of pure gold."

"Hm! It seems that this is his main purpose to make a name for himself at the Festival, right? But this is good, compared to the financial power, how can those pirates compare to the government."

"Benedict, I want you to have someone keep an eye on the neutral zone there, and once he starts the auction, just bid all those things off."

"I got it."

"You go down."


After Benedict's back completely disappeared in the room of authority, the blond Gorosei said in a deep voice, "Now the New World is too chaotic!"

"We need to use a big event to overwhelm the heat of this Festival."

"You mean, you can start the promotion of the entire Marine Headquarters?"

"That's right!"

PS: The third shift should be around 12.30

Published in Qidian, August 13, 2019