Shiryu's Provocation (8/8)

In Longinus' view, Tom himself was even more valuable than the Pluton drawings.

After all, one was a miracle that others could not replicate with certainty, and the other was a change that was bound to bring a shock to the world.

In contrast, saving Tom was the inevitable choice.

Of course, Longinus' ultimate choice was - I take them all.

He pushed open the door to the room and walked out.

A tall, slightly green-faced blonde came up, "Admiral Longinus, the man you asked us to find has been found."

"It's Domino!" Longinus stopped in his tracks and asked with a gentle face, "Another of Tom-san's disciples?"

"Well!" Domino blushed a little before saying in a complicated tone, "That man named Flam is really a monster, his body functions are nearly all necrotic, and he even relied on some broken iron to transform himself into a Coke-fueled transformer!"

"Indeed ..." Longinus said with a stern look in his eyes, raising his hand in a false grip, bursting the air; the escaped air currents punched fine craters in the surrounding walls.

"Shiryu, what are you doing?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?"

"Even if you really want to challenge me, there's no need to involve unrelated people in this."

"Without doing so, how could it possibly anger you?"

It was then that Domino finally reacted and sat down on the ground with a weak body.

Just a moment ago, she had almost walked to and from death's door.

Shiryu, with a cigar in his mouth and a pilot's cap on his head, came from the shadows, and there were bright red beads of blood dripping from the blade he had wiped.

"Head Jailer Shiryu, you're executing prisoners randomly again!" Domino pouted, "And, did you just try to kill me?"

"Oh, it's not an easy thing to die with that man standing next to you." Shiryu stepped closer.

"Ah!" Hearing Shiryu mention Longinus, Domino then hurriedly stood up, "Admiral Longinus, I'm really sorry, I forgot to thank you for the rescue!"

"I'm the one who's sorry; he was coming for me." Longinus' eyes showed his apologies.

"Why would Head Jailer Shiryu want to challenge Admiral Longinus?" Domino thought this way, suddenly remembered a little, "I heard that Admiral Longinus once temporarily took the position of Head Jailer inImpel Down for a period of time, is it that time ..."

"Twelve years ago, you did not use those boring excuses to refuse my invitation to fight?"

Longinus did not forget that he did put off several invitations to battle from Shiryu not to attract the attention of Ember back then.

"Good thing, when I went to observe the ceremony two years ago I was finally allowed to discover your weakness."

"When facing your enemies, your heart can indeed be as hard as ironstone, but when facing your own people, you surprisingly have the kind of weakness that only losers can have."

The corners of Shiryu's mouth rose slightly, "Someone like you shouldn't be able to watch innocent people die in front of you, right?"

"How despicable! How dare you use me to threaten Admiral Longinus!" Domino first burst out in anger then looked nervously at Longinus.

"Ugh! Since you are so eager to find yourself in trouble, then I can only reluctantly agree." Longinus sighed.

Shiryu tossed aside the hand towel that was wiping the blade, and there was a shadowy gleam in his eyes, "Don't wait until your head is chopped off to regret your carelessness at this moment!"

"I'm not the kind of ..." Shiryu's figure disappeared abruptly, leaving only his voice echoing in the air, "who likes to keep his hands to himself!"

Almost at the same time as the words fell, a blood-red slash appeared in the eyes of Longinus.

The dark as ink palm raised diagonally to protect in front of the chest, with a hand flung down, surprisingly resembles sending flying raindrops scattering the slashing attack.

"What an amazing Busoshoku Haki!" Shiryu was shocked but did not change his strategy, through the confusion caused by the wave of air, with the famous sword "Raiu" with a thunderous roar.

"As expected of a man who is as famous as Magellan!" Feeling the airwave on his face like a blade cutting, Longinus also could not help but feel the emotion in his heart.

His body backed up; his right leg was lifted and lashed on the blade like a long whip.


An explosive wave of aura violently impacted the surroundings.

First, the cracks on the ground spread rapidly like a spider's web, and then, the ancient hard rocks also began to collapse.

"What's going on? Did the prisoners riot?"

"Could it be that the previous mutiny twelve years ago is going to repeat itself again?"

The jailers and prisoners on this floor all began to panic.

"Good, so powerful!" Domino only felt her mind trembling, "No wonder it is said that Head Jailer Shiryu and Chief Warden Magellan are the absolute trump cards of our Impel Down, compared to him, I, the Chief Guard, am really far from it!"

"And Admiral Longinus!" Domino's gaze turned back to the figure who hardened his blade with one fist and one foot, "To be able to use his body to block the Head Jailer's slash, is this really something that a human can do?"

Shiryu's swordsmanship is purely murderous swordsmanship, like a fierce storm that overwhelms people; in this respect, Apophis is very similar.

Faced with this kind of severe attack, Longinus, like a tyrannical dragon, struck the blade with one punch after another, surprisingly knocking Shiryu out with an even more furious stance.

"In terms of swordsmanship alone, you can be ranked in the top five among the people I've seen." Longinus looked at his hands, which were covered with wounds, and let out heartfelt praise.

"Ch! Just the top five?" Shiryu's expression is incomparably severe, and he took a deep breath; it is the first time he met a monster who dared to use his fist to take his slashing blow, even Magellan, only with the fruit traits to overpower him, did not dare to fight him hard.

It looked at Longinus that has almost healed his hands; Shiryu even bruised his forehead, such perverts; how can he be human?

"Anyway, in you, I finally experienced a long-lost pressure." Shiryu said as he moved his body.

"Unfortunately, I can't let you continue to experience it." Longinus scanned the surroundings, "I am after all a guest of the Impel Down, if this place is messed up because of me, there is no way I can explain it with Magellan."

"Really? Then what are you going to do?" Shiryu's figure disappeared once again and rushed towards the opposite side at a breakneck speed.

"Seimei Kikan - Explosion Form!"

This skill was precisely the move that Longinus had once used when he was in Elbaf. With the powerful power obtained by detonating Kenbunshoku Haki in the body, after the combination of Seimei Kikan, the power of this explosion has become controllable.

The first thing that happened in Shiryu's eyes was that Longinus' body size increased by nearly half, with explosive gnarled muscles that contained unimaginable power.

"Even the transformation is out and you still have the nerve to call yourself a human?" Shiryu spat madly in his heart, but the blade still cut out in a single bound.

Longinus lifted his right fist and slammed it down, and the power that had nowhere to vent poured out instantly.


Shiryu's body flew backward like a cannonball, collapsed seven or eight walls one after another before it was buried in the rubble.

"Head Jailer Shiryu, should ... not die, right?" Domino, who was flown by the manic storm, recalled the previous scene with a trembling mind, "This is still the fist of Admiral Longinus which landed on the blade, if it hit directly on the body, Head Jailer is estimated to have bombed, right?"

PS: The life history of the card, Shiryu weapon was named Raiu (Thunderstorm), to be honest, if not for a particular drama, the name is quite normal.

Published in Qidian, August 16, 2019