Hard-working Lumberjack - Apophis

Seeing Apophis is about to turn away, Queen and others are not only not dissatisfied but also relieved from the heart.

They naturally know their boss's character, who dares to interfere with his battle, all killed.

Allies, such a thing, do not exist.

See Apophis tends to leave, a dozen giants quickly surrounded up.

Although the giants are simple, they are not stupid.

The masked man was able to fight a blow with the bullhead unharmed, and the bullhead was a level of power with their king, so the masked man was at least a few levels higher than them.

One-on-one, there was no way they could win.

"For Elbaf, for the king!"

"Honor, give me strength!"

Looking at the giants who pounced from all directions, Apophis turned his wrist, and the circular slashing attack flew out swiftly, directly blasting the big guys away in unison.

This scene did not frighten the giants, but rather more of them ran towards him.

Seeing more and more giants drown Apophis, Eneru and others quickly flew over to clear the way for the captain.

The thunder raged, the wind raged.

Eneru, who controlled the thunder, and Wyper, who ruled the hurricane, instantly cleared an unobstructed Apophis path.

"Damn! What kind of monsters are these vile outsiders?"

"To be able to control thunder! It can also transform into a species that has disappeared!"

"Bastard, stop it!"

However, no matter how angry they were, they could only watch Apophis step by step towards the heavenly "ancient tree of war".

Then, the light of the sword flashed.

The ground trembled in anger; the tree also let out a painful wail and ripple-like radiation shock wave, the giants who tried to approach all flying.

However, when the wave subsided, the crowd realized that he had partially cut off the ancient tree, and judging from the cut, the slashing blow had only penetrated to a tenth of the level.

This discovery, naturally, those pirates feel appalled to know Apophis's full force of a slashing attack, but even the island can be cut open.

But fell on this ancient tree, but only cut off a tenth of the part, really worthy of the legendary most robust resilience of the treasure tree Adam.

Not only are the pirates in awe, but the giants are also amazed.

That is in their long war baptism are standing under the ancient tree, only one blow can cut off a tenth, which their king can not do!

For Apophis, this is not surprising; on the same level, the swordsman's attack is originally the strongest.

He did not expect that he had been reduced to a lumberjack one day.

If Hawkeye knew that his swordsmanship, which was made for killing, would be used for lumbering, he would probably jump out of his "coffin" with laughter.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another slashing blows out, the ancient tree's upright posture becomes tilted more and more.

Ordinary giants can not get close enough to be bounced off the shockwave, and mighty giant warriors were all stopped by Eneru and Wyper, so much so that Apophis' attack was not limited in any way.

Finally, after the last slashing strike, the ancient tree standing near the port should have broken.

"Run! The giant tree is going to fall!"

"Get out of here!"

The pirates shouted in panic; the ancient tree's canopy towered so high that they could not see the limit at all, but what was certain was that being hit by the tree would end in turning into pulp.

Boom! Rumble! Rumble!

The tree fell to the sea, stirring up monstrous waves drenched in blood. Some innocent Sea King class won the lottery while passing low from here.

A group of pirates regained their senses from the shocking blast, only to find that the fallen treasure tree Adam on the surface of the sea, the entire length of almost two thousand meters.

"It's too shocking, a cut of the treasure tree Adam can be sold on the black market for 200 million berries, this complete ancient tree, almost can buy a kingdom, right!"

"Elbaf seems to have a few more Treasure Tree Adam, should we cut them all down?"

"Idiot! We don't know how we're going to be able to bring this one back alone!"

Indeed, this massive tree of thousands of meters long could not be transported at all, unless ...

Many pirates unspokenly cast their eyes toward Apophis, but no one dared to speak.

"Drag up the treasure tree Adam which is submerged in the sea."

Hearing the command of Apophis, a group of pirates quickly acted.

The giants rushed up to make trouble from time to time, but they were all stopped by Apophis and a group of high-level warriors.

Finally, after the full view of the treasure tree Adam was shown in the eyes of the crowd, Apophis exuded a do-not-approach aura and silently walked to the side and began to cut the tree.

