Low Replica Pluton

For the impetuous and easily hot-blooded people, the best way to guide them, naturally, is to provoke their emotions.

Obviously, in Apophis's "speech" power and "fabricated" story of coaxing, Franky was finally be fooled limp.

"But you should know that even if you save the world will not be destined to be understood by most people." Apophis said in a low voice.

"That's what a man should do!" Franky excitedly danced his own "pervert dance", "I will build the most powerful super warship in the world for you!

After returning to the fortress, Eneru asked, "Original Sin-sama, do you want to deal with all those cosmic pirates?"

"Let's throw them to the mine, and be careful, don't let them die, their identity may be useful in the future."

"Yes, I understand."

On the third day, the laboratory flows with sci-fi colors.

Apophis asked towards the golden hair and fatty in front of him, "How is the loot collection going?"

The main military force of this fortress was the improved combat robots, and within this fortress, there were all kinds of scientific researchers brought by Apophis and ship workers living in the fort.

"With the dictionary given by you, Apophis-sama, I have translated all the information kept by those cosmic pirates." With a look of awe in his eyes, Judge didn't expect the captain to know the language of a higher civilization.

Could it be that Apophis-sama is also from some higher civilization?

"The information about medicine and alchemy in the higher civilizations, I've also compiled them all." Myskina followed closely.

Since he got the scientific research information of the moon civilization and the cosmic pirates, he had no other ideas. For any scientific researcher, this moon base can be said to be a paradise containing countless treasures.

Apophis made his rounds in the laboratory, asking as he went, "What about the things I asked you to study? How far has it progressed?"

As if being named by the teacher to answer the question, Judge nervously reported, "On the combat robot side is mainly two kinds. One is the high production of low-cost single combat robot, the strength can almost suppress those pirates with a bounty of about 50 million berries."

"There is another is a combination of cloning technology and mechanical transformation, and injected with the fierce drug and SIQ potion of the all-powerful mechanical warrior. Regardless of the service life of the outbreak of potential, can briefly have to suppress the strength of those pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million, but the cost is too high, temporarily not recommended for development."

Apophis can not help but feel that even if it has stood based on the super ancient civilization, it can still reach the pacifists' height.

One can only say that, as science and training, effort and resources are undoubtedly significant, but one's talent is still the yoke that determines the upper limit.

But Apophis also did not demand too much, just nodded slightly and said, "In the future, Model II will be the focus of development."

See Apophis's gaze cast, Myskina is equally nervous about reporting, "Berserk Potion Type I has been developed successfully, and will not burn vitality like the fierce drug. The duration of the effect is three minutes. The after-effects will be different according to the individual physique, appear from dizziness off the power to muscle substantial damage and other light and heavy damage phenomenon."

"The life potion, on the other hand, is still in the research and development stage."

"OK, next I will continue to transport your assistants ... " Apophis was speaking when Eneru suddenly went to his ear and whispered a few words.

"So? I see." Apophis turned and left, leaving only his voice echoing, "Next time, I would like to see an update on the progress."

After Apophis and Eneru both leave, Myskina was relieved, while Judge could not hold back the ecstasy and laughed.

"With the research data of the super ancient civilization of the moon and the higher civilization of the stars, Vegapunk, how can you fight with me? I will definitely surpass you and become the greatest scientist in human history!"

On the other hand, Myskina looked at him with a look like a madman and quietly hid a little away.

In another space, Franky was clutching his head in pain.

"What's going on? Did it fail?" Apophis's voice ghostly echoed in the empty room.

"It failed. Or rather, it didn't work at all." Franky said decadently, "The indicators of all the materials needed to build the Pluto are too high, and in this era, the foundation for the Pluton to appear does not exist."

Apophis was silent in response; he was not surprised; in this era of great sailing with mainly wooden ships, it was indeed challenging to get hull materials that meet the Pluton requirements.

After a moment of silence, Apophis asked, "Is the Treasure Tree Adam OK?"

"Treasure Tree Adam?" Franky was stunned, first nodded, and then shook his head, "Treasure Tree Adam material should be enough, but the Pluton is too large, the little material that flows on the black market is simply not enough."

"I know where there is a Treasure Tree Adam."

"Really? That's great!" Franky shouted excitedly.

"What's the problem other than the materials?" Apophis then asked.

Franky's face was once again grave, "All the other problems are well solved, except for the power system, I have no clue."

"The power system used by the Pluton seems to be different from any kind of energy source in this era, it is highly efficient and high energy and high heat, and can explode into endless energy in a very short period of time. And only this power system can really support the operation of the Pluton and support the full efficiency of the Pluton's weapon system."

"If this power system is not used, how much combat power will Pluton have left?"

"If it lacks this power system, even if I optimize it in other aspects as much as possible, it can only retain at most one tenth of its combat power."

Apophis pondered for a moment and then said, "Let's go by one-tenth."

"But, only one tenth of the battle power of the Pluton can really defeat those cosmic pirates?" Franky asked worriedly, "In case something goes wrong at the final showdown, I'll be the world's sinner!"

The corners of Apophis' mouth under the mask twitched slightly, then said blandly, "The cosmic pirates had experienced the power of the Pluton, and as long as I take out the Pluton, it will serve as a strategic deterrent to them."

"Oh! So it's to use the reputation of the Pluton to scare them! I understand, I will definitely create the most authentic replica!" Franky said with a "sudden realization".

"Well, you go down and get ready."

After relieving the problems of the minds, Franky was full of energy again, "Leave it to this master."

After Franky left, Apophis said silently to himself, "To build the Pluton, this path is not possible, or can only hope that the Poneglyph?"

"As for this high replica of the Pluton, perhaps it can also be used to try to find out the answer I most want to know."

"So it's still necessary to make a trip to Elbaf?"

Published in Qidian, August 19, 2019