This two thousand meters of the treasure tree Adam had to be divided into fifty sections to bring back.

The pirates who witnessed this scene were lamenting in their hearts that mysterious and powerful Apophis-sama finally lost all the character today.


The Moby Dick.

"This sea is really chaotic lately!" Marco took the newspaper and sat hanging on the guardrail and sighed, "Some time ago Barrett set up his own pirate group, and looking that way, is trying to become the fifth sea emperor. The four seas side ..."

"His vessel is not enough, as the fifth emperor, it is not his turn!" Whitebeard disdainfully said.

Marco also does not care, shrugged his shoulders, and then said, "the four seas side of the revolutionary army's activities more and more frequent, I guess, the World Government will have a headache for a while."

Jozu laughed, "Garp, that old man will probably also have a headache it!"

"Gurararara!" Whitebeard laughed, "Then you're wrong about him, that bastard Garp, will not have a headache over such things."

Marco laughed, then said in a deep voice, "Compared to these, I actually care more about the actions of Kaido and Apophis, the ability for these two to run into each other, definitely will not be a trivial matter."

"Indeed ..." Whitebeard was speaking, and his face sank abruptly, and punched the sky, "Who is there?"

Nearly a thousand meters, the clouds have been hit by Whitebeard made a large hole, and rapid airflow backed up into the vortex.

The boat people are shocked and angry to look at the sky; they certainly do not doubt the older man's words, only for the enemy's boldness and stupidity and feel sore.

"This kind of perception is really out of expectation!" Accompanied by a gentle voice, the golden light pierced through the clouds and flew down.

Longinus is not too surprised, know from Whitebeard in sleep can avoid the sneak attack of Ace, his Kenbunshoku Haki, the same is beyond imagination powerful.

"Surprisingly, it is the two of them!"

"Two Marine Admirals! What a way to look at us!"

In the face of the dream lineup of two admirals, the crowd on the ship for a moment of chaos, namely the Whitebeard Pirates, can not help but panic.

Of course, such a state of mind is only a moment of instinctive reaction; after calming down, no one will be afraid.

Because, the one standing in front of them is Whitebeard!

"You two brats, are you here to fight?" Whitebeard asked with an unfriendly face.

"Humph! The source of evil like you, should be purged on the spot!" Sakazuki sharp-pointed, more and more scorching breath makes Minos are feeling uneasy burst.

Whitebeard Pirates also tightened up, although the enemy only two, but the battle power is standing at the top of the sea.

"Admiral Akainu, calm down! Don't forget our mission." Longinus helplessly rounded up.

After that, Longinus looked at Whitebeard again and said, "We were actually worried that you would join forces with Kaido and the others, so we came over early to stop it, but now it seems that we seem to be working in the wrong direction."

"I am Whitebeard! Say what to join forces ..." Whitebeard furious with a punch; even the air was shattered, the cracked atmosphere spread towards Longinus and hit, "you are looking down on me?"

"Of course there is no such meaning." Longinus right hand, surprisingly, slapped this vibrating power to the surface, instantly set off a terrifying wave hundreds of meters high.

Seeing this scene, Marco and other people's hearts were awe-inspiring; it was the first time they saw that someone had deflected their father's attack in such an unbelievable way.

This kind of gesture of handling the weight as if it were light is terrifying.

"We also just received news that the purpose of the two of them, in fact, is Elbaf!"

Hearing the words of Longinus, the pirate's group was again astonished, almost all the shock of a year used today.

"Surprisingly, it's Elbaf, the two of them are so ambitious."

"What is their purpose, to collect the giant race?"

See Whitebeard's attention was finally diverted; Longinus lightly laughed, "Then we will leave first, thank you for your hospitality."

The next moment, the golden light then pierced the sky and disappeared from the crowd.

"This kid, really powerful ah!" Looking at the sky, Whitebeard whispered and laughed, "Garp's power plus Sengoku's composure, the Marine has really come up with a great character!"

Published in Qidian, August 22, 2019